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Ancient Leaf [DISC]

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this + Spell absorbtion + Tempest OTK = Win


You beat me to it xD

oh well, you gave me that idea in the first place.


I actually don't seen this in any other place. Your opponent's job is to lower your Life to 0. You won't keep 9000+ too often. It needs to be used somewhere where it can be pulled concistently enough, early in the game so that you have the Life Points needed. Tempest OTK will do...

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Is everyone here an idiot?


First turn shenanigans with...




I can beat that. Beserk Gorilla + Mystic Wok + this = JACKPOT?


You gave up field presence and -1 yourself to do it.


Hummingbird is an example of good LP gain since it isn't cost you any cards to get the gain, even if it's stats blow.


This card is good early game, but mid/late game it's a dead card.

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Its an alright card, but too situational. If you base a deck around life point gain, what does the opponent lose? After you draw the 2 cards, what next? Maybe Harpies or another deck would work would with hummingbird or something else, but its too much trouble just for a +1 -1000lp. Even if you have a small amount of lp gain cards in your deck, its too small to make a difference. Best used in lp-specific stall deck. Or side-deck at most.

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As Kaze said: this + Spell Economics = broken


@ Crimson General: Its broke since its a Pot of Greed @ 3 when used with Spell Economics. Not cause it makes it usable right off the bat.


no it's not.


Activation requirements < No Activation requirements


if your bothering to get your LP to above 9000 to use this card, you don't need a card that's only job is to make sure you don't pay the paltry 2000 LP.


this is not Pot of Greed @ 3

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