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Comedic Card Contests


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Comedic Card Contest

Ladies and Gentleman, welcome to the Comedic Card Contest! Alright listen up, This contest is going to be simple. Make the judges laugh, but not just any laugh you'd get off a Facebook meme, but genuine laughter. I still have to get two more judges.



[spoiler= Rules]


  1. Just because it's called a joke card contest doesn't mean post something dirty or something of that sort, there will be no crappy cards of such magnitude.

  2. To verify if your card is right for the contest, PM me the card and I will put it in this post.

  3. Have fun, but don't go nuts. Go for clean funnies, as hard as that is.




If you wish to be a judge, say so. Must have 3 stars or more.


There will only be six contestants so better you pay 10 points to enter now. It's going to be a two round tournament like this:

[spoiler= Tournament Bracket]




The pot is going to be 60 points which entrance fees, with some of my own dashed in. to pay the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd.



All that needed to be said has been said, now go!

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