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Yu-Gi-Oh! The Movie RP: Reign of Paradox [Advanced][PG-16][Started][Accepting via PM]

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Guest Tainted Black

Username: Marsuvees Black

Name: Marsuvees Black

Age: 30

Gender: Male

Description: Shoulder-length black hair, a black trenchcoat, slacks, and a black shirt. Blue eyes with his otherwise black attire. Black silver-tipped boots too.

Personality: Sneering, and Riddle loving. Always reading, and is a generally dark person.

Bio: Black is a young man from Colorado. His original name was Jack Adams. He was always a dark persona, but he descended deeper after studies in psychology. He realized humanity was lost, and he began to look at history to see if it showed the same. While studying, he met an enigmatic man who invited him to join his army. He did just that, and found out it was Paradox, a man who supposedly reccurred in history. Now, he is a not-so-loyal follower out for himself.

Personal Items: Pitch-Black duel runner, looks like jacks, and a Black Academy Duel disk. Also, he carries assorted books.

Faction: Paradox's Army

Deck Type: Clear or SKY FIRE


Favorite Cards: SKY FIRE, and Clear Vice Dragon.


Link: http://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/thread-176808-page-5.html (Bottom of the page.)

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