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[LB] Toot V. Prime-Ace John | Done


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• 1st card to 3 votes first wins, or that has the most votes by 8:00 PST on July 7th.
• Votes must be supported by valid reasoning


You must create a card that symbolizes the common fear of humans. (Ghosts, bugs, etc.)

Gotta love Pokemon. :3

1 Rep/Like

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  • Card A:
  • Card B: 

[spoiler=Card A]

Dream Ghost




During either player's turn; you can send this card from your hand to the Graveyard; target 1 card on the field: switch that target to face-down Defense Position. If your opponent controls a monster and you do not; you can Special Summon this card (from your hand). You can equip this card to 1 face-up card your opponent controls. Switch that card to face-down Defense Position. That card canot be Flip Summoned or flipped face-up. 



[spoiler=Card B]




3 level 4 Zombie-Type monsters
You can also Xyz Summon this card by using a face-up level 4 or higher Zombie-Type Synchro Monster you control (Synchro Materials in your Graveyard used to Synchro Summon the Synchro Monster attached to this card as Xyz Materials). Once per turn, you can detach 1 Xyz Material from this card and target 1 level 4 or lower Zombie-Type Monster in your opponent's Graveyard: Special Summon the target to your side of the field. Any monster Special Summoned by this effect has its effect neagated and cannot be used as Synchro or Xyz Material.






I stole the layout from SexyZexy

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Card A:

A nice hand trap and great Empty Jar support. I'm not sure if the last effect would work, as it would send itself to the Grave upon flipping the monster face-down, which makes the effect go away as far as I know (though I'll assume it doesn't for the sake of the card, as you obviously intended for the effect to still apply despite wording issues). This could also work good in Ghostrick, but they already have Witch for the effect and don't really need to waste space on a card like this. It is a Ghost, so hurray in that regard, and it follows Konami's "Halloween and the like" approach by making cards go face-down, so decent flavor. The equipped monster runs and hides and never opens the closet to leave again.


Card B:

A very nice card. I don't see a reason as to why the Summoned monsters should be limited in what they can be used for considering you would have to run Zombie World (or get a doubtful Mirror Match) to even use this guy whatsoever. His Summoning conditions are really cool, making him really easy to Summon. I also like the effect you stuck on him to make him get materials in a De-Synchro sort of manner. I would've liked this card far more if you didn't put 3 different restrictions on the monster Summoned, but I understand when going into a 1v1 you'd rather be slightly weaker then a desired benchmark then overpowered by the same amount, so I can't blame you. Giant Zombie apocalypse fits the bill on the Card Requirement, so I can't argue that it lacks flavor.


I can't say I like cards that support Empty Jar (or any non-Player interactive Deck, for that matter), but it isn't ALL it does, so I can't outright shoot it down. However, even if I did like Empty Jar, I simply find Card B far more interesting, is more playable (in the sense it has a designated home, where as Card A would be seen rarely and somewhat randomly outside Empty Jar), and adds a well needed boost to Zombie World Decks (or a decent Extra Deck option in the mirror, depending on how much speed Vampires pick up), and for that, Card B will get my vote.

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Card A's last effect is a Lingering effect, Therrion, so it works.


Anyways, I'm going to vote for Card A. Card B does have an interesting Xyz Summoning mechanic, but other than that, it requires you to be running Zombie World, which is bad, so if your opponent manages to get rid of Zombie World, this card is only a 2500 ATK wall. Also, it can only revive Level 4 or lower monsters, which isn't all too bad, but considering how the meta is how it is, it makes using the last effect a tab bit harder, and the fact that you cannot use the revived monster as Xyz / Synchro material just isn't worth the effort to bring this out.


Card A does have the problem on how it's revival effect can be used multiple times per turn, but other than that, my vote still goes for Card A.


EDIT: Disregard what I said about the revival effect, I misread the effect.

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Well here goes.


Card A: I really like the hand trap mechanism as that can get you out of trouble. The overall play-ability of the card is great because it is not restricted to a specific deck type. It might go best in an Anti-Meta deck possibly. The equipping ability is great to make a monster stay down forever. It looks great to me.


Card B: Well this card has interesting summon mechanics. Being able to summon monsters from the opponents graveyard is good but you can really only do it if Zombie World is out. Therefore this card is pretty restricted as is. Next it can only bring level 4 or lower. It wouldn't be op if you made it 6 or lower or made you discard a monster card from your hand the level of that is what you can summon from opponents graveyard or something along those lines. Besides Zombie Decks have better level 4 monsters that can do this job. Heavy Storm or MST and this just becomes just regular.


Overall i vote for card a.

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Card A acts as a nice little hand trap Book of Moon that can either disrupt your opponent's plays or further your own, yet also isn't game-changing. It's simple and straightforward, and follows the requirements well.

Card B, on the other hand is also interesting and is obviously quite fitting in terms of the requirements, and though it's alternate summoning condition is nice, the effect falls short of playable due to its reliance on a bad field spell. Also, giving the already situational effect yet another limitation in the form of unable to Xyz and Sync using the Special Summoned monster just furthers the point that it's not worth using, unfortunately.

I will have to vote for Card A.

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Lol thanks for the vote. I made card A... If anyone was wondering (probably wasn't), it was supposed to be a Nightmare kind of thing. Its supposed to put your monster to sleep and your monster would have endless Nightmares (Darkrai ftw). Lol. I also screwed up the OCG a bit... He was supposed to stay equipped while the card was still face-down, I wasn't sure on how to word it correctly.


Nice match John. 

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Lol thanks for the vote. I made card A... If anyone was wondering (probably wasn't), it was supposed to be a Nightmare kind of thing. Its supposed to put your monster to sleep and your monster would have endless Nightmares (Darkrai ftw). Lol. I also screwed up the OCG a bit... He was supposed to stay equipped while the card was still face-down, I wasn't sure on how to word it correctly.


Nice match John. 


Haha, great card.


Rep given.

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