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This is the thread for discussing the Reptilliane archetype. (What they could use to become better, support cards that are coming out in upcoming sets, and so on.)


So what does YCM's TCG section think? Is it a mediocre archetype that deserves more support, or is it a half-decent archetype that still deserves more support?

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They're similar to Aliens; a lot of 'power cards', but not enough cards to make good use of it. Though Aliens changed, they can distribute a fair amount of A-Counters now, but Reptiless still need more cards that change monsters' atks to 0.


Naja is very good overall and could work in a Monarch deck.


Vasuki is very awesome alongside Plasma.


Servant tempts me to make base a deck on it together with Royal Oppression and Outstanding Dog Marron so that I can laugh hard at my opponent.

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