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OCG January 1st 2020 Banlist

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Now Forbidden
Outer Entity Azathot (from 3)
Topologic Gumblar Dragon (from 3)

Now Limited
Zoodiac Drident (from 0)
The Beginning of the End (from 3)

Now Semi-Limited
Altergeist Meluseek (from 3)
Galatea, the Orcust Automaton (from 3)
Orcust Harp Horror (from 3)
Deep Sea Diva (from 1)
Babycerasaurus (from 1)
Tour Guide From the Underworld (from 1)
Mathematician (from 1)
Nekroz of Unicore (from 1)
Thunder Dragonroar (from 3)
Salamangreat Circle (from 3)
Mind Control (from 3)
Sky Striker Mecha Modules - Multirole (from 3)
Allure of Darkness (from 3)
Red Reboot (from 3)

Now Unlimited
Elemental HERO Shadow Mist (from 2)
Invoked Mechaba (from 1)
Interrupted Kaiju Slumber (from 2)
Chain Strike (from 2)
Reasoning (from 2)
Draco Face-Off (from 2)

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Did OCG still had the PK RUM?

I am surprised Gumblar lasted that long over there.

Many people said semi limiting a card doesnt matter (which is somewhat correct), but it starts to matter when you aim to that to multiple cards played in a single deck (Not counting cards like Unicore which I believe its a failsafe to see how it goes before trying to unlimit it, although IMO 2 is the perfect ratio).

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