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Bahamut - Envoy of the End

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About a week ago a friend jokingly played a video by this band to us, and it got stuck in my head. Given the way it's gained about 4m views on Youtube since it's release a few weeks ago that prompted him to find it, I'm assuming a few of you have heard of these girls. Described as Kawaii-Metal or Idol-Metal or whatever stupid pidgeon hole you wanna make up, the backing band is pretty heavy, but choruses are poppy, catchy and upbeat.


I do like Japanese music anyway from the animes, but even though I'm not even gonna try and reason that the two twin like ones can sing, the middle one certainly can. I think this is definitely enjoyable to listen to, definitely an earworm


[spoiler=The song that made Babymetal viral]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WIKqgE4BwAY[/spoiler]


[spoiler=And to be honest, a better one]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cirhQ8iLdbw[/spoiler]


Would have liked to have posted Megitsune, but the vid is broken atm. Pretty strange concept, but I dunno, something different. Better than listening to depressing s*** like Hatebreed and Gojira all the time for me anyway. Hopefully a few people might discover something to add to their iPods through this thread, which tbh should be all this section is about anyway.

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It's a pretty interesting idea, and I would honestly invest more time into this if it weren't for the fact that Babymetal is just another manufactured band that will probably faid into obscurity soon enough.


Also, rumor has it that the singers of Babymetal don't even like metal, but that's just a rumor. And if it actually happens to be true, it's not too surprising.

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They have found a market niche that I previously didn't really know existed, and straddle that ever obscure metal/pop line well.

I don't imagine they'll last long, just because of their concept itself, but I could see this genre being moved into. It's fun stuff.

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But it's Japanese Pop..... Also, metal goes works with everything, in my opinion.


My bad. I'm more of a K-Pop guy, so Korean came to mind first.


Also yes, I agree. Metal is like bacon. That sh*t tastes good on ICE CREAM.

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