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Welche the crab

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Zonixs smiled. "Yes, my father is Yugi Moto/Yami. The one and only King of Games." Zonixs rifled through the pile of cards and pulled out a dasher. "He got married to my mother, Wylia Truchen and well he changed his name to that and well, we've been out f the public eye for a while now."

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"My father married Alexis Rohodes. Not a very famous woman, but she did a bit of pro dueling." He smiled. "King of Games...it's a lengethy title, with a wide range. I bet I could beat him in Monopoly." He grinned. "Joke." He sighed, looking at the cards scattered around. "Anyway, can you go? I want to make the finishing touches in peace, so nobody knows the exact contents of my deck." He smiled.

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"No problem," Zonixs said. "But before I go, I must ask you, do you beilieve in the heart of the cards? This is probably one of the better aspects of dueling." He nodded at Leo. "Well I'm off," he said and walked around. 'Where should I go now...Probably to my room seeing as how I've never even step foot in it.'He looked at his room assignment. '769, a perfect number.'

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Zonixs walked into his room to see it completely untouched. "That's funny, I thought I would have a room mate by now. Oh well." Zonixs fell asleep. A few hours later he awoke to the sound of screaming and people in general coming from the dark dorm. 'Sounds like a party. hehe this is my kind of school.'

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Leo was laid down in his bed, but tossed and turned due to the noise of laughing emenateing from the dark dorm. "Darn it!" He jumped out of bed, Throwing on completely random clothes, his mind fogged with sleep. He walked over to the dark dorm. "Quiet down in there! Some of us are sane and trying to sleep!" He bellowed, banging hard on Slene's door, but not knowing it was her. The laughter continued.




THe old man laughed harder as the door was knocked upon. "Looks like your in trouble..." He dissolved into laughter, yet again.

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"Don't break it down. She'll suck your soul out though your mouth..." He smiled at the bad joke. "ANyway, I wanted to get some sleep, but obviously her friend...wait that sounds like somebody really...kinda old..."


The old man laughed harder, leaning against Selene. "Ah..." He muttered.

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"Trying to get some sleep." Leo said to her. "But, sadly, demon girl doesn't want to let other people get some sleep. Sad, sad..." He sighed. "Jeez, I'm more in the mood for a duel than I've ever been..." He said to himself.


OoC: PErhaps it could be Leo and Michigo instead...I haven't seen her deck...

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Leo glared at her and walked slowly back to his dorm. "Jeez, never thought I'd let a 623 year old girl/demon and a demon push me around." He surrendered the thought of getting any sleep, and dueled agianst himself, with halves of the deck. Finally, he simply got in bed and his body forced him to sleep against the noise of laughing from the dark dorm.

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"Take revenge,nobody may enter your dorm!"Caius said to Michico.

Michico walked to Leo's room,and she opened the door really quiet(unhearable!)

Michico picks a mp3-player from her pocket,put in it "Scary roll"



Scary roll



She turned it on max volume(you could hear it miles away)and she turned it on,putted it on the floor,and she sneaks away.

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Welche walked out into the hall and towards the dueling arena. There was always somebody who wanted a duel there. When he arrived, he saw the arena empty for the first time in his two years. Welche was so amazed that he just stood there, until one of the staff told him that the arena was closed for repair and would be open again soon.

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Michico had woken uup Dark Armed Dragon as well as Ancient Gadjiltron dragon and Zonixs. "This girl is really starting to annoy me. No worries, its time for me to release some pheromones," Zonixs said to the two dragons. "Watch me from outside the dorms." Zonixs walked around until he saw Michico leaving Leo's room. He started to release a calming pheromone as he he approached her. "Hey girl, what's up? Can you please explain to me what you are doing?" he said to her. 'I can feel them starting to take effect, so she should too,' he thought to himself.

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