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I finished Fight Arena and Perils of Ice Mountain today....not very exciting, I know. But they're quests I started years ago and never finished. That's my current goal. Finish all the finishable quests i've already started before starting any new ones.


Started Hazeel Cult over 3 years ago. Never finished it. D:<


Maybe i'll do it tomorrow, probably not though.

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So a Miracle just happened to me. Two Days ago I got hacked and lost everything. Luckily my friend was nice enough to give me 3m To me back on my feet. I decided to go back to Slayer because it's good training and money.


That Iron Dragon gave me a Vissage. I'm back to 20m.

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So a Miracle just happened to me. Two Days ago I got hacked and lost everything. Luckily my friend was nice enough to give me 3m To me back on my feet. I decided to go back to Slayer because it's good training and money.


That Iron Dragon gave me a Vissage. I'm back to 20m.

Praise Guthix!



Too much?

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On of my favorite phrases is "May Guthix be with you."

Guthix=The Force

Nomad=Darth Malak (force lightning included)

You get the picture


Btw, WildyWyrms are just an excuse for Jagex Moderators to abuse their admin powers and PK people. I'm just glad they haven't decided to spawn one in Lumbridge or something.


I'm trying out Herblore Habitat for a bit, seems like a good way to train, Hunter, Herblore, and Farming, all in one go.

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On of my favorite phrases is "May Guthix be with you."

Guthix=The Force

Nomad=Darth Malak (force lightning included)

You get the picture


Btw, WildyWyrms are just an excuse for Jagex Moderators to abuse their admin powers and PK people. I'm just glad they haven't decided to spawn one in Lumbridge or something.


I'm trying out Herblore Habitat for a bit, seems like a good way to train, Hunter, Herblore, and Farming, all in one go.

So I'm not the only one who thought Nomad looked like Darth Malak. O_O

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