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Full sig tutorial. [GIMP]


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1.First open a new image.

File>new>Set the image size.




2.I like to start out with a certin brush called ab#4 from http://www.deviantart.com/deviation/20251391 =No name brush set.

Brush all around




3.I use a filter right here called polar coords

Filters>Distorts>polar coords

Circle depth in precent:0

Offset angle:play with it tell you like it




4.Add a new layer

Layer>new layer>Keep the default settings


5.Brush over it with some brushes.I'll uselly use a whole set of them*Don't just use the same brush over and over again*




You can keep doing this step to get different results

6.Next you need to color it.

Theres two ways i color mine Colorize and color balnce

Color Balance:

Tools>Color tools>Color Balnce.

Play wiht the setings untill you like.



Tools>Color Tools>Colorize

Play witht he setings untill you like.




7.Renders play a big part of the sig.I'll use one I got from http://www.gamerenders.com

Make a new folder called renders>Save any render you like to there>Open it up>Scale it to a size that goes with your bg>Copy and paste to your sig.




8.Next we need to add text.You can get fonts at http://www.dafont.com .I'll use Sell Your soul.


Scroll through the list untill you find oen you like




I just made mine simple white.

You can add more detail to it.




9.After all this you need to add a border

Script-ful>Decor>Add border


Border x size:1-2*I usally use 1*

Border y size:1-2


Border color:Black

Defalt value:I use 25, but you can do what ever you like




10.Now you need to save it. You can save it as anything you want.I use mostly all of them



11.Now you must upload it.You can use http://imageshack.us/ or http://photobucket.com/


Finished Result




Credit goes to Tkill :/

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