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I'm so sad...

bury the year

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Well... see, what happens is, you just gotta keep in touch with the old friends. Heck, when I was in Middle School, I had maybe two or three friends, and I'm only in contact with one of them.

The point is... high School is one of the most major points in your life, in which you truly develop into who you're gonna be. Therefore, surrounded by countless other students going through the same process, you'll make a ton of new friends. Trust me, the upperclassmen love freshmen, too. The stories about being the ones who get picked on the most--none of 'em are true.

Don't think of it as leaving your friends behind--think of it as going into a future full of new friendships, relationships, opportunities, and experiences.

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My last day of school was today' date=' and I'm happy, but sad at the same time. I'm going into high school, and none of my friends are going to the same school that I am... I'm literally crying as I write this... I need a virtual hug, I feel so bad. Does anyone else feel like this?



We at YCM will be able to keep you company. ^_^ *Virtual hug*.

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*virtual group hug*


Anyways, try to think of it in a larger perspective. Sure, school has been all of your life so far. But that's just one chapter. The rest of the book waits for you. And there's always the Internet.

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*virtual smack on the back of your head*


get a hold of yourself...it not that bad i mean i moved during the middle of my first year of 9th grade. i made new friends and kept in touch with old friends. Im sure youll do great...just be yourself (which means ditch the hollister/preppy/scene git-up if you have it....Jk....seriously though be yourself).

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Thanks, everybody! I'm very appreciative that you all can support me! It's just that I'm leaving some friends that I've known for 8 years... Oh well, I've been brainstorming some ideas on how to keep in touch *cough*forum*cough. Lock, please: I don't think this needs to be posted on anymore.

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