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Languages oh languages...

Felix Culpa

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Rudimentary means basic' date=' which makes me think that Rudimentary Hawaiian is just the basic form of Hawaiian, and the most common.



A little more than Basic for me actually... But I can translate/speak it better than I can actually SPEAK it if you know what I mean. I do go around people who can speak perfect Hawaiian though. So it's natural that I can feel the language, more than I can speak it myself.

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Does anyone have some good ways to self-teach yourself or websites/ect which could help me learn? I'd be interested in learning Italian/German/Russian/Chinese/Japanese but I've never had the chance to learn them D=


Just watch TV. That's how I learnt english. When you think you are good enough, join a Yu Gi Oh! forum to test your skill in that language. If people can understand you, profit.

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