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[DISC] Victoria

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rated by effects:

1st effect: revives dragons. situational, but not terrible given this meta's penchant for stardust. it wouldnt get its effect (you wouldnt want it to) but you could still revive a beater.

2nd effect: its an 1800 light fairy. great effect. makes this card useful. fairy beatdown has some serious potential, once the right cards make it to the US. and this guy can definitely contribute, given his beatstick capabilities. she works with tethys, athena, christia, and more, and matches harvest, if not surpasses him for a slightly less situational effect. (outside of counterfucks at least)


i find it crucial in fairy beatdown. outside of that its like, barely sideable at best, and thats only if you expect to come up against hopeless or a mad generic synchro-er.



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4-Headed Victory Dragon


...Could someone kindly explain to me what this is?


It's a Victory Dragon than can be Special Summoned when you control more cards than the opponent and have higher Life Points. It can attack 4 times, and if it reduces your opponent's Life Points to 0, you win the Match.


Way better than Victoria.

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