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The (Un) Official World Championship 2008 Battle Request Thread


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Omega, Let me increse your Internet Kung-Foo skills:



You ever ben online, dueling random people(for the lulz), And your up agenst an 80 card Jaden/Yugi deck? And by pure luck they manage to get Dark Magician and 2 copies of Flare Wingman out on the first turn, Yet you drew the 1-in-a-million crap hand? Yes, Basicly its like that.


And the thing is, Nobody wants to go up agenst them, But everyone wants to get them. Its not really anyones fault, Its more twords the reason that Konami(yet again) cannot put effort into a game to save thare life. Take Wc06 for example. Kuriboh, about 40% of the time, will have either a magic god-hand, or a full hand of Kuribohs.


For reading that, You gain +3 Internet Kung-Foo


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Omega' date=' Let me increse your Internet Kung-Foo skills:



You ever ben online, dueling random people(for the lulz), And your up agenst an 80 card Jaden/Yugi deck? And by pure luck they manage to get Dark Magician and 2 copies of Flare Wingman out on the first turn, Yet you drew the 1-in-a-million crap hand? Yes, Basicly its like that.


And the thing is, Nobody wants to go up agenst them, But everyone wants to get them. Its not really anyones fault, Its more twords the reason that Konami(yet again) cannot put effort into a game to save thare life. Take Wc06 for example. Kuriboh, about 40% of the time, will have either a magic god-hand, or a full hand of Kuribohs.


For reading that, You gain +3 Internet Kung-Foo




You still aren't over the fact that I beat you with my Magic God-Hand?



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Omega' date=' Let me increse your Internet Kung-Foo skills:



You ever ben online, dueling random people(for the lulz), And your up agenst an 80 card Jaden/Yugi deck? And by pure luck they manage to get Dark Magician and 2 copies of Flare Wingman out on the first turn, Yet you drew the 1-in-a-million crap hand? Yes, Basicly its like that.


And the thing is, Nobody wants to go up agenst them, But everyone wants to get them. Its not really anyones fault, Its more twords the reason that Konami(yet again) cannot put effort into a game to save thare life. Take Wc06 for example. Kuriboh, about 40% of the time, will have either a magic god-hand, or a full hand of Kuribohs.


For reading that, You gain +3 Internet Kung-Foo




You still aren't over the fact that I beat you with my Magic God-Hand?




I might have to challenge you, yet again, for the fact that, Thanks to Konami's oh-so great programming skill, Your ghost always repeats this: Mirror Force, Magic Cylinder, 2 copies of Skilled-Dark, 2 copies of Dimensional Wall, Gorz, 2 copies of Giant Ork, and Sword of Dark Rites.


And its pretty hard to beat that, considering you cant get a hand to match that.


Once of the reasons why I tend to hate Wc08: Because Konami made it.

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