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Vaporeon Avi request, sorta

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In honor of Vaporeon, who is in the Pokemon Poll final. I hereby request someone to make an avi out of the following picture.

[spoiler=Oh god it's bigger than I thought]



Umm...I'm not sure on what size would be good....

Basically I think mostly would need some kind of background? I don't know, I know I don't have much to go on but basically I like the base picture but it would need a bit to be a decent avi.


Oh and if you'd like payment or credit or whatever let me know. ^^

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Putting my dislike for Vaporeon aside for now, might as well fill GFX orders (considering my shop is dead lately)




Basically, just credit is fine.

If you want to add points on, go ahead but I really don't mind.


(200 x 200 though; comes out nicer in the uploader)


If you want it fixed, then say something.

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Basically put a color filter over it (specifically a navy one). That's why it's a little darker.

Would you like it to be removed/changed?

Well, I do like how it looks now. But if it's simple enough to remove the filter that would be good. Just so I can see what it looks like.

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