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Six Anti-Synchro Dragons FIXED AND BETTER!!!


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Anti-Synchros are just a rip off of Dark Synchros' date=' they are rubbish. These are badly done as well. Effects are simple. Pics are overused.




Dark Synchros are a rip off of Synchros. Synchros are simply rituals made easier. Rituals are tribute summons made harder. So, you need to shut up a little bit.


now, as the creator of Anti-Synchros, I feel obligated to inform you that the stars used for the level have been changed. for the final design of the appearance, you can look either my Anti Synchro thread, or the one made by Deustodo.


as just another YCM user, there is some OCG and, yes, some of them are OP'ed. I give it 6/10

(I have seen Blacklord, he is that powerful, and he can summon other monsters to aid him in battle, or simply battle for him.)

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