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The Neo-Legion: Rebirth of evil! (A sequel to the Heroic Legion) Final Chapter is up! (PLZ comment)

.:Abarai Renji:.

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Bad dreams.......they never do good.......Let´s move on with the story!

[align=center][u][b]Chapter 13: A Son´s Murder...[/b][/u]

Meanwhile, as Sonic and Amy had woke up from their terrible encounter with Mephiles, Tidus, Wakka and Yuna had been sent back to Spira, but not quite where they were supposed to get...

"H-Huh??" Yuna was confused, as she looked around. They had arrived in some kind of arctic lands. "Why are we in Macalania? I should be in Djose now..."

"Beats me..." replied Wakka, as he scratched his back. "Maybe this "Lucario" tried to tell us something, ya?"

"Well, can´t we get inside first?!" interrupted Tidus, as he was huddling himself together and shaking. "I-I-I´m f-f-f-freezing-g-g-g..."

There was a temple across a frozen bridge up ahead. It was the Macalania Temple, where the Summoners prayed to something called "The Fayth", people who gave their souls in order to battle Sin. They were trapped in stone statues, and as the Summoners pray to The Fayth, the souls emerge from the statues and fuse with the Summoners body, as he/she receives an Aeon.
Nevertheless, the three of them wandered towards the temple. The doors then opened, and they stepped inside. Inside were giant pillars, crafted in ice, and stone statues that resembled great men and women who once were Summoners themselves, but now had received the title High Summoners, since they had defeated Sin.
However, Sin could not truly be killed, as it returned after every ten years after a Summoner had defeated it. Sin is the testament of the people´s sins in the past, and thus, the people must always repent for them. Yuna went over to a statue of a man, dressed in a robe and with a great staff in his hand. She bowed before him, as she whispered:

"Father....I hope you are proud of me..."

The statue was a memorial to her father, High Summoner Braska, who had defeated Sin ten years ago. Suddenly, someone touched her shoulder.

"What is it, Lady Yuna?"

She turned around. There was Seymour, smiling as always. She shrugged, as she backed away from him timidly.

"N-Nothing......Maester Seymour..."

"Please, there is no need for priviledges..." he replied calmly. "What is my only concern...is that you are doing well."

"Y-Yes....I´m fine.....Seymour..."

Seymour took her shoulder, and she looked him in the eyes.

"There....is that not better?" he asked.

"Yes...." replied Yuna silently.

"Good...You must all be....exhausted after your.....long journey all the way here....please, make yourselves at home."

He waved his hand. Two monks appeared, and started to prepare two rooms for guesting. He and Yuna went to a third room, and started to prepare it themselves. Tidus muttered:

"Who does he think he IS..."

"He´s a Maester, better get use to it!" replied Wakka, and shoved his elbow into Tidus´ chest. Then, they both went to their rooms, and prepared to sleep...

In the next morning, Tidus was the first to wake up, as he stretched his arms and went out into the Temple Hall. He suddenly started to hear strange noises inside Yuna´s room. He sneaked over to it, and placed his ear on the door:

"B-But....Why?!" she heard Yuna say terrified.

"What of it?" he heard Seymour reply. "He was in my way, so, I did what was needed to be done..."

"B-But.....H-He was....your father!!!" Yuna yelled, as Tidus then heard a slapping noise.

"You cursed brat!!" Seymour shouted, and in the very moment, the doors were barged open, as Yuna was tossed out of them. She slided across the ice floor, and crashed into one of the pillars. Out came Seymour, and his face was frowned. Yuna catched her breath, as she stood up and stared angrily at Seymour.

"Why did you do it?!" she then said.

"Did what?!" Wakka rushed out of his room, as he was wakened by the large noise. He then saw Seymour, and was panicked. "M-M-Maester Seymour!!! I-I´m so sorry. L-Lady Yuna did not mean to interrupt you, my greatness..."

"Enough!" said Seymour sharply, as Wakka backed away from him. "Lady Yuna...Why do you don´t show your friends the purpose of this....crude exchange of words..."

He smirked, as Yuna pulled up a transparent sphere from her pocket. She pressed a button, and from it, a hologram of an elder Guado man was visible.

"L-Lord Jyscal!!" stuttered Wakka, as the Guado man began to speak:

"W-What...I´m about to tell you...is the unclouded truth...I swear it...on my honor as a Guado....L-Listen to me...very carefully...for...I shall tell you...the truth about my son...Seymour...His mind is closed even...to me...A Maester Of Yevon...B-But...I can feel flames of darkness...burning, in his heart...He is using Yevon...The Guado...and even the Summoners...I-If he is...not stopped...he will surely bring...destruction and chaos to Spira...I will...leave this world soon...killed...by my own son....But I do not...fault him...Because...I was not wise enough...he has suffered...and become twisted...I could not...protect him and his mother from the world...and it´s cruelty...I will accept death...as punishment for my deeds...B-But...whoever is watching...this...I-I implore you to...s-stop...Seymour....s-stop...m-my son...."

Then, the message ended. Yuna was even more furious, as she tossed the sphere into the ground.

"Y-YOU KILLED HIM!!" she yelled.

"It was...needed..." replied Seymour calmly, as he once again smirked at Yuna. "...For Black Doom to be pleased....I had to remove him....and therefore, automatically be promoted, to Maester Of Yevon! As then, I would be able to control the people, as Black Doom wants me to..."

"Black...Who??" Tidus was confused.

"Black Doom!!" a voice replied. Suddenly, Black Doom had teleported behind Seymour. Wakka was furious.

"Y-YOU BASTARD!!" he threw his Blitzball straight at him, but Black Doom halted it in mid-air, and sended it back towards Wakka, who was hitted in the stomach.


He lost his breath, and fell on his knees. Yuna then charged up a magical blast in her staff and sended it towards Seymour. Seymour raised a barrier in an instant, as it deflected the blast. He cackled creepily.

"What is it...Yuna?" he replied. "Are you...afraid?"

"Now, then..." Black Doom raised his hand. "...to finish this!"

He then lashed his hand down, and in an instant, the room twisted into a black and crimson nothingness. Black Doom and Seymour stood in front of them, as Tidus drawed his sword and charged at them. But then, a Black Arms Solider appeared in front of him, with a purple Power Sword in it´s hand. Several other Black Arms Soliders then appeared, as they surrounded them.

[url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cBOTt38E0g4&feature=related]Background Music: Seymour´s Battle[/url]

Tidus stopped himself, as the solider tried to slash him. But he dodged him and slashed him in half. The other soliders tried to stop him, but he just dodged and sliced them, as he rushed towards Black Doom. He slashed at him, but Black Doom teleported away and blasted him with a telekinetic blast. Tidus was sent backwards, but quickly regained footing, and charged back.
Seymour raised his hand, and pulled it down. A lightning bolt struck at Tidus´ feet, as he dodged it. Several more bolts struck down, as Tidus was forced to side-step them while he charged at Black Doom a second time.

"Don´t you get it, boy?!" said Black Doom, as he again teleported away and blasted him away. "You can´t beat me! You are only insects compared to me! And now, to let Seymour finish my plans in this world undisturbed!"

He raised his arm, and lashed it downwards. Tidus, Yuna and Wakka were engulfed in a light flash, and disappeared...

Back in the Konoha Village, Sonic and Amy had told Knuckles and Shadow about Mephiles attacking them in their dreams. Knuckles got worried, while Shadow was furious.

"WHAT?! HOW CAN HE HAVE SURVIVED?!" he yelled, while grabbbing Sonic´s shoulders. "THAT´S IMPOSSIBLE!!"

"Maybe not, Shadow..." replied Knuckles. "Mephiles IS immortal, anyways. Maybe, he found a way to return to this dimension, somehow..."

"Even if he did..." scoffed Shadow. "I will make sure he regrets it!! When I find him, I´ll smash him into pieces!!!"

"You know you can´t kill him, Shadow!!" replied Sonic. "He´s...too powerful!"

"Bah!" Shadow turned around and went towards the town centre. "I WILL destroy Mephiles, and I don´t need you whiners´ stinking help!"

As he reached the centre, Shadow sat down on a rock, thinking about what Sonic had said. He was angry at him, and thought that he had lied to him, to try and cover up the tracks for a weakness in Mephiles, and then would take the credit and destroy him himself!

"Why is he doing this?!" he thought. "He has not been himself since he and that pink hag got married!! He uset to be...bold, fearless, never saying no to a challenge! Buut now...he´s soft...cowardly!! It´s just as if...huh? What´s that?!"

He turned around, and there stood a man dressed in some strange armor with a blue suit underneath. He had black hair which stood right up, and he grinned at Shadow.

"Uuhhhh, great!!" Shadow thought, as he asked the man:

"What are you staring at?!"

"You...are Shadow...are you not?" he asked.

"So, what does it matter to you?!" snarled Shadow.

"Then you must know Kakarot...or Goku, as you call him! I am Vegeta, the Prince of All Saiyans!! Kakarot must have told you about me!"

"Vegeta?" replied Shadow. "Haven´t heard of you, now leave me!"

Vegeta grabbed hold of Shadow, and threw him through a building. Shadow got up furiously, and stared at Vegeta.

"WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU ARE DOING?!!" he yelled. Vegeta smirked.

"So, I finally got your attention!" he chuckled. "Now, then...Will you listen to me?"

"Hmpf! Alright!" Shadow sat down, and Vegeta sat beside him.

"I am here to warn you." he then said. "Black Doom actually sended me to destroy this village, as he think he has my mind in control..."

He pointed at the infection on his forehead, as he laughed.

"AHAHA!!! But he forgot that The Prince of All Saiyans is not so easily controlled! My pride allows me to have self-control over my actions, while Black Doom thinks he controls me! HA!"

"Well...what did you want to warn us about?" said Shadow.

"Black Doom plans to attack your home-planet, Mobius while you´re gone! Heh, as if I actually care about that filthy planet! It´s...too green and filled with wierd, friendly creatures, blah! They´re disgusting me!! Why did my father, King Vegeta, just not destroy the damn planet?!"

"They´re going to attack Mobius?!" someone shouted. Behind Shadow and Vegeta were Sonic, Amy and Knuckles.

"We must hurry!" replied Knuckles. "I´ll contact Lucario!"

He then pressed a button on his wrist device. Lucario was visible.

"What´s the problem, Knuckles?" he asked.

"Lucario! Black Doom and his gang are planning to attack Mobius!" Knuckles said worried. "We must get back!"

"Get back at once!" Lucario replied. "I will inform Tails, and he will prepare the rocket for departure!"

Then, a blue, glimmering light surrounded them, and they disappeared...

To be continued...[/align]

Also, HyuugaKing! If you want to ask something about the chapters or just tell me what you like, just do it!!
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WARNING!! Sexual Content!


[align=center]Chapter 14: Return To Mobius...A Burning Memory...


Suddenly, Sonic, Amy, Knuckles, Shadow and Vegeta were in an underground hangar. In front of them stood Lucario, and he looked worried.


"Knuckles..." he sighed. "I have to say that you were quite correct in your alarming. Indeed, Black Doom is on his way to Mobius, and if we do not hurry..."


"Just one second!!" Vegeta interrupted. "Are YOU Lucario?! The one that Black Doom wants to kill?!!"


"Yes, Vegeta." replied Lucario. "That is me. And I see why you know of me..."


Vegeta tried to hide his Mind Worm infection, but Lucario stretched out his hand towards it. His hand glowed blue.




Vegeta grabbed his head in pain, but Lucario continued, as Vegeta´s infection started to glow blue. Then, it began to shrink, and soon enough, the entire infection was gone! Vegeta stopped screaming, and he felt...reliefed.


"W-What...did you...do??" he said, as he was getting up.


"I removed your infection." replied Lucario. "Breathe freely again, Prince Vegeta, and please accept this...small offer, as a repayment of my deed...."


A small, silver badge appeared on Vegeta´s chest armor. He shrugged, and seemed to care less about Lucario´s offer.


"Well, then...Can we please be on our way!!" said Shadow furiously.


"Indeed..." Lucario turned around, and started to walk towards an entrance. The others followed, as they went through a door, and into a bigger part of the hangar.

Inside was a giant space rocket, which seemed like it was ready to go. From the top of it flew Tails, as he saw Sonic and the others, he was reliefed himself.


"Sonic!" Tails landed and hugged him. "I was so worried!!"


"Tails!" Sonic hugged him back. "I´ve missed you too, little buddy!"


"Tails, is the rocket ready for take-off?" asked Lucario.


"You betcha!" replied Tails, but once again, Vegeta was quick to interrupt.


"What?! I am supposed to ride in a space shuttle made by...by....A FOX?!!!" he yelled. "YOU GOT TO BE KIDDING ME!!! I AM NOT TAKING A STEP INTO THAT CONTRAPTION, IF EVEN MY LIFE SO DEPENDED ON IT!!!!"


Tails´ eyes started to tear, and Vegeta didn´t regret a bit of what he had said. Sonic was furious.


"HEY YOU!!! TAKE IT BACK!!" he shouted. Vegeta flinched.


"Not a chance, fuzzball!" he replied. "If I´m going to outer space, I will expect a PROPERLY armed and crafted space ship, or at least a TRUSTWORTHY one-man space pod! Not some wicked device created by a two-tailed fox! Geez, if only you HAD some proper gear, I surely bet that even THAT would not be enough for..."




The one who shouted was Tails, as he flew up towards Vegeta and slapped him in the face.




He showed the others aboard, while giving Vegeta a mean look.


"T-Tails!!" stuttered Sonic, who never had seen Tails act like this. "What...was that?!"


"S-Sorry..." he replied. "...It...w-was just that...h-he was being so...mean..."


"Hey, shake it off, kid! He deserved it!" said Knuckles encouraging while patting him on the shoulder.


"Let´s be on our way!" said Lucario.


"JUST ONE SECOND!" someone roared. It was Vegeta, who just entered the rocket, and stared furiously at Tails. "THAT, WAS THE MOST PATHETIC, COWARDLY, AND MOST OF ALL...!"


He prepared to punch Tails, who huddled in fear. But then, he felt Vegeta rubbing his hair.


"...The most bravely thing anyone had done against me!" he continued. "No one have ever stood up against me like that for decades! But you got guts!! I like that! And as a proof of it, I will help you in your quest!"


"Great!" replied Shadow, who was eager to leave. "Can we PLEASE get going?!"


"Yes!" Tails then activated a couple of buttons above him, as he put on a com-link around his head. "Gohan! How are we doing in the machinery?"


In the meantime, Gohan was busy fixing in the rocket´s machine room.


"Well, It´s so far so good, Tails!" he replied. "The Main Engines are fully operational, the Landing Wheels are OK, and the Emergency Brakes are ready!"


"Good!" said Tails, who started to activate the engine. "How is the Extra Engines?"


Gohan flew towards them, and noticed a leak.


"Uuhhhh...I would not start them up as soon as possible, Tails! There seems to be a fuel leak in one of them! I´ll try to fix it up!!"


"Dammit!" Tails swore quietly, as he grabbed a lever. "Alright, everyone! Ready?! Here we GO!!!"


He pulled the lever down, and a large roar was heard below. The engines went on, as the rocket speeded upwards.


"ALL SYSTEMS ARE STABLE, TAILS!!" Gohan shouted, as he had to overvoice the engine´s roaring.






The rocket now flew up from a secret exit above them, and into the air. They were on their way...




As they were almost halfway, Sonic decided to spend some time alone. He was lying in one of the cabin beds, as he stared into the roof. He really tried to figure out why he did that thing to Amy. Taking his hand down her body, and trying to remove her skirt.

It felt....nasty...but in the same time...satisfying...pleasuring...He turned in his bed, as he tried not to think of it. But the more he tried not to, the more his thoughts about Amy got...out of control.


"Are you ok?" someone said. Sonic woke up. It was Amy.


"Y-Yeah...I-I´m fine...." he replied. "I-It´s just tha-tha-tha-a-a-a....."


He suddenly noticed how Amy was clothed. She had nothing on her, exept a pair of panties! She laid herself on top of him, and kissed him.


"Hehe, you silly!" she giggled. "Let me make you feel MUCH better..."



In the meantime...



"Where is Sonic?" asked Gohan, who just got up from the machine room.


"He went to one of the cabins..." replied Tails. "..said he needed some sleep..."


"Not anymore!" Sonic stood in the entrance, with a big smile on his face.


"Hey, Sonic!" replied Gohan, as he examined him. "Man, what´s happened to you? You look like you just ran ´round the Earth about 150 times!!"


Sonic was sweating mildly, but he did not care. He just stood there and smiled.


"Ok, maybe not..." Gohan guessed again. "Yoouuuu...made 1000 sit-ups just like that?"


"Nope..." smirked Sonic.


"OK, I give up!" chuckled Gohan. "Tell me!"


"I have just been throught THE most pleasuring 45 minutes of my life, ladies and gentlemen!" he said proudly. "For I.....Sonic the Hedgehog.......Just got LAID!!!!"




Everyone was gaping widely, as Sonic continued to smirk.


"Yup! I finally lost my virginity!!" he then replied. "Now, if you´ll excuse me, I need to hit the showers..."


He walked away, as the others continued to gape.


"W-W-Wha-wha-what di-did h-h-he j-ju-just s-sa-say???!!" stuttered Knuckles.


"II-I think he said he g-got laid!!" replied Gohan, as he recovered from the shock. "W-Whatever! L-Let´s just focus on getting to Mobius, everyone!!"




After awhile, they were on Mobius. They had landed on a small countryside, and they got out of the rocket.


"Well, things look nice here..." said Gohan.


"But not over there!!" shouted Tails. "Look!"


He pointed at a nearby village. It was engulfed in flames, as the villagers tried to escape in fear!


"What?!" Sonic got out of the rocket. "Let´s go, everyone!!"


As all the others speeded away, Vegeta smirked at Gohan.


"Hope your father´s taught you well, Gohan!" he said, as he took off and flied towards the village.


"Hmpf!" Gohan also took off and flied alongside Vegeta.


As they were getting closer, they could hear the others scream and yell in panic. Sonic was devastated. How could the Evil Union even THINK about doing somethig this horrible?! Suddenly, a small, grey-furred squirrel-child was hugging him.


"P-Please! Help me, Mr!" he yelped. "T-They killed...m-my mom!!"


"Hey, hey, take it easy!" Sonic replied, and hugged him. "I´ll get you out of here!"


But, as Sonic opened his eyes again, the child was gone! He looked up, and saw someone hold it in his arms. He looked like him in his own Hyper Form, and he was strangling the kid!


"NAZO!!" Sonic shouted. "LET THE KID GO!!"


"hmhmhmhmhmhmhmmm...Of course!" he replied. "Here, catch!"


He threw the child out of his grip, but as Sonic tried to catch it, a thin, red energy beam pierced it. The child was dead before it hit the ground. Sonic was even more furious.


"Y-YOU.....YOU jabroni!!!!!!!" he shouted, and charged at Nazo. He punched him several times in the face, then gave him a strong uppercut.

He jumped up on him and followed up by spinning into a ball next to him, scraping his skin. Nazo fell to the ground, and Sonic landed in front of him. But Nazo quickly got up on his feet, and his wounds were sewed together.


"Heheheheheheheee..." chuckled Nazo. "After all these years, and you still don´t get it!! I´m IMMORTAL!! There is NO WAY to defeat me!"


He charged at Sonic, and gave him a strong punch in the stomach. He then continued with kicking him in the shin, and as Sonic flew into the air, helpless, he followed up with a kicking frenzy in mid-air. Sonic was pretty beaten up, but Nazo was merciless, and slammed Sonic into the ground. He then bombared him with several, red energy balls. Sonic stood up, and saw Nazo charge up a red energy beam.




But before he had time to fire, he heard a noise behind him.




There was Gohan, as he was charging up a yellow energy beam over his head. As he yelled "HAA!", he put his hands forward, and launched the beam towards Nazo! Nazo was forced to change targed, as he fired the red beam towards Gohan´s Masenko Beam.

The two beams clashed, and a big struggle formed between the two of them, as if one of the beams tried to owerpower the other. The battle was even, but it seemed that Nazo had the advantage. Gohan was beginning to weaken, but then, Vegeta appeared next to him.


"OH NO YOU!! DON´T EVEN THINK ABOUT QUITTING, GOHAN!!" he yelled, as he took his hands behind his back. A purple energy beam was formed. "GALLIK GUN: FFIRRRRREEEEE!!!!!!!!"


A large, purple energy blast was formed and sent towards the two beams already struggling. It joined up with the Masenko Beam, and the two of them overpowered Nazo´s beam!!


"W-WHAT??!!! NOOOOO!!!!!"


Nazo was hit with the massive force of the two beams, as they erupted in a large blast. But as the debree laid down, Nazo was uninjured, although he was exhausted. He gave Sonic the finger.


"YOU WERE LUCKY THIS TIME, YOU BLUE-FURRED PLAGUE-RAT!!!!" he yelled, and flew away. Sonic smiled.


"Hehe, I´m no rat! I´m a hedgehog! Who happens to have good friends!!"


Then, Gohan flew towards one of the lakes nearby the village, and threw an energy ball in it. The explosion caused the waves to drench the village, thus dousing the fires! But as Gohan looked down, he noticed that he had drenched more than the houses...


"Oops, hehe! Sorry, Sonic!!" he laughed. "Consider that as an extra shower!!"


"Very funny..." Sonic replied.


To be continued...[/align]

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[align=center]Chapter 15: The Fight Is Not Over, Hedgehog!!!


As the villagers were cheering for their saviors, Vegeta had a hard time to get himself out of there!




"You saved us!!" shouted the villagers, as they hugged Vegeta´s arms and legs.




Suddenly, a shockwave formed, as Vegeta bursted out a golden aura around his body, and his hair turned blonde. He had been forced to turn into a Super Saiyan, as he flew up and darted off back to the space rocket.


"Well, there´s one who can´t handle group pressure!!" laughed Sonic, as the villagers continued to cheer for him and Gohan.


"Please, stay for dinner!!" said one of them. "It is the least we can do!"


"Are you kidding?! That sounds fantastic!!!" replied Gohan, as his stomach started to growl.




"So, tell us(munch, munch)when did the attacks start?" asked Gohan, as he was gobbling up a plate of rice.


"About a few hours ago!" replied one of the villagers. "But...this is the only attack HE have made so far!"


"What?(munch) Only Nazo?" asked Sonic, eating as crazy as Gohan almost!


"Y-Yeah!" answered the villager. "He came here and said he had came for him!"


The villager pointed at Vegeta, who suddenly stopped to stuff his face with food and looked at the others.


"What?!" he replied furiously. "I´m busy eating, can´t you see that?!!"


He ignored them, and continued to eat.


"So...Black Doom was counting on us bringing Vegeta here?" asked Lucario, while sipping on a mug of water. He did not eat anything.


"Who is Black Doom?" asked the villager back.


"He is an evil alien who Nazo works for!" replied Gohan, as he stopped eating and clapped himself on the stomach. "Woah! If I have anything more, I think I´m gonna pop!"


"Me...too..." said Sonic, as he laid lazily on his chair. "I guess...I´ll jump into bed..."


He went from the table, and walked across the hall. He was kinda dizzy, since he had eaten so fast, and did not remember which room was his. He guessed, and picked one to the left. But there was someone else in the bed already.


"Hehe, it´s probably Amy..." Sonic thought. "I think I´ll surprise her..."


He sneaked up on the figure in the bed, and then laid down beside it. He began to hug and fondle the one beside him, while he whispered:


"Heeyyy, sweetheart! Sonic´s here..." But soon, he realised it was a fatal mistake.


"WHAT THE HELL!!!!!!!!"


Suddenly, a blast was heard across the hallway, and soon after it, Sonic flew right past Gohan and Lucario, as he crashed into a wall head-first, and got stuck.




It turned out that it was SHADOW´S room Sonic had walked into, and he was NOT happy of the touch he had been given! He walked back into his room, muttering and swearing, while Gohan pulled out Sonic from the wall.


"Whoah! What happened there, buddy?" asked Gohan, as Sonic held his hand on his head. "Did you play with the wrong feelings?"


"You could say that again, man!!" he then opened the door to his room, and got inside. "Good night!"




The next day, all of them were glad to be on their way home, as the villagers waved at them, and they were getting back to the spaceship. But suddenly, an explosion blasted the city, and the villagers were panicked! Gohan, Vegeta and Sonic rushed to see what had happened.

Suddenly, they saw a familiar, yet frightening face from the debree.


"Broly!!" Vegeta was terrified, for if it was anything he DID fear, it was The Legendary Super Saiyan!




"BROLY!!" Gohan shouted. "Leave the villagers alone! It´s ME you want!!"




Backgrounds Music: Eradication And Fighting!

(Original Name: Disturbed: Criminal)


Suddenly, the surroundings got slightly green, as it drew itself into Broly´s hand and shaped a green energy ball that he threw onto the village. As it struck the ground, it erupted in a huge blast which eradicated the entire village!! Broly laughed hysterically, as he then stared at Gohan.




"Y-YOU MONSTER!!!!" shouted Gohan, as he charged towards Broly and gave him a punch in the stomach. No effect, as Broly grabbed Gohan´s hair and punched him in the face.




He then smashed Gohan into the ground, and threw a green energy ball at him. A large explosion, and Broly flew down to once again to attack him. But Gohan was waiting, as he appeared from the debree and threw a yellow energy ball at him!! It exploded, and Broly was starled of the sudden impact.



"I´VE...HAD...ENOUGH!!!!!" shouted Gohan, as he turned into a Super Saiyan Level Two, and charged up a Kamehameha. Vegeta joined beside him, and turned Super Saiyan as well. But as he continued to gather energy, his hair became slightly longer and turned golden, his aura grew bigger, and his muscles grew bigger.


"Even if you are The Legendary Super Saiyan, Broly, I am The PRINCE OF ALL SAIYANS!!! Even you have to bow before me!!" he shouted, as he clasped his hands together and charged up an energy ball in them. It grew bigger and bigger, and the ground seemed to shake because of the very force of it!


"HMF! IF YOU REALLY IS IN SUCH A HURRY TO DIE, I WILL GLADLY SEND YOU TO YOUR GRAVES!!!!" shouted Broly, as he charged up another energy attack like the one he eradicated the village with.






"NOW, DIE!!!" Broly shouted, and threw the ball at Gohan and Vegeta.






Gohan´s and Vegeta´s hands erupted in two gigantic energy beams that collided with the energy ball, as it suddenly grew roughly twenty times it´s original size in an instant!! Gohan and Vegeta struggled to keep their energy focused, as the energu ball got closer and closer, despite both of their energy attacks.


"This is...not going good!!" yelped Amy. "We must do something!!"


"I think it´s time for US to step in, right Shadow?" said Sonic.


"Hmpf! As usual, WE have to be the day´s saviors!" he groaned.


Suddenly, both of them turned golden, exept Shadow´s hair stripes. They had somehow activated the Super Form Transformation without the Emeralds! They flied up to the giant energy ball, and started to bombard it´s other end! As a crack formed in it, it was still not enough for the blasts to get through. Now was the time for the final strike. Both Shadow and Sonic charged their hands with energy.








Both of them trew each a giant, yellow energy blast at the crack, as the green energy ball exploded, and the energy beams went straight for Broly!!!




Broly was caught in the blast, and the beams continued straight through him! When the beams dispersed, Broly was nowhere to be seen. Gohan and Vegeta was exhausted, as they were forced to revert to their normal forms. Sonic and Shadow also reverted to their original forms.


"(panting) I...think we.....beated him...." said Gohan tiredly.


"Y....You...don´t say....?!" replied Vegeta.


"Well, I guess the fun´s over, hehe!" chuckled Sonic. "Let´s get home now, Am...."


Helooked everywhere, but Amy was nowhere to be seen.


"Amy? Amy?! AMY!!!" he looked everywhere, but she was not there!


"S-Sonic!" Tails shouted, as he was holding a piece of paper. Sonic speeded over to him, and ripped the paper out of his hands. He read it, and then, he just stood there, deeply shocked.


"What´s wrong, Sonic?" asked Lucario, as he and the others got to him.


"I-I-It´s Amy...." he started to crumple the note, and started to cry. "They´ve kidnapped her!!!"


He fell on his knees and slammed into the ground, as the tears kept flowing. He had thrown the note aside, as Lucario took it up. It was written in blood:


Dear Heroic Legion!


If you ever want to see your prescious little lady again, take yourselves to The Black Fortress, Black Doom´s magnificence incarnate, and surrender yourselves to his surpremacy. If you do so, he shall not only spare HER, but he will spare you as well, and turn you all into his honorable slaves. If you resist, he will kill the girl and all of you as well! You have 24 hours to make your decision!


Black Doom, Ruler of the Universe.


To be continued...[/align]

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[align=center]Chapter 16: A Promise.


As they were getting home in the space rocket, Knuckles and Tails tried to comfort Sonic.


"Don´t worry, Sonic!" said Tails, as he patted him on the shoulder. "We´ll save her!"


"Yea, of course!" replied Knuckles. "And also, if there´s anyone who can defend herself, it´s your wife!"


"We must save her, at all costs!" Lucario then said to Gohan. "If the Evil Union has her mind-controlled, I will fear the worst for Sonic will come true!"


"You´re right!" said Gohan. "I will help you to the fullest of my abilities!"


"I will assist you too, but not for saving that girl!" replied Vegeta. "Black Dooom thinks he can toy with me like a puppet, and then get away with it! He will pay!!"


Soon enough, they landed on Earth, as they got out. But then, they met someone that they did not count on to meet...


"Hey! Over here!!"


"Tidus?" Lucario sharpened his vision. There was Yuna, Wakka and Tidus.


"Boy, are we glad to see you!" said Wakka as they got to the rocket. "Black Doom suddenly attacked us, and then sended us here!"


"I wondered where you have been, hehe!" replied Lucario. "Is it true then?"


"Yes..." said Yuna. "Seymour...has joined this...Black Doom...and I fear that...if Seymour isn´t stopped...he will destroy Spira!"


"We must gather back at our headquarters!" Lucario snapped his fingers, and all of them were teleported to The Hall Of Introduction.


"Whoa!" Tidus was starled. "What happened?!"


"We were teleported back!" answered Shadow.


"Now...we must think of a plan to rescue Amy..."



Meanwhile, at The Black Fortress...



Amy opened her eyes. She was chained to the walls. All around her was darkness, and the stench was unbearable. It smelled like boiling blood and rottening flesh. She was in a dungeon. She cried a bit, and hanged her head down, staring into the floor.


"Sonic..." she whispered. "Where are you...."


Someone opened a door. From the darkness stepped Nazo, as he was smirking at Amy.


"Well, well..." he said. "Looks like the jail bird finally woke up!"


"Let me go!" shouted Amy, as she struggled to try and get free from the chains.


"I don´t think so..." replied Nazo, as he stepped closer to Amy. "Why do you waste your time on such a feeble-minded one as Sonic, anyways...? His only interest in you is your body...you know it...have you ever noticed how much he cared about you in the past? Nothing! He saw you as Nothing! But now...as you grant him access to your most...intiment parts of your body...he suddenly starts to CARE about you....Say me, Amy Rose: Is it just me, or is your husband a little bit of a...sexist...?"


Amy responded by spitting Nazo in the face.


"Sonic is a noble husband!" she said. "He does not just care about my BODY, but he cares about ME!! You will see!"


Nazo was furious, as he took up a bone splinter from the floor and slashed Amy across the face with it.


"YOU IGNORANT PIG!!" he shouted. "I OFFER YOUR LIFE A REASON AND THIS IS HOW YOU RESPOND??!!! Oh, how I will enjoy this..."


"W-What do you mean..."


Nazo began to fondle her hair, and then moved his hand down her cheek, down her chest, and down her skirt.


"Black Doom sended me here to interrogate you...about the Neo-Legion´s position. And I will get that information, one way or another..."


He slashed her across the face once again, and a tear was shed from her eye...




Meanwhile, Lucario and the others had gathered in The Hall Of Introduction for an emergency meeting.


"We must free Amy Rose!" said Lucario. "And while we´re doing that, we may have a chance to take down the Evil Union!"


"But what if we fail?!" replied Shadow. "What if we are killed, or Amy, or if the Evil Union gets away?!"


"Indeed!" said Gohan. "Their headquarters are surely filled with traps and monsters, and lets not forget that Broly is on their side!"


"WHAT?!" shouted Knuckles, as he stood up from his chair and stared at Gohan. "I thought you beated him back at Mobius!!"


"Oh, please!! Do you really think that he is SO easy to beat?!" replied Vegeta furiously. "Broly did without doubt survive, and he is surely not happy of the beating we gave him!!"


"Then we must be cautious!" said Lucario. "If there is any chance that we may be able to get through their defences, we must be careful for traps!"


"But how are we supposed to defeat them?!" said Wakka. "Their power seems unlimited!"


"There is always a way to beat them!!" replied Gohan. "As long as we fight at our best!"


"Everyone!!" Sonic interrupted. "We must not haste here! This is THE Evil Union we´re talking about! They will surely be prepared for any kind of attack! We must be sure that we are prepared for anything!! They will not give themselves in that easily, which means we will have a heck of a fight at our hands!! I....I´m not usually the one to be good at these desicions, but as my wife is prisoner at their hands, I must do something!! As we promised eachother: We would be together, forever!! And that promise I will keep!!"


"Yeah!" shouted Tidus, as he put his fist into the air. "We´ll do this! It´s just like Blitzball: When you play, you play to win!! That´s my First Rule!!!"


"Alright!" Lucario went over to his teammates. "So be it! We will strike their headquarters soon, so get ready, everyone!"


And with that, they separated and went to their respective rooms. Lucario halted Sonic, as he went over to him.


"You must be strong, Sonic." he said comforting. "Your wife will be saved, I promise!"


"Thanks, Lucario..." Sonic replied, while he wiped out a tear from his eye. "It´s just that...I fear that...she will...believe them..."


"About what?" Lucario asked.


"Something...that Mephiles showed her...in his nightmares....it was a copy of me.....raping her.....they will surely try to....persuade her into believing that....that I am....some kind of.....m-monster!"


"No, Sonic!" replied Lucario. "She will not be so easily fooled! She IS your wife, after all!"


"Heh, I guess you´re right." said Sonic, as he slapped Lucario a high five. "Thanks, ol´ buddy!"


"You´re welcome..." Lucario whispered, as Sonic left for his room. "I only hope I am right..."


To be continued...[/align]

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[align=center]Chapter 17: A Friend In Need!




Nazo slashed Amy furiously across her cheeks and chest, screaming and spitting in her face. She cried, though she did not tell anything. Nazo then threw the splintered bone on the dungeon floor and grabbed her.


"NOW LISTEN..." he started, and then calmed himself. "I am gonna ask you one last time NICELY...where...are...they??"


"I...I..." Amy was weakened, as her wounds were bleeding and she was spitting up blood. "I...won´t...tell...you..."


"YOU...!" Nazo tried not to loose himself in anger, as he began to smirk. "Fine...I guess we have to do this the HARD way!"


Suddenly, he ripped off Amy´s skirt! She was helpless, as Nazo began to touch her body. She cried.




"No....Only if you tell me...where your friends are..."


"I...I won´t tell you!!!"


"Have it your way then...my sweet little Amy..."


Then, a panicked scream echoed in the empty dungeon halls...




Meanwhile, The Neo-Legion prepared to leave for The Black Fortress.


"Alright, is everyone here?" Lucario asked. "Tidus, Wakka, Yuna?"




"Naruto, Neji?"




"Gohan, Vegeta?"




"Knuckles, Tails, Shadow, Sonic?"




"But...where is Sonic?"




Sonic was sitting in his room, as he looked out his window. He was holding a picture in his hand. It was the picture they had taken after their marriage.


"Amy......" he whispered. "I´m.....so sorry....I can...never forgive you....for what I´ve done to you..."


"You have done nothing..." Lucario stepped into his room, and sat down next to him. He looked at Sonic´s picture. "It´s nice..."


"It was...right after we were married." Sonic replied. "We were so happy then, and we still are! But now...It feels like...I´ve abandoned her...and left her to suffer..."


"You have not!" implied Lucario, and patted him on the shoulder. "I promise you...that we shall do everything it takes us...until there´s no breath left in our bodies......We WILL get Amy out of there, I promise you!!"


Sonic hugged Lucario.


"T-Thank you..." he whispered. "T-Thank you so much!!"


"You´re welcome..."




"Is everybody ready?" Lucario then asked, as all of them were in front of a giant construction, covered by a huge blanket.


"Yea, yea, let´s get it over with already!!" snarled Shadow impatiently.


"Tails...if you would do the honors..."


"Right!" Tails replied, as he stepped forward and drew off the blanket. As it fell off, it revealed a gigantic airship, similar to The Sierra, but it had a familiar style...


"Isn´t that...The X-Tornado?!" Knuckles said.


"Nope! It´s my newest construction: The Tornado-Hurricane X2000!!" Tails replied, as he flew up and demonstrated his marvelous airship. "It has ten times more jet capacity than the X-Tornado, and has space enough for us all! It also features a quite devastating weapon system, that Shadow gave me help with!"




"It´s weapons are powered with raw Chaos Energy, using the Seven Chaos Emeralds! It´s weapons are therefore nearly unbeatable, but we can also harness the Chaos Energy to create an invunerable force-field around the ship! It also features a Drop-Pod system, which enables us to emerge and attack from the ship with deadly speed!"


"And Vegeta and I will fly outside the ship, repelling any enemy attacks!" Gohan added, as he pointed at Vegeta. Vegeta smirked.


"Finally, I get to DO something!" he replied. "Let´s not waste any more time! I can already HEAR how that over-sized clown BEGS for mercy!!"


"Alright! Everyone into the ship!"


All of them entered the ship, while Gohan and Vegeta waited outside, ready for take-off. Tails sat himself in the Head Seat, and began to press buttons and pull levers. All of the Tornado-Hurricane´s systems slowly went online, and then the engines went on.


"You ready, Vegeta?" said Gohan, as both of them prepared to lift.


"Hmpf! I was BORN ready!!" he replied.


"Alright everyone!" said Tails, as the airship began to vibrate by the force of the engines. "We´re taking off at the count of three!"


Everyone sat down and buckled up.




The engines sparked as they ignited.




The engines began to roar, and Gohan and Vegeta prepared to take off.




Tails slammed down a big, red button, and the engines bursted on. Gohan and Vegeta took off, as the Tornado-Hurricane started to move rapidly to the exit. The exit opened, and out flew The Tornado-Hurricane X2000 along with Gohan and Vegeta. They were on their way...




After a while, a dark, gloomy island was sighted. Lucario bended his head down in sadness as he saw it.


"What is it?" asked Sonic.


"That...used to be...my home island..." sighed Lucario. "That used to be where the Aura Monks lived...as were I...until Black Doom murdered all of them, and tainted the island with the Black Toxin...a poisonus gas that absorbs itself into ones blood stream...and then strikes the nervous system with total paralysis. It is...truly a fortress of his twisted magnificence."


"Well´we have come this far..." said Wakka. "...might as well go all the way!"


"Tails!" Gohan contacted through a com-link in his ear. "I sense a large energy coming this way! It must be the Evil Union!"


"More like Black Doom´s birds!" Tails replied and showed Gohan. Swarms of Black Birds flew towards them, showing no sign of slowing down.


"What?!" Vegeta was furious. "I´m supposed to fight BIRDS?!! AAAHHHHHHH!!!!"


He charged his hands with energy and unleashed a giant volley of energy balls at them. Several missed, but many were hit, as the birds continued to swarm around them. Gohan unleashed a shockwave of energy, which caused the Black Birds to scatter, as they soon turned into easy targets for his energy attacks. The Tornado-Hurricane continued towards a huge, looming fortess.


"It´s The Black Fortress!" said Lucario. He pulled up a few needles filled with some kind of blue, illuminating serum. "Take these!"


"WHAT?!" Naruto was scared, as he hided behind Neji. "B-But you didn´t say anything about n-needles!! I HATE NEEDLES!!"


"It´s my special serum, which will render you unaffected by the Black Toxin."


"How come...Aow!" said Sonic as he sticked the needle into his arm. "How come that Gohan and Vegeta don´t need it?!"


"Because their Saiyan Blood renders them immune to any kind of paralysing effects." replied Lucario. "Now, to the Drop-Pods!"


Everyone rushed to the inner chambers of the airship, where they found several pods attached to the roof, ready to be dropped. Everyone sat into one and closed the hatch.


"Ready for dropping?!" asked Tails via the com-link.




"Here we go!"


Suddenly, the pods de-attached from the roof, and a hatch was opened below them, as they flew down towards the ground. The pods then crashed into the ground as The Neo-Legion emerged! Many Black Arms Soliders were on the ground, but they charged them head-on.




Hundreds of Naruto-clones appeared and attacked the Soliders. Neji struck one of them, as it´s arm went numb. He followed up with a series of pounds to the body and finished it off by pulling his hands back and lunging them at it´s chest. Several of them surrounded him, but Neji had an ace up his sleeve...


"BYAKUUGAN!!" he shouted as his veins around the eyes became thicker. "EIGHT TRIGRAMS:...!"


He charged one of the Soliders and striked him two times. "TWO PALMS!" he then rushed to the next one, and gave it four punches. "FOUR PALMS!" He rushed around all of the Black Soliders, as he gave them several hits:




The ground erupted in front of Neji, as he lunged the last, 256:th punch into the last Black Solider. All of the Black Arms around him had been pounded to death. Neji´s eyes turned normal, and he followed the others on their way towards The Fortress. Suddenly, something bursted from the ground and pulled him down.


"NEJI!" Naruto turned around, but in the same moment, the ground erupted in hundreds of spiked stone pillars. The others dodged quickly, but then, something grabbed hold of Knuckles and pulled him down as well!


"KNUCKLES!!" Sonic yelled. The ground shook even more, as it collapsed into huge cracks. Then, one last time, the thing tried to grab hold of Lucario, but he jumped at the same moment it grabbed onto him. It was a strong jump, as the thing was forced out of the earth. It was Gitai, and he had received yet another Chakra Injection!

Suddenly, water bursted from the cracks, and charged in giant waves against the others!! The Gang of Four had surprise-attacked them!


To be continued...[/align]

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[align=center]Chapter 18: The End Of Four.


Suddenly, Shizuku appeared in the middle of the waves. It looked like SHE was the one who controlled them!


"But she used fire the last time we met them!" said Sonic confused.


"It seems like she is able to control multiple elements at once." replied Neji, as he tried to read her chakra with Byakuugan. "But I don´t detect any water chakra from her!"


The waves got closer and closer, and soon they were upon them! But as they crashed down on them, a great force field was created, and it diverted the waves. Lucario had created an Aura Shield to protect them from the waves, and once the waves were gone, the others attacked.




Hundreds of Naruto Clones appeared, as they charged Shizuku. But then, a giant sphere of water formed over her head.




The water sphere unleashed hundreds of water strings, which pierced the clones as they disappeared. The strings continued as they headed straight for the others! Sonic dodged one of them quickly, and ran from the others. The others dodged them as well, but then, Gitai appeared behind Lucario, who grabbed him and threw him into the ground. Lucario crashed into a pile of rocks, but he jumped up again. He rushed at Gitai, and gave him a jump kick in the chest which sended him flying. Suddenly, Knuckles appeared from the ground and smashed him in the back.




A small crack formed, but Gitai just cackled and turned around to grab Knuckles.


"Heeheeee...was that all? You have to beat me harder to hurt me, you know!"


His hand turned bigger and into stone, as he dropped Knuckles and gave him a heavy punch in the chest.




Knuckles fell into the ground, as he lied down and grabbed his chest. His ribs were broken. Gitai was above him, as his fist turned gigantic and he launched it forward to squish him. But then, Gohan flied in it´s way and held it up.


"WHAT?!" Gitai was furious.


"Knuckles!" Gohan shouted. "Think you can move?!"


"Y-Yeah...I think so..." he tried to stand up, and limped away as fast as he could.


"And YOU!!" Gohan started to punch holes in Gitai´s fist, as he screamed in pain. For every word he uttered, he punched deeper and harder: "YOU...STOP...HURTING...MY...FRIENDS!!!!!!!"


Then, Gohan charged up a yellow energy blast, and launched it into the hole in Gitai´s fist. The beam pierced through Gitai´s fist, and then detonated from within. Gitai screamed in pain, as he was destroyed.


"GITAI!!!" yelled Setsuna, but suddenly, Vegeta was in front of him, as he punched him in the stomach. He was crippled a while, and in that moment, Vegeta kicked him even further into the air, and charged up a blue energy ball.




The energy ball was flying towards Setsuna, and then exploded along with him in the air. Setsuna was defeated.


"SETSUNA!!" Kusana shouted. Shizuku landed next to him, as her powers almost were gone.


"I...need...more...chakra..." she panted.


"Hold on, I´ll..." started Kusana, but then, Shadow appeared behind him.


"Oh no you don´t!!"


He kicked Kusana into the air, and then charged his body with red energy.




"HAAAAHHHH!!! CHAOS.......BLAST......."




Suddenly, Shadow´s red aura started to gather itself in his hands, as he lunged them forward.




The aura erupted in a large, red beam, almost as big as the Earth, right towards Kusana!! He disintegrated, as the gigantic beam dispersed. Shizuku was afraid to death, as Shadow smirked at her.


"Now to finish you..." he stretched out his hand, as a yellow energy ball was formed in it. "CHAOS SPEAR!"


The ball launched at Shizuku, and it detonated. She was defeated. All of the Gang of Four´s members were defeated.




After everyone had recovered from the fight, The Neo-Legion continued towards the Dark Fortress. And after a while, they were below it´s gigantic mountain wall.


"This is it..." said Lucario. "The Black Fortress...We must be careful. A trap might be behind every corner..."


A secret passage opened, and they stepped in. They had entered the dungeons. Most of the cells were empty, and filled with bones. But from one of the cells, Sonic heard a sobbing noise.


"It´s Amy!" he said, and looked inside. There she was, filled with bloody wounds across her body. She was crying.


"Let´s get her out of there!" Knuckles replied, and bashed the doors open. Sonic rushed in and hugged Amy.


"Amy! I´m here!"


"S-Sonic..." stuttered Amy. "Y-You c-came b-back f-for m-m-me..."


"You know I will..." he replied, as Gohan ripped off her chains and he hugged her. "Always..."


"Well, well, well...what have we here..." said a voice behind them. They looked around. It was Mephiles and Nazo.


"YOU!" Sonic was furious, as he charged at Mephiles and Nazo. But they vanished and punched him in the back. He crashed into a wall, as Nazo charged at him and punched his face deeper into it.


"You don´t seem to know your place, little Sonic!" he said disappointed, and grabbed Sonic´s head and pulled him out.


"Let´s play a little!" replied Mephiles.


Then, Nazo threw Sonic into the roof, as Mephiles launched a purple energy ball at him. The roof erupted, and blasted Sonic to the upper level. As he was in the air, Mephiles appeared from nowhere and punched him down.

Then, Nazo appeared below, and kicked him to his side. Both of them now disappeared and reappeared as they punched and kicked Sonic around the room. Both of them then kicked him up and reappeared above him, and heel dropped him in the stomach. As Sonic crashed into the floor, Nazo and Mephiles bombarded him with red and purple energy balls.


"Haha! There will be little or NOTHING left of him now!" Nazo then cackled, as the dust dispersed. There was Sonic, at the edge of death, with blood gushing from his wounds.


"Well, well! Looks like he´s alive after all!" Mephiles replied, and charged his hands with purple energy. He floated down to Sonic´s body, as he grabbed him and threw him into a wall. He then fired the sphere at him, as it got closer and closer to him. But then...


Someone got between him and the energy ball. Whoever it was, it took the full impact of the blast, and fell down lifeless. When Sonic opened his eyes, he was terrified when he saw who it was.


"N-No....no! NOOO! AMY!"


It was Amy. SHE was the one who sacrificed her own life for Sonic. Sonic was devastated, but in the same time, furious. He looked at Mephiles and Nazo, and his eyes seemed to burn with hatred. Suddenly, his body was surrounded by a black aura, as his eyes became white. He was in his Dark Super Form.


"W-WHAT?!" Mephiles was scared. "WHAT IS THIS...POWER?!!"


"YOU BASTARDS!!!!!" screamed Dark Super Sonic. "YOU WILL DIEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"


Dark Super Sonic charged Mephiles and blasted him in the chest with a dark energy ball. He was destroyed in an instant. Next was Nazo, as Dark Super Sonic punched him in the stomach which sended him flying. D.S(Dark Super) Sonic then appeared behind him and punched and kicked him like crazy, as Nazo was mercilessly pummeled. Then, D.S Sonic flew up and charged a giant, black ball of energy, and lifted it above his head. But then, as he prepared to launch it, a voice was heard in his head...


"Sonic! Don´t give yourself in!! You must help the others!"


Sonic calmed himself, as he floated down to the ground, and reverted to his original form. He then fell down on his knees, as he felt that he was totally exhausted.


"Sonic!" Lucario and the others had climbed up. "We must press on! Tails will take care of Amy! Now, get up!"


Gohan picked up Sonic, as he and the rest of them headed upwards. Black Doom was near...


To be continued...[/align]

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[align=center]Chapter 19: A Dark Requiem.


The Neo-Legion was rushing up the stairs, as they felt like they were getting closer every second. Finally, a balcony connected to the stairs was sighted. As they got up on it, they noticed a door with a strange crest on it. It was shaped like a decaying rose with a serpent coiled up around it. The serpent´s fangs were dripping venom on the rose´s petals, as they were coloured sick green.


"The insignia of The Evil Union." Lucario said. "This must be the Main Hall. Be careful..."


He cautiously opened the door, and the others stepped in, ever vigilant. The room had no walls, as pillars stood at the edges and viewed a great, decaying island, with ruins scattered across it. In the room was also a pedestal with a dark orb on it. It was floating in mid-air, as it crackled with purple electricity now and then.


"What is that?" Gohan was curious, as he stepped closer to it. "Seems like a powerful, arcane artifact. I think I´ve read about it, it´s called The Dark Requiem, and it is said to have been the source of the power of Merlin´s greatest enemy, Morgan LeFay. She entrusted the orb with her dark, sinister magic, and allowed the wielder to fuse with those powers."


"Which means that you should look at with your eyes, and not with your hands!" replied Shadow, as he saw Naruto sneaking closer to it. "Whatever that "Dark Requiem" thing is, it apparently has a master already, and means it will harm anyone exept that person!"


"Well, well, well, if you aren´t the clever one, Shadow..." said a voice behind them. As they turned around, they saw Seymour, standing at the door, smirking at them. And behind him was Black Doom and Nazo, who had recovered from the beating that Dark Super Sonic had given him.


"Seems like you´ve ran into my trap, after all..." said Black Doom. "And I see that you have discovered my most prized artifact, The Dark Requiem...It is indeed...more powerful than you could ever imagine..."


"Black Doom!" Lucario shouted. Black Doom looked at him.


"Well, well...If it isn´t my old nemesis..." he replied confidently. "Ten years, if I´m correct? My, my, time surely flies away when you have fun, hehee..."


"You may have returned this time, but no more!! I will defeat you!" Lucario shouted, as he changed into his battle stance.


"We´re right behind you!" replied Gohan, as he and Vegeta turned into Super Saiyans in an instant.


"I won´t lose, no matter what!" Naruto shouted, as he and Neji was prepared to fight.


"And we will help out too!" said Sonic, as he, Shadow and Knuckles prepared themselves.


"Maester Seymour!" Yuna stared at him. "I trust my Guardians with my life, but they´re also my friends! I will not stand aside and watch them be hurt! I will fight you too!!"


"Right on!" Tidus replied, as he pulled his sword.


"Well, can´t say I really like this..." Wakka said. "But...if anything happened to Spira...I just can´t live with myself! N-Not even in...Death, ya?! You hear that, Seymour?! It´s over for you!!"


"I don´t think so!" he replied, as he began to chant:


"Ashurkhah, Setthokhomens, Setthamira, Demensitia, Requisum!!"


The clouds formed a black hole, as it was twisting around in the sky.


"Feel my pain! Come, Anima!"




Suddenly, a chain bursted down from the hole, and teared a hole in the floor. But the hole was not in the floor, but through the very dimensions! Suddenly, it hooked onto something, and slowly dragged it up. Then, a horrible creature, that made the Neo-Legion paralysed with fear, was revealed. It was as if they looked at Death itself.

It looked like an ancient demon, with scaly "petals" on it´s sides, and it´s torso chained with it´s arms across it. But the most horrifying was it´s face, as half of it was covered in a bandaid, and the other, right eye, was open and bleeding.


"Behold, the might of Anima! A messenger of Death and Destruction, and your Undoing! Anima, cast them into the darkest pits of Oblivion Itself!!!"


The giant demon let out a lamenting screech, which caused the others ears to almost explode with pain. Then, it´s right eye began to glow in different colours, as it suddenly blinked. A giant shockwave burst was formed in the floor, as it was destroyed at a large radius.

The others understood that if they were hit, it would be their death. The demon once again charged it´s eye, as the others fled in different directions. It blinked several times, as large portions of the room was destroyed in the process. After he stopped at the command of Seymour, the room was completely destroyed. The only thing was that the floor parts were still left, floating in the air, as the others who couldn´t fly stood on them.


"Man´that thing is trouble!" said Sonic, as he tried to keep his balance.


"We must destroy it, somehow!" replied Lucario. "We must..!"


But then, the creature disappeared in a cloud of magical energy. Seymour had dismissed it.


"It would be...too easy to destroy you just like that..." he smirked. "Black Doom plans to keep you alive a little bit longer, just for fun!"


"Indeed, I am!" replied Black Doom, as he put up his hand, and seemed to call the floor pieces towards him. The pieces then moved towards the room, and once again merged with the rest of the floor.


"You see, I am about to show you the TRUE purpose of The Dark Requiem! It will not only grant me the power of the darkest, most powerful sorceress in history, but it will also able me to re-animate whatever I wish, as long as a piece of it is in my belongings..."


He took his hand inside his robe, and pulled out a necklace. On the end of it, was a small, jet-black and crimson shard.


"No!" Lucario was furious. "You wouldn´t dare to!! You will destroy the Earth!!!"


"As if I cared!" replied Black Doom furiously. "This planet is nothing but a small sphere of mud, floating around in the nothingness of the galaxy, as it hosts nothing but weakling humans!! They are an insignificant race to me, and must be eliminated, as a part of the progress that´s needed to complete the ritual I have started! You shall all witness the TRUE supremacy of my powers!! NOW, FINISH IT!!!"


In that moment, Seymour took up one of his hands, with his long, sharp nails pointed at himself, and punctured his throat! He smirked, as he fell lifeless to the floor. Nazo formed a red energy ball in his hand, and pieced himself in the chest with it, as he instantly died. Then, a large, green explosion was sighted far away.


"It was Broly!" said Gohan surprised. "He just blew himself in pieces!!"


"What´s going on, Black Doom?!!" Lucario shouted. "Why are your most trusted guards ordered to kill themselves?!"


"Because, you ignorant furball...it is necessary with a few...sacrifices before it is finished. And I would like to congratulate you, for killing those insolent ninjas and that wicked Mephiles for me, you are also a part of my diabolical plan! And now, the moment that I have waited on for SO long!!!!! ARISE, MY BLACK COMET!!!!!! ARISE, AND DESTROY THIS MAGGOT-HOLE OF THE UNIVERSE!!!!!"


Suddenly, the entire Earth began to shake, as gigantic cracks were formed on it´s surface. The cracks then separated, and became bigger and bigger, as large pieces of the Earth were separated from eachother. Suddenly, the pieces began to float away from the Earth, and into space! But then, the pinnacle of Black Doom´s insidious geniousity was revealed.




The Earth´s core was revealed, but it was not the core. Instead, it was a jet-black and crimson meteor, as big as a small planet, in it´s place. It had some kind of "tentacles" emerging from it, as they were hooked to the Earth´s pieces, preventing them to float any further.




"Yes! YES!!!! After all these years, it is finally done!!! Behold, Neo-Legion, my new, invincible fortress: THE BLACK PLANET!!!!! I never thought of it to be THIS big, as it pleases me even MORE! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAA!!!! Your planet is no more, and the Black Planet is born!!!"


"Y-YOU MONSTER!!!!!!!!" Gohan shouted, as he was absolutely furious at him.


"H-HOW DARE YOU!!!!!!!" Naruto was also furious, as his body erupted in red chakra, and it formed into the Kyuubi Demon.




He teleported away from them, and left them behind.


"He must have gone to The Black Planet!!! We must follow him!!!!" shouted Lucario. Suddenly, the Tornado-Hurricane X2000 appeared in front of them.


"Guys!!" it was Tails who contacted them. "What´s going on?! The Earth is torn into pieces and that...thing has replaced the core!"


"It is Black Doom´s doing!!" replied Lucario. "We must get there!"


"No problem! Hop aboard, and I´ll take you there!"


They went aboard the Tornado-Hurricane, and then it darted off towards The Black Planet...


To be continued...[/align]

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