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Digimon: Digital Monsters

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After playing Digimon Story Cyber Sleuth (Still am by the way), I decided to go back into my childhood of the 90, the time where Tiny Toons was popular, Rule 34 didn't exist, Fox Kids was still kicking, Pokemon was off to it's start, We lived in fear of the Y2k Bug, and we were still kids coming home, plopping our butts on the couch just to watch our weekly afternoon cartoons after doing our homework. You all read the title of this thread and the game title at the start of this sentence so I will just say it anyway...


Digimon: Digital Monsters. Every single series.


I loved it as a kid, kinda stopped during season 5, fell in love again.


We all know rthe story of Tai and his buddies getting Digimon to save the worlds. It was a fun ride from start to finish, and it was a shame of what could have been never happened. Well, there is my Return of the Mobius Bloodline fanfic which shall incorporate all characters from the past.


My fave character is Mimi, because I thought Lillymon was cute. Sure she was like that one comic relief character, but she did have a few growing moments. Princess Karaoke, Ogremon's Honor, etc. Heck, Death Battle, Rosemon Burst Mode vs. Mega Venusaur. Make it happen. You did it for WarGreymon vs. Mega Charizard X, do it again.


Anyway, I have a few favorites. Recently I watched Opposites Attract and it was just as good now as it was then.


Also, this was Wendee Lee's earliest work before she was the likes of Yoruichi and Blanc, and she was TK.


Okay, then, Season 2 fave was Yolee and Hawkmon,Two moments stand out: Season 2 episode 18 when she went overboard with being independent and the previously mentioned Opposites Attract, when she gets mad easily.


Season 3... oh boy favorite was Henry, but I liked Beelzemon.


Season 4, here we go: Michelle Ruff was at her greatest as Zoe and oddly enough, who here thought Zephyrmon was more attractive than Kazimon?


Season 5: I did a Stephanie Sheh top ten characters list. Probably should have included Megumi. But I give this honor to Yoshi and Lilamon.


Season 6: Nene and LadyBeastmon. Though I was struck with fear at the one moment LadyBeastmon's scary face was seen.


Anyway, That's my take on it. Any nostalgia buffs here, let me know what you think.

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I havent finished watching any of the seasons that I had started (I have a bad habit of never finishing animes) more recently but I stopped as a kid when Tamers came out but watched Data Squad later on in my childhood. Still regret stopping at Tamers, what a terrible idea because I started watching it a while ago and fell in love with the show. Xros Wars is pretty good from what Ive seen out of it too but it doesnt feel as good as Tamers is, also the original season has aged pretty meh, its still entertaining to watch but not extremely well aged, never saw enough out of the second season recently to know how well it aged though it seems fine too.

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I gave Adventure and 02 a rewatch around the time the first parts of tri came out.


Adventure 01 was legit really amazing. It's a little slow but that is easily forgivable considering it's a 'monster of the week' children's show. The first 11-ish eps are a decent arc in itself, second arc starts off okay but ends amazingly. Episode 21, was it, was probably one of my favorite episodes in the entire medium. The colorless, subdued tone and mood, the events that lead up to Taichi going back, it's beautiful. Then some stuff happened and the kids all end up back in the real world and here it drags a bit but towards the end it got really good as well. The last arc was great, the end sort of sucked but Mimi's hat flying in the wind with Butterfly playing will never fail to bring a tear to my eye.


02 is more complicated. As a kid I've only seen 02, so my nostalgia heightens for the sequel without feeling quite the same for the original(I only gave 01 a watch way later on). Compared to 01, 02 feels downright flawed. I'll be straight, I can barely see anything that's wrong with 01 but the same can't be said for 02. The arcs weren't as amazing and it really felt like someone poured a couple decent ideas into the blender and didn't really care how the end result would end up(I heard that pretty much is what happened with the show). The cast as a whole isn't as a good, although Ken is probably the best main character in the entire franchise and I actually do like Daisuke and his simplicity. The other two were shafted hard though, and Takeru and Hikari's presence on 02 I'm divided on that at best. Evolutions were handled weirdly and I felt there was a lot more potential in that, and a lot of other story elements, and 02 overall, but despite that I enjoyed going through those 50-ish episodes and would do so again.


Tamers I enjoyed a great deal but my current rewatch of it is on hiatus.


Frontier I like because of nostalgia but I haven't seen it in a long while and somehow I don't feel like watching it.


Savers was not too bad, really liked Masaru and his version of Agumon. Can't remember details enough to judge it though but I remember thinking the second half was a bit too outlandish.

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Well, just don't count whoever is dubbing this to reunite the original cast.


A little off topic but of all the Digi-Destined, Mimi gets my vote. She is a comic relief character that has her moments of development. Like in Episode 2 we thought Sora's prediction of what Mimi brought with her for camp was girly stuff was true considering what kind of character she is, but man were we thrown for a loop when she reveals she had all the essentials for camping.

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Matt had the Crest of Friendship. Cause of it Gabumon was able to warp digivolve into MetalGarurumon, Garurumon was able to digivolve into WereGarurumon, both of which look awesome, and MetalGarurumon was able to DNA Digivolve into Omnimon. Don't you dare say Friendship is nonsense.


Also, Yeah, Frontier had a cool concept, and it was rad.

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Some butterfly.

Remake for Tri




English adaptation




If you mute the first one you can actually play the English one along while the other one is playing and it fits pretty well. To Synch them you'll have to pause remake at about 0:27-0:28 and start English.


Also, my personal favorite season is Tamers. It hit at the right time in my childhood to really appreciate AND understand the characters. Especially Jeri.

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I guess, considering that she gives enough power for Agumon to Warp-Digivolve to WarGreymon and slice MachineDramon to scraps.

It's not just that, it's how that whole scene played out. When Kari watches all the Numemon try fight Machinedramon and proceed to get one shot. She starts to cry and then collapses as if she felt all their pain.

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