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Blowback (10 Nights of Fright 2022: Card #7)

Black D'Sceptyr

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Alrighty - now we turn to a topic the card's art makes very explicit and this next tale by Reddit user Stellarpath makes shareable: phantom pain.

Speicfically, in this case, it's something that can often afflict those that inflict on others without care as to what protection that other has against it. But what if, for this story's example, that phantom pain was something that could be deadly? That could turn the scenario present in the story into a fatal ordeal for its initiators?

Well, the story showing how that wen is called I Begged You, but the card is called something far simpler: Blowback.

And yes it is indeed another from-hand-Trap Card. I do that a lot, it's my habit.



Blowback/Normal Trap Card


Lore: Declare up to 2 different monster card names; this turn, each time a monster with that original declared name activates their effects, Set them to your field when their effects resolve and gain control of them if your opponent controlled them at activation, then, if you activated this card from your hand, destroy all face-up monsters you control during the End Phase. You can activate this card from your hand if your opponent controls at least thrice as many monsters as you do. You can only activate 1 "Blowback" per turn.

Until the next card: reviews, revelry, you know the drill. D'Sceptyr, signing off.

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I don't think you need the "gain control" clause since it is implied. The destroy all monsters you control effect is particularly harsh considering it is difficult to activate, can't even do it turn 1 without a card that can SS itself from your hand during your opponent's turn, but maybe ti would be particularly well received in unchained. Again, you make super fun and original effects!

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