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[HS] One Night in Karazhan

Miror B

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I'm not gonna complain about power creep when the card being creeped sucks. I doubt many people were mad about Ice Rager > Magma Rager or Evil Heckler > Booty Bay Bodyguard, either.


Speaking of Rager, we're getting another one in this adventure, right? We gotta keep 'em coming.

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I'm not gonna complain about power creep when the card being creeped sucks. I doubt many people were mad about Ice Rager > Magma Rager or Evil Heckler > Booty Bay Bodyguard, either.


Speaking of Rager, we're getting another one in this adventure, right? We gotta keep 'em coming.


So Magma Raver?


Does Malchezzar active before or after mulligan? Since that kinda important to the card effective impact on consistency for potential value. 

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Thespian is a boring AF card. Man.


Malchezzar is awesome though. It has the potential to give you tons of dead draws early game, but it also autowins you the fatigue war and gives you a big advantage in control matchups. That said, Mal's viability is hurt pretty badly by the fact that N'Zoth and C'Thun (even Yogg, to an extent) have made fatigue a much less reliable win con.

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What the funk


That card's insane.


Dragon Warrior just got even better.


The sort of Dragon Warrior that's good won't play this because it's way too slow, they call it Dragon Tempo Warrior for a reason. This'll be better in classes with slow dragon decks like Priest and Paladin, plus they also have better class-specific dragons than Warrior, which doesn't have any.

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No, this legit makes Dragon Priest a decent deck again.


If Priest gets at least one more good card like this, it might have a shot at being part of the meta again.

But... How does a warrior weapon affect priest im so confused i feel like i've missed something...


EDIT: Oh okay you're talking about the other card, right sorry :x

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Here's a dump of all the rest of the cards in the expansion! https://www.facebook.com/Hearthstone/photos/?tab=album&album_id=1163157510393682


I'll post my thoughts tomorrow 'cause I'm tired AF right now. I gotta say, I like a lot of the stuff they revealed. There's definitely some boring cards (I don't really like the Portals), but fun stuff too.

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[spoiler=New Card Opinions]


Violet Illusionist: 3 mana 4/3 is average stats, and the ability could be useful, but I'm not sure who'd want it outside maybe Rogue, since they have trouble staying alive.

Menagerie Magician: More Beast/Dragon/Murloc synergy, cool! Anywhere from 4/4 to a whopping 10/10 worth of stats for 5 mana, this could potentially be really good if the kind of deck this card goes into gets enough synergy to kick off.

Runic Egg: It's certainly interesting. Maybe you put it in Zoo because of Dire Wolf Alpha and Abusive Seargent?

Pantry Spider: 3 mana for two 1/3s, I'm not to keen on it, personally. It doesn't even have any crazy tricks like with Echoing Ooze.

Arcane Anomaly: Could show up in Tempo Mage, beyond that I dunno. Seems okayish?

Avian Watcher: 5 mana 4/7 taunt is pretty darn good value, and you'd play this in a deck where you want to have secrets out. Freeze Mage isn't really a thing right now, unfortunately for it.

Moat Lurker: EDIT: It resummons it for whoever originally had it, this card is considerably less OP now. Eh, it seems interesting, it's temporary removal, unless you do something like silence it so it doesn't have its Deathrattle.

Arcanosmith: Eh, I guess it's ok? 5 mana is sort of annoying to deal with, that's for sure.

Arcane Giant: Tempo Mage just got a new toy, oh man.



Menagerie Warden: Great Beast synergy card. Can hit any "Druid of the" transformations, Mounted Raptor, lots of useful stuff. This is definitely a big one for Beast Druid, I think.



Purify: Wh-why? Even if you don't lose anything from the Silence, you're paying 2 mana and a card just to cycle itself. There are cards that benefit from being silenced, yes, but Priest has had 0 mana Silence forever and doesn't run those often terrible cards with it.

Priest of the Feast: 4 mana 3/6 is above average and Priests can certainly cast plenty of spells. Could see some play.

Onyx Bishop: A 3 mana 3/4 and Resurrect in one card, interesting. I like it.



Cat Trick: First off, love the punny name and the art, it's adorable. As for the card, it's technically a 1 mana cheaper Jungle Panther, not really that keen on it as a secret, though.

Cloaked Huntress: 3 3/4 that makes all Secrets free, holy sheet that's great.



Ironforge Portal: Not bad. Sort of reminds me of Shieldmaiden, which was quite good. I think the average is around 4/4 for summoning random 4 costs, which is nice with 4 armor.



Swashburglar: More synergy for Rogue's taking other class cards, and this one seems pretty good. Depending on what class you're playing against, definitely, but you could get something amazing or something terrible and it seems like it will be good.

Deadly Fork: Deathrattle gives a Fiery Win Axe, not bad. Cool card.



Wicked Witchdoctor: Oh, if only it hadn't said basic Totems. Shamans have some nice, cheap spells, but I don't think it'll see that much play.

Spirit Claws: Wowzers, and I thought Spell Damage Totems couldn't be any more valued. I don't know if it'll be good enough since Shaman typically doesn't run any Spell Damage minions, but the potential is there.

Maelstrom Portal: Arcane Explosion that also summons a 1 cost minion. Could be pretty good, definitely want your Spell Damage Totem out for this one.



Nightbane Templar: Is Dragon Paladin a thing? I forget. Anyways, 4/5 worth of stats for 3 mana's pretty good, and Dragon synergy is usually not hard to pull off if you've built your deck right, it seems like an ok card.

Silvermoon Portal: Seems kinda eh. You'll probably get about the same stats on average with the +2/+2 and the 2 drop as you would have just using Blessing of King's +4/+4, and you could get some potentially bad 2 drops (Doomsayer, Darnassis Aspirant, for example).



Medivh's Valet: It's at least good, I think. You need a Secret out, but a 3 damage battlecry on a 2 mana card with no loss of stats is nothing to shake a stick at.



Hahahaha, Priest.

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