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Gun control thread


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Well, it was suggested in the orlando thread, so i suppose somebody will need to do it eventually, ITT, the discusion shall hopefully revolve around forms of legislation regarding guns. suggestions from members or those actually being enacted/resisted withing government. debatable events pertaining to guns (mass shootings, harmful/fatal accidents and the like) and your personal stance relating to guns.


warning prior, your opinions are your own, and do deserve respect, but if you choose to post them here, please be aware that they are not immune to criticism.


for a decent start i guess i'll post a few prior things relating to guns:


[spoiler=so without further ado. a couple numbers that might be discussed and a few stats to look at. credit to megalodon and striker for much of these]


[money coming in from the gun business: http://business.time.com/2012/12/18/americas-gun-economy-by-the-numbers/]


[the rate of people on the FBI watch list who get guns still: http://www.cnn.com/2016/06/14/politics/terrorist-watch-list-91-percent-approved-guns/index.html]


[end results of attempted mass shootings in areas that allow guns: http://articles.latimes.com/2013/jan/15/opinion/la-oe-kopel-guns-resistance-nra-20130115]


[recent ruling relating to concealed carry: https://www.yahoo.com/news/court-no-carry-concealed-weapons-public-175139817.html?nhp=1]


[the farce we call politics: http://www.cnn.com/2016/06/13/politics/democrats-chant-wheres-the-bill-orlando-shooting/index.html ]


[a link that i have yet to finish reading, but so far has some strong, and some weak, arguments: http://concealedcampus.org/common-arguments/]


there's far more things to add, but that's a decent start. and i assume other people may wish to bring their own links to the discussion anyways.




so again, the purpose of this thread is to discuss gun control related topics. like rulings of coneal carry, the dangers of gun-free zones in a country that allows guns, and similar things.


take it away.

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I am pro-gun, but I do support any reasonable gun law, such as universal background checks and others. Guns are not a toy, and in the wrong hands, they can be a deadly killing machine. There has to be laws regarding guns in the books, and as long as it doesn't go to the extreme, I think it should be fine. We can't stop every act of violence, but we can try.


In addition, rights always come up, but what about responsibilities? "With great power comes great responsibly." http://www.cnn.com/2016/06/15/opinions/gun-rights-and-responsibilities-after-orlando-cedric-alexander/index.html


EDIT: Also, I think just "Guns" for a title would also work. Just my 2 cents.

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Maybe banning guns will fix it all


"The militants singled out Christians and shot them, witnesses said"


Nope, guns are the problem here

While guns are dangerous in the wrong hands, the true nature of anything is only as honorable as the wielder. Under responsible use, projectiles like guns are great for self-defense. I don't think we should ban guns altogether, but it would be nice if we could at least limit the power and ammunition of a gun (among other things) to hopefully prevent "mass" shootings.  

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I'm actually curious about something; What do you guys think about armor piercing rounds being available to civilians? They tried to ban them, but failed.

I don't see much use in armor piercing rounds outside of hunting and murder (yes, there's a difference), so while banning them wouldn't bug me as much, i would see it as reasonable to and even then, i don't think anybody would mind as much if you removed, or restricted the bullets used. normal bullets can fill the same roles as armor piercing for anything i can think of outside of unorthodox prey (like bears and big bucks)


banning bullets wouldn't be anything new either, and even pro-gun people have supported it in the past, with explosive rounds being among the first bullets outlawed.

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I'm of the opinion that if you are against gun control and regulation, you'd better have an unequivocally superior idea for PREVENTION of mass shootings.


Spoiler: More guns is not unequivocally superior and is more likely wildly inferior given human nature.


Gun regulation may very well not be the best option, but there isn't a better one yet, so either deal with it until a better one is found or find one yourself.

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No, I don't mean shooting at suspects shooting at police. I mean defending cops from the anti-police media and the anti-police crowd. Pro-gun or anti-gun, everyone needs to see this:



Honestly, how you can be anti something that society actually needs? If there is a crisis, demand change, vote for the people who want to change it(if any do). Don't be anti-police. That's just stupid, tbh. While I lean more towards the left, it seems the pro-gun guys respect cops a lot more than the lefties, and that's something I can respect.


On a side note, this channel is really cool. He's got quite a few videos on Russian guns it seems.

I honestly don't know what to think of that Raeg, especially since it goes against my recent post that my main fear about a list being made IS that cops would target individuals 
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I honestly don't know what to think of that Raeg, especially since it goes against my recent post that my main fear about a list being made IS that cops would target individuals 



Oh hey, was wondering what you thought of that, even though that was in regards to another topic. That was mainly describing what I've seen from the more sane gun owners. I was going to post the video myself but I backed out.


Well, that entirely depends on the cops, tbh. They have no reason to target law biding gun owners, but if they do, then there should be severe repercussions. Personally, my biggest fear if they try to enact large scale bans or confiscations is that more bloodshed will happen. Not talking about mass shootings. I'm talking about the people who would rather fight it out than give up their guns.

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Oh hey, was wondering what you thought of that, even though that was in regards to another topic. That was mainly describing what I've seen from the more sane gun owners. I was going to post the video myself but I backed out.


Well, that entirely depends on the cops, tbh. They have no reason to target law biding gun owners, but if they do, then there should be severe repercussions. Personally, my biggest fear if they try to enact large scale bans or confiscations is that more bloodshed will happen. Not talking about mass shootings. I'm talking about the people who would rather fight it out than give up their guns.


Oh hey, was wondering what you thought of that, even though that was in regards to another topic. That was mainly describing what I've seen from the more sane gun owners. I was going to post the video myself but I backed out.


Well, that entirely depends on the cops, tbh. They have no reason to target law biding gun owners, but if they do, then there should be severe repercussions. Personally, my biggest fear if they try to enact large scale bans or confiscations is that more bloodshed will happen. Not talking about mass shootings. I'm talking about the people who would rather fight it out than give up their guns.

Well cops are humans mate. So you're a cop going to arrest a guy. Lets say he's innocent. You get a notification he's a gun owner from the list. When you ask him to put his hands up you mistake that for him reaching. Don't you think that the fact you know he's a gun owner will impact how you act? We've had cops shoot little children for having toy guns or NOTHING. What do you think they'll do to a grown ass man?


It might not be malicious, but I'm not comfortable with police officers having a list of who has guns or not

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Well cops are humans mate. So you're a cop going to arrest a guy. Lets say he's innocent. You get a notification he's a gun owner from the list. When you ask him to put his hands up you mistake that for him reaching. Don't you think that the fact you know he's a gun owner will impact how you act? We've had cops shoot little children for having toy guns or NOTHING. What do you think they'll do to a grown ass man?


It might not be malicious, but I'm not comfortable with police officers having a list of who has guns or not


When you put it that way, then yeah, I see where you're coming from. Throw in the fact that police officers have to be extra cautious, and you've got a power keg.


What would you say to a potential "gun blacklist", btw. I don't think that's every gonna happen, but what if there was a database set up for people who are legally barred from owning guns? Again, not gonna happen, and it would be an immense effort to do it and make sure it is accurate, but what do you think?

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When you put it that way, then yeah, I see where you're coming from. Throw in the fact that police officers have to be extra cautious, and you've got a power keg.


What would you say to a potential "gun blacklist", btw. I don't think that's every gonna happen, but what if there was a database set up for people who are legally barred from owning guns? Again, not gonna happen, and it would be an immense effort to do it and make sure it is accurate, but what do you think?

If it's actually well regulated, unlike the No-Fly and Terror Watchlist


Then absolutely behind it

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