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The Chibi Knights! (Farewell, Onemanga, you will be missed)


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My brother can kick your ass.


(To clarify, this is because he is a Wow player himself. I found the game boring as f*** and left)



A mind is a terrible thing to taste.


Waaay to... addicting.


I beg to differ considering I picked the best class for PvP and I'm ranked in the latest season of PvP.


Also WoW may be addicting but it never fails to give you something new to do.




Naruto is overrated, how about i use something Different.....


-Uses Cuss on Elliot-


Objection is overrated, therefore I shall use...




Also I don't even know what WLO is, to busy playing WoW after I dumped Artix Entertainment and Guild Wars.

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God modding such as instakills is against advanced clause.


*Flandre's attack is negated*

oh trust me, if you went to WLO and RP fought others, you would see people being instakilled and Survive


Besides, outside of the RP Section, The Advanced clause has absolutely no Jurisdiction in regards to posts, so yea, that means Smelliot can revive himself


*The Negation of my attack is Negated*


Objection is overrated, therefore I shall use...




Also I don't even know what WLO is, to busy playing WoW after I dumped Artix Entertainment and Guild Wars.


Ironically, your Status card i made for you was inspired by WLO (For you kids who don't know what WLO is, It's Wonderland Online)

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Kaiserchu, don't attack El O_O


Let us all be chibi buddies!




*every forcibly sits down, as the scenery changes to trees, and picnic baskets appear*




A reference to our first banner~ Chibi Picnicftw~

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my wind outspeeds you and uses Knight Spirit on me, negating any attempt to negate my attempt to negate whatever is trying to negate my simple smack upside the head


hmm... maybe i should put a youtube vid in my sig instead of a stat card XD

This sstupid fight has been rendered complete bullshit.


No body cares about how in love you are for Wonderland just because you can curbstomp enemies and pretend that it makes you somehow cool.


Nobody cares how your cheapass instakills are somehow legit because basic logic doesn't apply to Wonderland Online.


This is getting retarted.


You will stop.

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Very well, I shall engage in this picnic of sorts instead.


*Sips tea*




Now my illustruis companions, what say you this?


I do believe that a Blizzard fanclub has yet to grace our glorious section.


Such an appaling lack should be rectified quickly for the cultural enlightenment and mutual benefit of those who would associate themselves with such a league.


Does this seem like a reasonable assumption?

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i kinda agree that the fight is getting retarded, but i severely dislike WoW cause of it's Constant cost of Brain cells, the monthly cost of money, and the fact it's 3D(My internet can only handle so much and no, this ISP is the only one i can have due to my inconvenient location, WoW can crash my internet in a matter of seconds due to the limit i can download/upload), and i tend to stray away from games a lot of people play around me (WoW is the case here as well). so i shalt not play WoW....


-Sips tea and eats cake-

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