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Basically, a guy has a curse where he blows up the world at the sight of panties (he can also go back in time to avoid it.)


At first, this looked like the next Kill la Kill, but it's produced by MAPPA, not Gainax. Still has the same style, though.


Hilarious so far, if not for the classic "nosebleed" trope. Discuss.

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The premise obviously screams panty shots, but whatever, I'll bite. It's somehow less obnoxious than most I've seen. I love self aware stuff. Those eyecatches, though, are a little obnoxious. It's like Kill Me Baby, only actually appropriate.
Two words: "Strange Juice". There is no better name.
Wrong video LOL.
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Oh yeah, mustn't forget the awesomeness that is Meika losing her clothes to an accidental attach to that thing she was making. The way I see it, there's little chance she didn't notice it once it actually happened, so she must have felt no need to care since no one must be able to get into the secret base.


But onto ep 2, is that an original Playstation? That's totally a Playstation. Thumbs up man. Yeah 2 masked people is funnier than 1, and that cliffhanger is far beyond just enticing enough to keep going.

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The cat is definitely the best part of the show, hands down.

Honestly I really can't agree.

Agreed. When will he learn to close his porn? lulz

Jokes are rarely funnier the second time. This, imo, is getting old fast, but thankfully I still laughed this time. Solely because of Yuuta's own reaction to the whole thing. Glad someone there could actually retort his...

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  • 4 weeks later...

And.... added to Crunchyroll queue. 

He doesn't actually blow up the world.


He just gets excited when he sees panties, and if he gets excited again while being excited, he breaks his threshold and his spirit- oh, also he's a ghost- is destroyed and he reawakens as a meteor crashes into the earth on new years eve. Obviously at this point, he needs to go back in time to stop this from happening and not repeat the mistake of seeing too many panties.


Also, it's important to remember to close your porn before you put your computer to sleep... doesn't have to do with anything, but just keep it in mind.

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So I was gonna say it might be a bit too serious for me now, since obviously, I was into the self aware comedy parts at first, but 2 things: 1) latest ep just played some really cliche harem cards... was still decent, but that definitely detracted from the whole thing. 2) I guess it would be too boring if it was same old same old, just they are taking the panties thing too seriously. I know they need to in context, but geez.

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So I was gonna say it might be a bit too serious for me now, since obviously, I was into the self aware comedy parts at first, but 2 things: 1) latest ep just played some really cliche harem cards... was still decent, but that definitely detracted from the whole thing. 2) I guess it would be too boring if it was same old same old, just they are taking the panties thing too seriously. I know they need to in context, but geez.

[spoiler='DAMMIT TENTA DON'T READ THIS THREAD UNTIL YOU'RE ALL CAUGHT UP']Sorry, I'm still hung up on the guy in a girl's body thing.[/spoiler]

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

It was pretty weird for me but by no means "bad". I enjoyed the uberfication

Yeah, I kinda got mad they didn't just merc whatsherface


"You have to atone for your crimes" orrrrrr, she'll just try again.

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