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The Ultimate Card Tournament 8 Rounds 9 Spaces! Round 5 has begun!

$ûþ®èmè Kì�§

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Hello and Welcome to the Ultimate Card Tournament!



[spoiler=] Rule 1. Don't copy.


Rule 2. Don't spam








Round 1


1 Dragon-Type Syncrho with 8 Stars or less


Round 2


1 Counter Trap and 1 Monster Card (Any Star amount)


Round 3


1 Spell And 1 WATER-Atribute monster ( Must be 4 Star or lower)


Round 4


1 Fusion Monster


Round 5


1 Ritual Monster with 1 Ritual Spell card


Round 6


Any card you like


Round 7


1 Level 3 Tuner monster


Round 8


1 Level 6 Synchro and 1 Level 3 Tuner monster







1. jk233_ultimatemaster (R4 Cards posted)


2. rodri666


3. Stein-hasake


4. Trinitial (9TH Place)


5. Death's Seduction (7TH Place)


6. Jigglypuff


7. snyperfox2003 (6TH Place)


8. Matrix Kirby


9. [Kagerius_XxX] (8TH Place)







1st Place- 3 Points and 3 Reps

2nd Place- 2 Points and 2 Reps

3rd Place- 1 Point and 1 Rep

4th Place and under- Nothing




Thats all from me let the contest BEGIN!

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Im in!! Here is my card:


Effect:1 Tuner + 1 or more non-Tuner monsters

When this card is Synchro Summoned, flip all face-down Defense Position monsters on the field face-up. Flip Effects are not activated at this time. Then, remove from play all LIGHT and DARK monsters on the field (except this card). This card gains 200 ATK for each card removed from play this way. Once per turn, you can remove from play 1 LIGHT and 1 DARK monster from your Graveyard to Special Summon 1 of your removed from play LIGHT or DARK monsters. When this card is attacked, it loses 400 ATK for each card removed from play. When this card is destroyed, pay 1000 Life Points to return all of your removed from play monsters to your Graveyard and return this card to your Extra Deck.


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Here's mine.


[spoiler=Mah Card]





1 Tuner + 1 or more non-Tuner monsters

When you Synchro Summon this card successfully, destroy all monsters your opponent controls. They lose Life Points equal to the ATK of the monster with the highest ATK. Then you can draw 1 card for every 1000 points of damage. When your monsters battle with your opponent's monsters, they are not destroyed and any damage that you take is instead inflicted to your opponent.


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cool im in and heres my card:

[spoiler=my card]




1 Tuner + 1 or more non-Tuner monsters

This card cannot be destroyed by battle with a Monster whose Level is lower than this card. During each of your End Phases, this card gains 1000 ATK. If this card attacks, its ATK is returned to normal, after damage calculation.



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im in

my card

[spoiler=Lunar Mist Dragon]n3m2hc.jpg



1 Tuner + 1 or more Dragon-type monsters.

Each time your Opponent draws a card, your Opponent must show the card, if that card is a monster card, increase this card ATK by 500. If it is a Spell card, inflict 800 damage to the opponent Life points. If it is a Trap card, send that card to the Graveyard.

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