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Maze Duels

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  • 3 weeks later...

I've had a few ideas about maze duels. Had to make an acount just to talk about it. Here are my ideas and thoughts about it.


P.s. A chess board with imaginary tiles on the sides are good for a 10by10 board. Chess pices to represent monsters with a matching pice to go on the board itself.


1. Monsters move based on their stars. They dont have to use all their moves.


2. Moving counts as attacking. Cards can be activated if it says it activates as a response to this.


3. DEF position monsters cant move and monsters cant move if they cant attack.


4. NO setting traps IN the maze. You can still activate them at any time.


5. Black hole and the like still kills all monsters, but not the walls of the maze. The maze is indestructable.


6. All monsters attack within 1 square. No exseptions.


7. No flying over walls. winged monsters are still legal, but saying they can fly over walls is just stupid.


8. When a monster is attacked and destroyed, the ATKer takes his place and stops moving. Monsters who atk twice can move twice as many spaces, half are lost when atk'ing. Atk again in a row gets their moves back when atk'ing and destroying sucsesfully. Atk all monsters are the same, but stop when all monsters are gone.


9. Your monsters on the opponents first row of spases can atk directly. Monsters who cant be atk'ed cant be aproched.


10. Monsters with an atk directly dont need to move to atk directly.


11. Your monsters can share spaces. Cant share with enemies.


12. All other rules are the same.


13. No monsters get special powers because of their name and picture. That worm thing cant go under and wallshadow cant do that wall thing. Magical laberinth, Laberinth wall, and the like arent any diferent.


I think thats just about it. Suggestions? Coments? Feel free.


P.s. the ban list is for official duels. I dont think its compleatly nesesary. and sorry about the bad spelling.

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nate xero... What is that even supposed to mean?..


Exchange of the spirits, you said? Is that the card Yugi used to beat the peridox brothers by swaping his monsters. That card is meant to swap cards in the decks and graveyards, they used alot of cards wrong in the tvshow.


I also just remembered ruels I forgot. You summon monsters on the row of spaces closest to you. Including Tribute, Ritual and basic Special summons. Fusion monsters go on a space of a fusion material monster chosen by you, and if all the materials are in your hand, they go in the first row. Synchro monsters go on the space of the tributed turner monster.

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It means that if a thread is going into a month with no activity, don't post in it. Its considered dead, and you should just create a new, or pm the original poster. Alot of people have a problem with bumping old threads, I don't, I find them a nice refreshment from the hip and happening.... plus I get to post that pic I spent all of 2 minutes creating.

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points addressed in order:

@polaris' date=' i already implied paradox style, as in the [b']paradox brothers from the show.[/b] this is the basis. stop trolling me. and you were going out of your way to try and annoy me, so it sounds like the definition of trolling to me.


Had it ever occurred to you that I'm not required to endure 200 episodes of practical Disney-gone-Animé clichés and teamwork speeches to browse the TCG section?


No more shitty Anime in my TCG please.

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points addressed in order:

@polaris' date=' i already implied paradox style, as in the [b']paradox brothers from the show.[/b] this is the basis. stop trolling me. and you were going out of your way to try and annoy me, so it sounds like the definition of trolling to me.


Had it ever occurred to you that I'm not required to endure 200 episodes of practical Disney-gone-Animé clichés and teamwork speeches to browse the TCG section?


No more shitty Anime in my TCG please.


Had it ever occurred to you that you are answering to a person who haven't post since last month?

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points addressed in order:

@polaris' date=' i already implied paradox style, as in the [b']paradox brothers from the show.[/b] this is the basis. stop trolling me. and you were going out of your way to try and annoy me, so it sounds like the definition of trolling to me.


Had it ever occurred to you that I'm not required to endure 200 episodes of practical Disney-gone-Animé clichés and teamwork speeches to browse the TCG section?


No more shitty Anime in my TCG please.


Had it ever occurred to you that you are answering to a person who haven't post since last month?


No. Now that you bring it up, frankly, I don't really give a damn.


Should I not answer anyone just because there's a chance they might not see the thread again? Sure there's a higher chance here, but that doesn't mean there's no chance for him to. There's nothing I can lose either way, so I might as well.


I'm not the one to have initially bumped the thread, Reed's bump was two weeks, give or take.

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