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Blast Zone CTCG club

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Yeah, that sounds good.


I've finished my new deck. Its a great deck. I'll sell the untouched version for 25 points. I'll send it by pm and it is a bomb/angel deck. Not all of the angels are in the deck. Only angel 03 and angel 05 are in the deck. Angel 05 is a card that has never been used.


The edited version is free.

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Ok, the edited version is free, but the untouched version is 1 + rep. The untouched version has 1 never before seen card. The new card in it is like a Skill Drain in monster form. It's effect allows you to activate effects, but not your opponent. Amazing deck, for only 1 + rep.

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On-Topic: Yeah, there was an Angel 05 in the original Angel deck, but I eventually realized that his effect really didn't help the deck. Then I replaced him with Infinity. After I created an amazing new bomb card, I found a use for him. Angel 05 can only be found in the new deck, and eventually in a pack of reprints (like the gold series but with less cards).


@Proto: An Envoy pack? That sounds good. Although you did come up with a pack, it needs a main card. You know tge main theme, so you should be able to come up with the main card of the set. Sorry, but I just don't know what the theme of the pack is.


Off-Topic: I was playing the original Yugioh GX: Tagforce earlier today, and I opened 8, 3, then 7 of the fire pack, and in the last 7 packs, I pulled 2 of ultra rare Manticore of Darkness. It took a whole box though.

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The envoys will be some good cards but there still in the prototype stageright now the main envoy is called Horath Envoy Of Life. also no I cannot shorten the name. he will be the main card and a secret rare if Blast zone has that. ALso I'm working on the other envoys. Can you either PMme all the types or post them please?

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Ok, there are 5 different rarities: Common, Rare, Mega Rare (Super Rare - Ultra Rare), Impossible Rare (Secret Rare), and Phantom Rare (Ghost Rare).


There are different types, but there isn't an area on the card that says what type it is. It's name normally reveals what type it is. Like Sea Sorceress, Aqua Dragon. There is occasionally a card name like Atom Blaze, which doesn't have anything to do with it's type.

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okay thanks is there a divine type though?


Not yet, but there should be.


Sorry, my laptop wouldn't let me on YCM yesterday. I get on my computer,go on ycm, I turn it off about 2-3 hours later, turn it on 2-3 hours after turning it off, try to get on ycm, and it said that it was unavailable. I've come up with more cards for the set, but I can't come up with cool names. The envoy cards will be Divine type.


Envoy of Death

Envoy of Destruction

Envoy of Creation

Envoy of Light

Envoy of Darkness

Envoy of Chaos


I just need the main name of the envoys that I listed. If there is an envoy that you don't want in the pack, please tell me, and I'll remove it from the pack.

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Cool. I came up with a cool effect for Horath. Since he is the Envoy of Life, his effect is: "Once per turn, you can summon one creature from your deck."


What do you think? If you want, you can change the effect, but the effect change doesn't take effect until next Sunday. I need to face my friend with my new Horath Turbo deck. If I lose to him, he's going to change the Envoy part of the cards to "Messenger", change "Horath" to some other name, and change "Life" to "Light". If I win, he can't change the card names.

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the effect is fine and good luck.


I used a card called angel bomb, but he didn't say that I couldn't use it. The day after the match, even though I won, he said that I have to re-build the deck or angel bomb. He says that then we will have a re-match. I can build an Envoy deck that can win, but I'll need to work on the other cards in the deck.


off-topic: Yesterday, I opened a yugioh "Game King" package, which included 1 pack of CRV, 1 TAEV, 1 GLAS, and 2 LODT packs. Here are my pulls:


CRV: Fire Darts (rare)

TAEV: Snake Rain (rare)

LODT: Nimble Mononga

LODT: Froggy Forcefield

*Dramatic music starts* *Dramatic music gets louder*

*Starts opening GLAS pack*


GLAS: Gladiator Beast *Dramatic Music* Heraklinos! I'm using my gladiator beast deck tomorrow at locals.

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