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How to create a Dark Synchro monster ???

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You can copy image to paint of your card, move the picture, invert the rest of the card, select picture and put it back in place, remove stars, dragon remaining part of strip under the title to the other side, put the stars in the new gap, download to photobucket, and post here in img bracket.

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My guess is that it's in the wrong place.


But, this is the Questions forum, you're supposed to ask questions.



Many people want Dark Synchros and they can't make one.



I, for one, want to make a Dark Synchro too, but I tried all the tutorials but no dice.



...wish YCMaker would put that feature, then we wouldn't be asking (no offense, but listen to people)

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jk233_ultimatemaster until they come to the OCG there is no reason to make them, especially for a bunch of people who just think they're cool and haven't even seen the 5 in the Anime.


DarkAnarchist its called SICK OF THE REQUESTS. I'm gonna report to lock now.

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