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HORUS' Exodia Super Drawing Deck


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My Exodia Deck:




Exodia the Forbidden One

Right Arm of the Forbidden One

Right Leg of the Forbidden One

Left Arm of the Forbidden One

Left Leg of the Forbidden One

Destiny Hero - Defender x3

Mystic Tomato x3

Des Lacooda x2

Kuriboh x2


Man-Eater Bug

D.D. Warrior Lady

Spirit Reaper




Dark Factory of Mass Production x2

Upstart Goblin x2

Messenger of Peace


The Dark Door

Mystical Space Typhoon

Horn of Light




Appropriate x3

Compulsory Evacuation Device x3

Backup Soldier x2

Waboku x2

Gravity Bind

Bottomless Shifting Sand

(and sometimes Bad Reaction to Simochi for Slime Lord's super healing 3000 life point per turn gain, which instantly becomes super suicidal 3000 life point per turn loss. very nice.)



the main point, besides drawing Exodia, is to use the effects of Defender and Appropriate to continuosly draw...a lot. and i mean a lot.


for instance, at one point in one duel, i had 3 Defenders face-up on my field, with three Appropriates face up. guess what?




yeah. and it actually works very often.


I also like to use Mystic Tomatoes to summon pieces of Exodia, then either return them to my hand quickly via Compulsory Evacuation Device, or get them destroyed and use Backup Soldier. easy. i may get some damage, but its worth it.


of course, while ive got my Defenders out and drawing like crazy, ive also got Des Lacoodas for an extra 2 cards per turn. very useful.


Ive got Bottomless Shifting Sand in there because the highest ATK in this deck is 1500, and i usually have more than 9 cards in my hand during my standby phase, so i keep destroying my opponent's strong monsters.


i win 9/10 times with this deck.



thats pretty much it.



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-3 Mystic Tomato


i use the Mystic Tomatoes cuz i can just get my leg or arm of exodia, and when its destroyed, i backup soldier it.


it actually really works, and ive won many times by using that.


i tried putting Chainsaw Insects and Bistro Butchers in, but they just took up space and didnt do much help.

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lol like thatd work barely lol u should put more monsters and S-T (spells traps)


Do you even know how to play this game? It is highly recommend you have 40 cards in any deck. (Especially for an Exodia deck)


Also HORUS, I wouldn't say you win with it 9/10 times :) . Unless you're dueling An Idiot...

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