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Spore (PC)


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Spore (PC)



This is probably the best game ever! I love it, it is complicated (haven't beaten it in a year). But anyway, you start off as a single celled organism. Then, an uninlettigent creature. Next, you create a tribe. Then, A civilization. Finally, you make it to the final frontier, SPACE! You don't really know what the objective of the game is, either. You collect piece to customize your character. There is also a non-Story Line "Creature Creater", so can can make an infinate amount of things.


[spoiler=Objective! Huge Spoiler!]You need to jump worm-holes until you get to the center (I think it is the sun. I haven't ever made it.) and you get this staff. It is the objective. It is very hard, because there is this thing (don't remember what it is) that attacks you if you get to close.



[spoiler=Cheats! Major Spoiler!] Press CRTL + Shift + C. Then type in "help". It is like a debug menu, I guess.






Difficulty/Beating Time: -0 Hard, takes time (not a first, though)!


Occupation: -0 The Creature Creater really keeps you occupied!


Price: -0 ($50) It is worth the price!


Obtaining it: -0 It is easy to get at the store, or you gan just order it




Keeping the Fun Going: -0 There are COUNTLESS


attachments! Probably one is created every 2-4 Weeks!


-0 in all




Your Game Reviewer,




This is a breif summary, not to influence anyone to buy the game. Do not blame me if you bought the game, and do not feel the same way about the it.

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