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Question for the mods, really...

Tempest Dahlia

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How do you report someone, or some people, without being an annoyance? I ask this because many people are at sanity's end with a particular member, and I wanted him to be banned so he won't cause anymore trouble.

This is also for future reference.

After this is answered, plz lock and also, I'll complain the right way.


Thank you.


(PS When I say 'report,' I mean 'how to give a overall summary of EVERYTHING tha certain member has done.')

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No, i've reported this guy three times, exactly. He has cursed, flamed, everything in between... Not a single ban YET.

Srsly he's annoying, and he needs to leave everyone alone. Even if he is reported, he'll keep doing it, like he is now.

This thread was basically for when you really want someone banned and you don't know what to do.

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Once a person is unbanned' date=' what's to say they well stop. Like me. People think just because I was banned that i'm going to stop what I was doing before I got banned, but i'm not... EDITED



...That's why there's a such thing as "permabans". Keep flaming and spamming and whatnot... You'll experience it soon...

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First onc a person is unbanned whats to say they well stop like me people think just cuz i was banned im gonna stop what i was doing before I got banned but im not.


So what you're essentially saying is that you should be perma-banned because you're not going to stop what got you banned in the first place.


Anyway on topic. 820, if someone really needs to be banned because they're rude and inconsiderate or whatever, pm the mods. As long as you don't sound like you're whining and have real support as to why they should be, it shouldn't be an annoyance. If you have to just apologize for the inconvenience and stress that you don't mean to be annoying. The mods are people too, they'll understand.

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Yes I know who inspired this thread. I'll give you support if needed. I've seen a few of his scenes and he is quite rude. He needs to learn that he can't do that without consequences. You have my help, just ask when you need it.


EDIT @Katoki: Well if you say so. It's just using yourself as an example wasn't really helping your argument.

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