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Discussion: Dark Spirit Art - Greed

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>.> not really... it is very likely an opponent will have a spell card in his/her hand anyways


of course, with Heavy out there it is unlikly i'll set a spell, just keep it and use it when it's my turn.


anyway it's a replacment of Greed, but easy to counter so we wont have to worry about losing it.

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An combo came into my mind with this card, but only usable when opponent doesn't have Spells in hand


The Dark Creator/Monster Reborn + Destiny Hero Disc Commander + Dark Spirit Art - Greed while Card of Safe Return is on the field >_>


Is it hard to pull off?

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Not really good, since your opponent can negate it. And even they don't, you still wasted a monster.


And isn't it funny that the creaters didn't created a Dark Charmer, yet, the make Dark Spirit Art.


I mean, look at the other Spirit Art cards, those have all the correct Charmers.


I gotta say, the missed a great change to make a Dark Charmer :|

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It's ok in a DD deck. Tribute a Survivor or Scout Plane while it can be removed, you have a chance at drawing 2 and recovering your monster. Although they can negate it easy, this means you just keep it until your opponent's hand is empty and play it. If they show you a spell you want to get rid of, use Mind Crush / DD Designator.


It's OK, but you could be taking a risk using it.

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