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Yugioh Ultima Academy part 5 ~Finished~ (Not accepting!) [BASIC] [Now 13+ for violance and mild romance]


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(Ooc: haha bet you did'nt see that coming ;))


'i'm not you, silly!' the copy said smacking him on the head. 'ow' chris said rubbing the spot the copy had hit him on. 'then what are you?' he asked 'because you sure look like me.' the copy smiled. 'i'm your consience(sp?)' it answered, 'or is it subconsience?' it asked itself.

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"Well if you're my consience then I sure as hell want to know why you have brought me here!" Chris yelled, flailing his arms around a little. "ppft" the consience exclaimed, waving away his words and arm flailings with its hand. "I did not bring you here, I don't have awesome powers like that" the consience said, rolling it's eyes. "And frankly, I should be the one asking you why you just barge into my home.. your head like this" it said glaring at him, but just as Chris was about to answer the consience eyes got wide. "You didn't die did you!" it said, looking quite terrified. "no I most certainly did NOT!" Chris answered it, quite annoyed with his own consience. "or.." he then added, "At least I don't think I did."

The consience started to wander around quite nervously, "Well, of course you're not dead, then I'd most likely be dead too" as the last words left it's mouth it stopped and shuddered. "But then what the hell has brought you here?" it said, turning to Chris looking angered. Chris shrugged and let out an 'I-don't-know' sound.

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ooc:The figure that has been visiting us during our times of need is back(the one that commented on the millennium items like a tourist) and Ryu is trying to find out who it is...that's what my story has been about so far.


"A girl with Blue-eyes and her grandfather, this shouldn't be too hard to do....yet...I can't find squat."

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--thanks JZ


Joanna hadn't seen Athrun in a few days. It had been quiet around the academy with the school year coming to an end. "I wonder where he could be?" she asked herself. She made her way towards the slifer dorms to look for him, or anyone that would know his wereabouts.

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"No...haven't seen him lately...but I'll help you find him." she seemed worried so she looked down a lot and Ryu couldn't get a good look into her eyes, if it hadn't been for the voice emulator he could of told by her voice...and because they weren't really close friends he couldn't tell by her aura, her eyes were the only way to tell."it would make sense...Chris had Athrun's aura around him, and the figure threw shuriken at him in a jealous rage....so Joanna would have to be the jealous type..." he thought to himself.

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The consience sat down on the white nothingness that chris figured was his mind. 'i would'nt have thought it was this empty in my head' chris said looking around. The consience looked at him and laughed. 'this is the part of your brain that is still empty' it said and then got up. 'walk any direction for a while and it will be quite clogged up with knowledge and memories'

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"I probably could have found this girl if I were single....sheesh...."


"Oh really...well, guess who?" says the female Fiugre as she jumps down."Granpa may not want to fight you...but I need to prove our family is still the closest to the Mystic Line..."


"Is that what you want? I'll gladly take you down in a duel."

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