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[MtG]Door to Nothingness

Miror B

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[quote name='.Rai' timestamp='1355655104' post='6094788']
If you've followed recent events, it's seen play. Just search up 'Omnidoor Thragfire'. Best deck name.
Yea don't follow them...
I'm still tinkering with that Keyrune Door deck, though it seems to be becoming less Keyrune and more mana derp.

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[quote name='Meta~' timestamp='1355656308' post='6094794']
Yea don't follow them...
I'm still tinkering with that Keyrune Door deck, though it seems to be becoming less Keyrune and more mana derp.

You're supposed to play it as another angle of attack in control decks. Being reliant on Door of Nothingness as a main win on is never good.

Omnidoor Thragfire is essentially just: play as a control deck with normal ramp and finishers, then abuse the ramp you have by using Chromatic Lantern for an automatic Door win.


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[quote name='.Rai' timestamp='1355658417' post='6094805']
You're supposed to play it as another angle of attack in control decks. Being reliant on Door of Nothingness as a main win on is never good.

Omnidoor Thragfire is essentially just: play as a control deck with normal ramp and finishers, then abuse the ramp you have by using Chromatic Lantern for an automatic Door win.

I know that but the general idea of keyrunes is control while poking at the opponent's face with your rocks. I just can't afford those Planeswalkers that make it amazing so Door's an alt win.

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