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[OCG] Tele-Orphan

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Monster (12) :

1 Elemental Hero Stratos
2 Juragedo
2 Destiny Hero Diamond Dude
1 Armageddon Knight
1 Elemental Hero Shadow Mist
1 Summoner Monk

1 Risebell the Star Adjuster 

2 Krebons
1 Plaguespreader Zombie

Spell Cards (17):
2 Allure of Darkness
2 Instant Fusion
1 Harpie's Feather Duster
1 Reinforcements of the Army
3 Destiny Draw
1 Soul Charge
1 Monster Reborn
2 Mask Change
2 Twin Twister

3 Emergency Teleport 

Trap Cards (9) :


2 Compulsory Evacuation Device
2 Call of the Haunted
3 Solemn Notice
1 Solemn Judgment
1 Solemn Warning

Extra Deck (15) :

Fusion Monster (5) :

1 Masked Hero Dark Anki
2 Masked Hero Dark Law
1 Darkfire Dragon
1 Flame Ghost

Synchro Monster (5) :

1 Beelzeus of the Diabolic Dragons
1 Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier

1 Psyframe Omega
1 Stardust Dragon
1 Red Wyvern

XYZ Monsters (7) :

1 No. 16 Ruler of Color - Shock Ruler
1 Castel, the Skyblaster Musketeer
1 Lavaval Chain
1 Daigusto Emeral
1 Abyss Dweller

Side Deck (15) :

2 Flying "C"
3 Maxx "C"

1 Evilswarm Exciton Knight
2 Book of Moon
1 Twin Twister
3 Typhoon
3 Gozen Match


So basically an evolution of my old Dark Hero deck. Cut Mali-Grepher engine because they needed each other too much and created hand clogs without the other part.


The deck was sadly orphaned, I don't have enough grave manipulation to justify Dark Armed Dragon, more often then not it was dead in my hand or allured away


The Teleport engine gives me access to synchro and rank 4's in a way that's not predicable like Plague is. Risebell is the deck's new Mali since it can alter levels to make XYZ's and Synchro's both happen. Castel under Gozen is pretty nice.


Had to cut Avarice and Foolish and it hurt me to do so. Foolish did give me consistency, but AHL can do that too. If Monk goes to 2 next list, I'll likely get rid of AHL cause that LP cost is lame. Avarice is harder. The deck could really use the late game draw power, but being a rouge tier 2 deck at best, dead hands really kill me early game. Nothing sucks more than Monking away Avarice


I would like to fit in a third Instant Fusion just because it can make Synchros and XYZ's more easy to do, but two seems to be serving me well.


Deck has nice Recovery in the CoTH's and Revival Duo


Search power is a little weak due to cutting E-Call, but the Draw Power is still pretty potent


Evac allows the deck a little more reactivity to ED monsters and can help me dodge Veiler if it comes to that.


LP is tight, but Juragedo and Beelzeus do put in work in that department, like I said, really hoping Monk goes to 2 so I no longer have to rely on a high risk, medium benefit card like AHL


Anyway, hope you see something you like. Deck would actually be better in TCG? Looking into dem ratios. Hopefully will have a TCG variant by the end of the week


That extra deck balance makes me all fuzzy and warm inside :3

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Put [OCG] in the title for people who get confused by the reborn etc

Done & Sorry


It did say which list at the top tho


I really don't think 3 D-Draw with 2 D-Heros is wise. You've only 3 discard outlets to dump it with as well. And draw power cards in decks with more than 40 generally turns me off.

See the difference is, I can't search D-Draw. I can search Dude.


Decks win con is beating down with ED monsters and cock blocking with solemns


I'd love to get it down to 40, might play rafflesia + trech in my main instead of compuls


Despise AHL, any ideas for deck tutoring would be nice

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Actually that's a very good point. 3 Notice, 1 Warning, 1 Judgement, 2 Instant Fusion, 1 Soul Charge, 2 AHL and your only way of recovering life is with Juragedo. Seems like you're making a lot of cards dead with an AHL play at any point other than late game, won't ever get real value off Charge and generally you're hindering the usability of the Solemns.

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Any reason to use AHL over Ecall other than triggering Shadow Mist, or is that part too important to lose? AHL + Warning + Judgement, it doesn't seem like you'll have many life points, especially not enough to trigger notice + warnning or even 2 notice too often.

Pretty much that, and AHL doesn't eat up my normal. I'm very open to switching the two. Maybe 1 Call and 1 Foolish?

Actually that's a very good point. 3 Notice, 1 Warning, 1 Judgement, 2 Instant Fusion, 1 Soul Charge, 2 AHL and your only way of recovering life is with Juragedo. Seems like you're making a lot of cards dead with an AHL play at any point other than late game, won't ever get real value off Charge and generally you're hindering the usability of the Solemns.

Beelzeus as well. I'm trying very hard to find a AHL substitute, but with Monk limited it's hard. If you have any ideas I'd be open to listening. Then again I suppose with CoTH, I could go for Foolish+E-Call

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