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[OOC/Interest Check] The Dying Light

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1. Y'all should know them by now, if not, basically; stay active, no power playing or god powers, and make long enough posts.





A somewhat dystopian world where sun has moved closer to Earth due to unknown reasons. All the governments of the world came together, quickly creating the ultimate plan to prevent extinction. This was to cover the Earth in a heat-repelling metal that ended up casting the world in darkness. However, solar technologies have progressed faster than anyone could have imagined, allowing light to be endlessly created through solar panels, keeping the planet looking somewhat alive with blaring lights on every inch of the inside wall of the metal orbiting the planet.


Problems that humans thought they might have had due to the sun being gone have all been solved, with self-producing food being constructed and Vitamin D becoming almost non-existent, and unrequired for human survival.


Unfortunately, there are many citizens of the planet that are completely against this new way of life. Religious groups calling the event the coming of their god and trying to allow it, people rioting and murdering government officials, and many many people trying to climb high enough to reach the wall, though it is 10 Km away from sea level.


Not only all of this, but the biggest world powers have all agreed to create a council of 20 supreme leaders, the only known one to be King Charles, the leader of England. All that is known about the other members are that they are mostly American, Chinese and Russian. These leaders have ended all wars as well as most famines and droughts, and are said to be some of the greatest people alive.





Though the world has been the way it is for quite some time now, something is starting to change. Many of the bright lights on the inside of the floating wall have suddenly shut off, with seemingly no way to get outside and fix them. Not only this, but it appears that King Charles has gone into some sort of hiding, no longer showing up in England anymore.


You are a regular human being from [undecided country]. Though, as you would expect, your live is going to get a whole lot more interesting.




I will flesh out the OP as time goes on, and also, I'll be looking for a Co-Host if things start happening.

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