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Use a Fatality on the Above User!

Lazer Yoshi

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I throw a childrens trading card at you to paper cut you, then when you try and heal your self from my paper cut, I pull out my duel disc, smash you over the head with it, and throw you into the ocean, where sharks are wandering around, then a shark eats you. FATALITY.

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Chuck you into an air tight 'sucking' room and lock you in, then activate the switch and watch your body expand until you explode. Then go all Frankenstein on you and rebuild your body, bring you back to life, then tie you to a train track, then call for a train to arrive in 24 hours, and give you a small electric shock until it arrives, gradually increasing in voltage, then smell the train track barbeque and eat your toasted remains on a kebab stcik.


:) - i am very evil...

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