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life sucks sometimes...huh?


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god the wworld sure is a crappy place sometimes huh? a few years ago i was playing football, 1st time ever and last time ever, i got tackled and smashed my wrist on a log. It broke both bones in my wrist. Then the jackasses thought i was faking and pulled me up by said arm. Ended up twisting my ulna and radius around eachother. then i had to use my textbook as a brace because they wouldn't call a funking ambulance due the excuse "oh we aren't sure it's broken so we'll just call your parents." my father picks me up andd then dicks around for 2 hours doing office suff while i'm in excruciating pain. Finally get to the hospital and have surgery. Then pain meds , plaster cast for 2 months fiber glass one where i could move my elbow for 2 months, then a bracer for about 4 months. Jerks at school tried to kill me with knives cause one of their friends tried to break my cast so i slammed hm in the face with it. They get off because the prinipal is also the coach and i get funking saturday school for fighting back. god that sucks. least that was in the past. no crap recently.

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Life doesn't suck sometimes, it sucks always -_-


When I was about 3, I was asked by my grandfather to bring him a axe, but as I brought him the axe, I was holding it wrong btw, I fell and the blade of the axe went into my left knee -_- It wasn't a deep cut, but I was freaked out nonetheless -_-


The latest thing that sucked for me happened about 3 years ago, I got pneumonia, not by getting a cold, it was by a virus or sth like that, yeah, it was horrible, it was hard to breathe 24/7, my temperature was off the hook as well -_- I was out from school for 2 months because of that -_-

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Guest JoshIcy

For me would be the first time I got a bloody nose, (my nose had to be cotarized [however you spell it] 5 times). I woke up thinking I simply had to blow my nose, and found my blankets and pillows covered in blood, i cried until the paramedics came. I had lost so much blood all the water in the house pouring out of the faucets were a nice pink color, (yes pink because I remember that day well, and the water was kinda pweety). I think i lose at least 50% of my blood that night....


And due to that I am afraid to Blow my nose now o.O.... Dun' ask. But yeah, thats the worst thing, and I was 4years old. I remember that day like it was a few minutes ago....

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Life really can suck sometimes.


About 4 days into a holiday in Florida 2 years ago, my dad was complaining of indigestion or something all day, and later that day, he died of heart failure... Was not good. Especially considering we were thousands of miles away from home...


But anyways, hayfever + bad throat at the mo, it's not good at all... Coughing all the time, really badly, with a binged up nose as well... Bloody nuisance it is

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I just have something to say before I start this.


I hate these kinds of threads. I hate them. Sure, your life has sucked. It even might suck now. But what do you want us to do about it? Giving you some kind of ESP-over-distance comfort? Give you milk and cookies and tell you that you did a good job enduring all that? Your lives might suck. BUT THAT DOESN'T MEAN WE NATURALLY CARE ABOUT IT.


Feel free to flame me.

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I agree that life does suck,but we should not wallow in them & spend the rest of our miserable lives thinking about them.

Instead,we should stand upright & face our problems head-on & face the future for it may bring forth a brighter tomorrow.

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I agree with Umbra, partially.


I have no problem with people discussing their problems, but I too often get the impression that people are dwelling on things that cannot be changed, which is totally foolish.


This forum should be your escape from your problems, not a place where you can bring yourself down even further (whilst making other members depressed about it in the process) by dwelling upon it.


To put it simply, put your character to test - try and get over it.

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I agree with Umbra' date=' partially.


I have no problem with people discussing their problems, but I too often get the impression that people are dwelling on things that cannot be changed, which is totally foolish.


This forum should be your escape from your problems, not a place where you can bring yourself down even further (whilst making other members depressed about it in the process) by dwelling upon it.


To put it simply, put your character to test - try and get over it.


I agree with both you & Umbra.

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i believe that i have some wallowing rights ATM

i mean, i am moving to Singapore soon for boarding school, and my sister left for her summer holiday, and I won't see her until about my birthday in November, and once i move there i won't see my parents from August until my birthday

i won't even get to see my sis on HER birthday...

so yea, i'm not in any physical pain, but i am quite sad :'(

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When I was 10' date=' I got a skateboard for Christmas. On my 3rd try, my foot got stuck under the wheel, and I did the splits. We thought it was no deal, until I couldnt stand up. Everyone thought I was joking or tore a muscle. Well, my Mom called 911. The Guy came out of the ambulance and cut my pants off. Then he looked at my leg. It was red, swollen, and about 45 inches around. He pulled my leg as hard as possible, and it HURT. When I got to the hospital, they told me my Femur Bone had split in half, and it needed 2 wires put into the bone marrow. I was in a wheelchair for 5 months, crutches for 6. It got so bad, I had to use a walker. I was on pain meds 24/7, and I had to get up every couple hours. When you break your femur bone, you cant bend your legs, so guess how that felt. Then I fell. And going to the bathroom was embarrassing and painful. And about 3 months in, my uncle died. Should I continue?



How would doing a split on a skateboard cause a broken femur (the bone between the knee and hip)?

My leg twisted around my hip until the bone finally snapped, and my foot could basically touch my pelvis>.<

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I just have something to say before I start this.


I hate these kinds of threads. I hate them. Sure' date=' your life has sucked. It even might suck now. But what do you want us to do about it? Giving you some kind of ESP-over-distance comfort? Give you milk and cookies and tell you that you did a good job enduring all that? Your lives might suck. BUT THAT DOESN'T MEAN WE NATURALLY CARE ABOUT IT.


Feel free to flame me.


*Looks at comment*


*begins whimpering*

thats not very nice to say!*

*hysterical crying*


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i believe that i have some wallowing rights ATM

i mean' date=' i am moving to Singapore soon for boarding school, and my sister left for her summer holiday, and I won't see her until about my birthday in November, and once i move there i won't see my parents from August until my birthday

i won't even get to see my sis on HER birthday...

so yea, i'm not in any physical pain, but i am quite sad :'(


Singapore's a pretty livable place.I should know since I lived there.

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When I was 10' date=' I got a skateboard for Christmas. On my 3rd try, my foot got stuck under the wheel, and I did the splits. We thought it was no deal, until I couldnt stand up. Everyone thought I was joking or tore a muscle. Well, my Mom called 911. The Guy came out of the ambulance and cut my pants off. Then he looked at my leg. It was red, swollen, and about 45 inches around. He pulled my leg as hard as possible, and it HURT. When I got to the hospital, they told me my Femur Bone had split in half, and it needed 2 wires put into the bone marrow. I was in a wheelchair for 5 months, crutches for 6. It got so bad, I had to use a walker. I was on pain meds 24/7, and I had to get up every couple hours. When you break your femur bone, you cant bend your legs, so guess how that felt. Then I fell. And going to the bathroom was embarrassing and painful. And about 3 months in, my uncle died. Should I continue?



How would doing a split on a skateboard cause a broken femur (the bone between the knee and hip)?

My leg twisted around my hip until the bone finally snapped, and my foot could basically touch my pelvis>.<


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When I was in the desert' date=' I stepped on a Cactur, then fell back into another one on my bare back. It took 2 hours to take all the needles out.



dat happened to me too i was in the desert and my feet were really hot so i steped on a leaf to cool them down it did until the blinding pain came (it was a cactus).


i still remember pulling them all out ouch.

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i believe that i have some wallowing rights ATM

i mean' date=' i am moving to Singapore soon for boarding school, and my sister left for her summer holiday, and I won't see her until about my birthday in November, and once i move there i won't see my parents from August until my birthday

i won't even get to see my sis on HER birthday...

so yea, i'm not in any physical pain, but i am quite sad :'(


Singapore's a pretty livable place.I should know since I lived there.


true, but without your parents? or sister?

thats what i have to go through...:'(

so yea, thats what had happened to me recently,

a few years ago, i was whacked in the face near my eye with a hockey stick. I was knocked out, and i almost lost my eye. i had to have 8 stitches *not many, but still* near my eye, and i couldn't see out of it for 4 weeks because of the swelling and then the bandage i had on it.

I will never forget waking up from being out cold to only see out of one eye, and see a blue face cloth on my left eye. then having it taken off to see the part of the face cloth that was on my face was a deep, deep purple...

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something unbelievable?i have seen and heard many unbelievable things.a few of them are:



actually beating a DAD deck with practically a single card,creature swap.in my first round of my first tourney.


actually coming second in 2 contests so far.


getting secret rares in most first packs of new packs,like Chaos Neos in GLAS and Dark Creator in PTDN.





seeing my mum in hospital after a brain hemorsomethingorother.


hearing about my grandad dying about 4 days b4 his 60th birthday.


having a rlly bad cough for about 8 months.



life can be a B**** sometimes.

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