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Deck Contest: Save the Saviors! [+1 rep to all participants, winner gets more]

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Let's be frank here:


~The Saviors aren't too good, in that they aren't very fast. The effects are good, but they come too slowly and leave too quickly.

~Your job is to build a Deck that focuses on getting them out quickly.

~You must include at least one copy of:


-Messiah Draconis - Savior Dragon

-Savior Star Dragon

-Savior Demon Dragon

-Stardust Dragon

-Red Dragon Archfiend


As mentioned in the title, all who enter the contest receive a rep, and the winner will get three. So get a makin'!

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This deck may work for your idea


Savior Gadgets:

Monsters 20

3 Rose, Warrior of Revenge

3 Majestic Dragon

3 Winged Kuriboh

2 Dark Resonator

2 Green Gadget

2 Red Gadget

2 Yellow Gadget

1 Snipe Hunter

1 Morphing Jar

1 Blackwing - Gale The Whrilwind


Spell 10

3 Flute of Summoning Kuriboh

3 Hand Destruction

1 Pot of Avarice

1 Scapegoat

1 Mystical Space Typhoon

1 Giant Trunade


Trap 10

3 Stronghold the Moving Fortress

3 Limit Reverse

2 Ultimate Offering

1 Call of the Hunted

1 Mirror Force


Extra 15

3 Stardust Dragon

3 Red Dragon Archfiend

3 Magical Andriod

2 Savior Star Dragon

2 Savior Demon Dragon

1 Black Rose Dragon

1 Ancient Fairy Dragon

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3 Messiah Draconis - Savior Dragon

3 Jester Confit

3 The Tricky

3 Breaker

3 Rose, Warrior of Revenge

2 Psychic Commander

2 Krebons

1 Summoner Monk


3 Book of Moon

3 Fissure

2 Allure of Darkness

2 Lightning Vortex

1 Emergency Teleport

1 Heavy Storm

1 One for One

1 Giant Trunade


3 Dark Bribe

2 Bottomless

1 Call of the Haunted


2 Savior Star Dragon

2 Savior Demon Dragon

3 Stardust Dragon

3 Red Dragon Archfiend

3 Arcanite magician

1 Black Rose Dragon

1 Goyo Guardian

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Monsters 22

X2 Vice Dragon

X3 Savior Dragon

X3 Masked Dragon (get Savior Dragon from deck)

X2 Red Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon

X2 PoC

X1 Prime Material Dragon

X3 Red Eyes Wynn

X2 Magna Drago

X2 D-Hero Malishous

X2 D-Hero Diamond Dude


Spells 12

X1 Brain Control

X1 Ming Control

X2 Allure of Darkness

X2 Foolish Burial

X2 Burial from a Different Dimension

X1 Future Fusion

X1 Dragons Mirror

X2 D-Draw


Traps 7

X1 Call of the Haunted

X1 Mirror Force

X2 Bottomless Trap Hole

X3 Dark Bribes




X3 Stardust

X2 Savior Star Dragon

X2 Savior Demon Dragon

X1 Goyo

X1 Brionic

X1 Colossal Fighter


X1 Trident Dragion

Hopeless with Saviors.

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