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Regarding the Games section


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The Games sub-board is the only section on the site where post count is disabled, but it should however not be viewed as an opportunity to create any spamfests. People come here to have fun and although being the less restricted place on the site, the following rules must nonetheless be adhered to in particular.


[align=center]§ Spam games which are utterly random and devoid of any sense whatsoever should not be posted. Anything in the lines of “Count to 100” (we all know how it works and there is no variation in this concept anyway) will be locked.

§ Do not create any games which transgress the site rules like “Post a link to your favourite forum outside this one”. Threads of that type will either be locked or deleted.

§ Please do not create any games which have already been made, unless the original thread is extremely old. Having the same game more than once on the same page however is a no-go.

§ Last but not least, a special note regarding the “Leaving/Return” and “Post a picture of the REAL you” threads: I noticed a high amount of spam lately in those 2 topics and since some of you don’t seem to learn anything from their warnings, they will stay in the Games section for now. Remember, the Leaving/Return thread was made to announce any provisional or permanent departures and not to give any opportunity to spam![/align]


Please keep these points in mind to maintain this section as what it is supposed to be: A place to have fun and not a spamhole.


Otherwise the general rules of the forum which can be read here still apply.

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:| The Picture Thread was expected from the start to be sorta spammish. But the sort that would be allowed outside games...


I am sure everyone here has family members and themselves that LOVE to gossip over pictures. So it was expected to be that way from the start... Just warn when need be etc :|

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We have learned are lessons. Now we are mature ^_^

Thanks Staff. This should keep the Games Section' date=' umm.... safe.



Fail post fails D:


As much as I don't like these Rules.

That kind of post isn't allowed.









This forum sucks D:


By this Forum, do you mean the "Games" Forum? or the whole Forum?

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Now I will admit, I am mainly mad becuase this is the Third time in 3 weeks where I have lost over 300 posts due to threads in General being moved randomly.



I already explained that no thread was being moved rnaodmly, there was just an incident about one, but I don't know about the others.

My point is just that calling the initial problem by the name instead of mentioning something else is more useful for everyone. Why bickering about some rules enforcements in the Games section, which are actually needed, while the apparently frustrating thing is the post count?

Anyway, I'm going to lock this now, so any questions/comments/complaints go to my inbox.^_^

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