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[Leaderboard] Death Bishop vs. Striker (Bishop WINS)

Death Bishop

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All Leaderboard Rules apply.
First to 3 votes or most votes by the deadline wins.
All voters must elaborate on their votes.

Both contestants have the right to refuse votes, but must explain why they don't accept it.

  • Written cards are allowed. (Must be in written format, cards with blank pictures are not acceptable).
  • Cards must be PM'd to me.
  • Remove any evidence of the card being made by you to ensure anonymity.
  • In case a downtime happens, the deadlines may be extended.


The winner gets a rep from the loser + 50 points.
All voters get a rep for voting.


The deadline for entry is July 20, 11:59pm (Australian Eastern Standard Time).

If no one has reached 3 votes, the contest will end on July 28, 11:59pm (Australian Eastern Standard Time). Whoever has the most votes by this date wins.



Make a DARK Monster of any level that supports other DARK monsters.



[spoiler= Card A]Wicked Warrior










If this card is present on your side of the Field and your opponent attacks a DARK monster you control, once per turn, you can discard 1 card from your Hand in order to Special Summon 1 DARK monster from your Graveyard with a Level less than or equal to the attacking monster. Your opponents attack will be negated. Place a counter on this card every time you activate this effect, and send this card to the Graveyard once 3 counters have been accumulated.


[spoiler= Card B]Lunatic Mage





If a DARK monster you control would be targeted by an opponent's card effect: You can reveal this card in your hand to target 1 DARK monster you control; destroy that target, and if you do, Special Summon 1 DARK monster with a Level less than or equal to that target's Level from your Graveyard, except that target.

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Card A sort of has a Zombie Master clause with more range, but can only be activated when the opponent declares an attack. Can trigger with itself, so there is some spam potential even with the self-destruct if you have multiple copies. DARK sure likes their Graveyard, so it doesn't take much. Although the discard cost helps mitigate it a bit.

A bit of the same problems with Card B. Remains in the hand for further usage, not a huge amount of setup required and no OPT restriction here either. And oh my god, BA triggers. Bonkers.

A feels… less overly abusable here.

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Once per turn: If your opponent attacks a DARK monster you control: You can discard 1 card from your hand; Special Summon 1 DARK monster from your Graveyard with a Level less than or equal to the attacking monster, then if you do, negate that attack. When this effect resolves, place a (specify) Counter on this card. If this card has 3 (specify) Counters on it, send it to the Graveyard.


(Fixing the OCG, so it feels more in line; also makes it a bit easier to read)



Anyway, card A allows you Special Summon monsters from the Graveyard; provided you have ample discard fodder and a monster of equivalent/lesser Level in the Graveyard (which you probably have, given how much Grave accessibility has become nowadays for them), then grants a negation effect.


That being said, I do need to mention that the card cannot block against Xyz, so there's this card's out.

Then, of course, it'll blow itself up after three shots; if your opponent doesn't already kill it before then.


In terms of its OPT, bear in mind that it is a soft one; meaning that there is nothing stopping it from triggering another copy of itself (either from the field or Graveyard).

If it were a hard one, then it'd be much more fairer.




Lunatic Mage has a lack of OPT clause, and while it replaces monsters that get shot down by card effects, it triggers a lot of "sent to the Graveyard" effects; most prominent one being BAs and Shaddolls.


These two are mentioned, giving their notoriety for doing so; especially the former.


Although nowadays, it is basically Castel targeting and some other common things.

Raigeki is sweep destruction, so it will not trigger this.




In conclusion, card A gets my vote; although as mentioned, I would've liked it as a hard OPT.

Same with card B, given that it is constant revival and all that for two Decks known for plussing a lot off of these.

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Card A is a really weird Maiden with Eyes of Blue that has a discard cost that although is quite hilarious in its potential, it really doesn't exactly do a whole lot because it is rather passive, and Xyz monsters would run over it easily. I would have given it stats esque of Tengu or Rhynos, as right now it just has so little going for it when any R3 or R4 can easily just run over it and it would be effortlessly taken care of. Even if then, the more I think about it, it really relies on the opponent a bit too much, and even Maiden had ways to trigger itself, which makes me think this isn't even worth it.


Card B is..... Not as crazy as it sounds. I mean, yes, it triggers BA effects, yes, it stays in the hand. BUT: there is one problem here; keeping it live and the monster you are reviving being desirably triggerable. Let's put it in perspective of BA since it was a subject of talk in this. Generally speaking, this will only apply to your BAs, as no build tends to run Malacoda. Generally, as much as you want your BAs to trigger, you generally don't want to force trigger your BA effects, as this tends to have you play unfavorably in the duel, much like milling your 1 Barbar very early. Lunatic falls in the category of relying too much on the opponent to make a move and by the time they do it, it's a bit inconvienant for you to do so. Even in Shaddoll, if they are Breakthrough Skill'ing your FLIP monsters (Since Winda is protected and all and you won't be using it on that), it's not even worth going for. There is a reason you always Ring'd your own monster for game back in the day. Cards that rely on your opponent to make a situation in favor of the card you want to flip are generally not that great, and in this case, finding a time you want to abuse your effect isn't as easy as it seems


Overall, my vote goes for Card C. I find both cards to be obscenely underwhelming, and I think there is a lesson to be learned in both of these: Cards that rely on the opponent to do something and put you in a position favorable for your card, rather than favorable for yourself, are not the greatest cards in the game.

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I'm feeling a Bit {A} today but only just.....


{A}  Is better early game and just in general but the fact it has to be on the field combined with 3 uses isn't the best. But honestly the simple fact the it applies to attacking and as long as a monster is on the field it's gonna happen means it'll have more uses probably more likely to use and more important I rather destroy a monster trying to attack than one trying to target (this all changes later game keep in mind where {B} is definitely the best)


{B} seems to be able to combo with Armageddon Knight but the fact that its summons something a level lower (good balance) its going to be completely useless in early game which is when I imagine your going to want to have field advantage because it's limited to card effects and it's not like someone's just gonna be throwing around Raigeki Breaks or really anything that targets early game. so I guess it's a specialised effect veiler which you have to tribute to use but can use again multiple times..... Interesting, but it doesn't seem to do anything until later game which also means it's basically a dead draw you need to draw to use? However in later game I can see this being quite powerful not that in means any thing these days it has to be spam


to be honest Im not really even qualified to vote but I do know these cards would be pretty sick working together (tribute {A} for {B}'s effect Special {X} tribute {X} for fresh {A} with no counters.... Probably not the best they could do but something they could)

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I'm feeling a Bit {B} today but only just.....

From my point of view {A} is underpowered and {B} is abusable but still realistic.....

{B} for me.

You'll need to explain a bit more if you want this vote to be accepted.

Notice how our vote posts are made.


Why do you think A is underpowered?



Just keep in mind that I reserve the right to negate votes if the need arises.

Striker does as well, but I overrule him if it comes to certain cases (although it rarely, if ever happens).

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You'll need to explain a bit more if you want this vote to be accepted.

Notice how our vote posts are made.


Why do you think A is underpowered?



Just keep in mind that I reserve the right to negate votes if the need arises.

Striker does as well, but I overrule him if it comes to certain cases (although it rarely, if ever happens).

Sorry.... yeah I do need to back it up more for now my vote is {C}/Neutral
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Striker/Death, if you haven't already noticed, the last voter has decided to elaborate on their choice + overall made it a vote for Card A.

Depending on if either of you accepts it, contest is technically over.


Also as a reminder, make sure one of you reps any voters who've contributed to how the match turned out.

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