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Yu-Gi-Oh GX: The Tides of Change |[BASIC] | Ended


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Haou Chuckled Demonicly And A Thick Black Mist Started Appering "Sorry Kid... I Have Someone I Need To Talk To" In A Few Seconds, Haou Vanished Ending The Duel In A Tie "Next Time... I Won't Hold Back"



The Same Mist Appered In The Forrest "Haou; Good To See You Alive Again... I Got The Goods, You Got What I Need?" Asked A Man From In The Mist "Yes, I Have The Cards... Now Hand Them Over!" "Sure; Nice Doing Busines With You" The Man Said Taking The Cards From Haou, And Haou Taking The Cards From The Man "Untill Next Time I Need Assistance" Haou Scaned The Cards He Got From The Man And Added Them To His Deck "Next Time... He WILL Lose..."


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Haou Looked At His New Evil Heros And Walked Toward The Volcano "He Was Late, Again... Next Time I'll Destroy Him!" Haou's Duel Spirits: Evil Hero Infernal Prodigy, Malicious Edge And Evil Hero Dark Gaia Appered And Followed Haou "You 3 Are An Ace... But MY Ace Card Is Much More Powerful... Than Anything You Could Ever See!" Ha Said Demonicly, Entering Viper's Old HQ -Which Haou Used As A Home- And Sat On The Ground, Planing Out His Next Duel, Move-By-Move



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OoC: Seriously, WTF? Is 'The Man' my character?


Ryo looked at his two face down cards "Magical Cylinder" and "Prevent Unit".

"I could have won..." Ryo said. "Hmph. How annoying."

Ryo had forgotten about the voices. Ryo slowly progressed through the forest. The air seemed fresher here than in the Obelisk Blue Dorm. The leaves created silhouettes from the dim sun peeking through them. The crunch of Ryo's feet stepping on the leaves was the only sound that could be heard, apart from the occasional gust of wind. Ryo's mind focused on one thing. The Duel Academy Exam. He had revised hard, but he was still having worries.

"What if they talk about a specific archetype I haven't learnt yet" Ryo said to himself.

Ryo continued along the forest. A path had started to form, and Ryo followed that path. Eventually he reached the end of the forest. He noticed a group of Obelisk Blue Girls in a corner and an Obelisk Blue and Slifer Red duelist duel. The Slifer won with a Trap card, much to the dismay of the Obelisk Blue.

"It's a shame you didn't get as lucky in the test, otherwise you wouldn't be a Slifer!" jeered the Obelisk Blue.

"It wasn't luck, I beat you fair and square!" protested the Slifer Red duelist. He had a fire burning in his eyes.

"What did you say?" he pinned the Slifer against one of the trees. The Slifer Duelist whimpered. "Go and dump that filth you call a Deck in the bin!"

It was the word filth that did it. Ryo ran up to the Obelisk Blue and slide tackled him. The Obelisk fell to the floor in surprise. Ryo stood above him. The Obelisk Blue began to cry.

"Please don't hurt me!" he said.

"Not very nice being looked down from below, is it." Ryo said. "You need to learn to respect the opponent in a duel. You cannot call yourself a Duelist if you don't!"

Ryo turned to the Slifer Red duelist.

"Are you okay?" he asked.

"Y...yesss sir..." he stuttered

"Listen to me. Don't let people discriminate you for the uniform you wear. One day, I promise I will abandon this system. All students shall be seen with equal status."

Ryo left both of them dumbfounded. The group of girls had watched the scuffle, and resumed their conversation.

"He's fit... But not as fit as that boy in Obelisk. He's got a funny name. Some god... Now he's hot."

"Naah way, the buffest is Kaiba!"

Ryo headed in the direction of the Obelisk Blue Dorms.

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Poseidon got up from his sofa and shook his arms and legs, he went to the sink and got a cup and filled it up with cold water, he then took a tiny little sip of the water and threw the rest on his face and head to wae him up.

Poseidon: Aahhh, that does the trick if I'm not having a shower *Laughs*


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Poseidon left the shed and took some keys and locked up, he went out and soon saw Ryo and Azure standing there.

Poseidon: Well if it isn't Duel Academy's very own Mr. Over-confident, and just plain Azure *Laughs*


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