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[CLOSED] Pravus Academy Year 1 is Over!

Felix Culpa

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Mr. Ukita, the Algebra II teacher, came in slapping a pointer on the chalk board. "I am Mr. Ukita. You will only refer to me as Mr. Ukita or sir. Remember that."

Ms. Saunders, the Physics teacher, came into the classroom, telling the students, "I am Ms. Saunders. My class is not easy. I don't think you expected it to be. Let's begin."

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Frandres then Spread her Crystal wings in front of her, which Took the Hit, But despite the force of the attack, The wings did not give or even Break, Then the wings started glowing red as her wings took in the force of the Tackle........ and the Best thing is that she probably didn't have to go to classes until nighttime.....

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