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Venezuelan/Colombian War.


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i doubt that this will happen. they will be able to find a diplomatic solution to this problem. and in the event that war does break out' date=' the greater powers of the world should be able to intervene and stop the fighting.



The greater power of the world benefits from their puppet democratic systems, and are allowing this to occur because it is not interfering with their gain, but with the balance between the two countries.


I did not post this to counter this type of argument. All I wish to know is, if they went to war, what do you think should happen. Should the US intervene, should Venezuela destroy the oppressing Colombia, should Venezuela be assisted?


Damn straight Venezuela should, when Britain tried to impose trade restrictions upon the United States as colonies, you know what we did? We straight up pwnt them in the face. Why should Venezuela not be allowed to do this, and why should we, a country formed from such a revolution, not help our brothers out?


I can answer that last question with ease, but I wish to see how this progresses.

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well, i am not sure that the US has anything to gain from this conflict. maybe they would get allies? but then they would make enemies out of the opposition. so the US would side with the side that has more natural resources and energy sources and state that the other side is doing something unconstitutional to gain the support of the masses.

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leave it. it's just like when a school fight happens you backup your friends and leave the people fight.


in this case, US will not fight, now one will fight the war but hell they will help. UN will do nothing cause the do nothing and well, we all know if the war occurs it will last for like what? 3-4 weeks.

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Forget America's reaction, thats irrelevant at this time. If they do nothing, then Venezuelan oil prices rise, and the US won't have that. We will get involved if it means cheaper oil, I'm aware that plutocratic governments could care less about the people of the world, little more their own citizens.


Can Venezuela deal with this problem, or will what the US did to the Phillipenes happen again, but in Venezuela?

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I find it funny' date=' that just today my Global teacher started to talk about this very possible war.


Lets just hope this doesn't happen, and if it does that the U.S. will know enough to stay out of it.



If it does happen, let us pray that it happens in '09, when Bush and Cheney are OUT of the White House.

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If it does happen' date=' let us pray that it happens in '09, when Bush and Cheney are OUT of the White House.


true dat, true dat. ^_^


Geez, I can only imagine the worst case scenario.....



'09 President: Yes, you wanted to see me?

Someone from Congress: Yes. We have joined the Colombia/Venezuela War. We just got the order from the president a few seconds ago and already told the two countries at that time as well. Good luck dealing with that.

'09 Prez: WHAT?!?! But I'm the president!!!

Congress guy: What are you talking about? Bush is still president. It's not noon yet. His term expires at 12:00.

*'09 prez points to official clock, which reads 12:01*

Congress guy: SON OF A *****!!!!


Well, it probably would happen like that ever, but it would be funny if did. Very shocking news, but still funny if you look at it from the humorous point (if there is one).

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Yea the concentration camp is a long time invention of man allthough no one took it to such an extreme as hitler. But honestly Concentration camps are just one prime example of mans hatred for anthor. Sprug from various things the main one being religous. It just sickens me to think about what religon has done to the homosapian race It has turned us into Animals fighting against each other insted for "The greater good" for everyone. Imagine a world where humans felt no hate and work for the betterment of mankind instead of playing the blame game on a hypocratic god that tells people to kill other people for the reason of not following him.

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Imagine a world where humans felt no hate and work for the betterment of mankind instead of playing the blame game on a hypocratic god that tells people to kill other people for the reason of not following him.

then no one competes with each other = worse products
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yes but in a coummist world there whould be no need for top notch stuff we as humans only need what is nessicary nothing more noting less


what? communism, if thats what you meant by coummist, is a government in which everyone is treated equally. in any case, what does communism have to do with competition and/or the subject of this thread?

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