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Demensia:Traveling through RPs of YCM (Accepting)Currently- Verdiniai~Verada


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Raizen wasn't listening much to what Ze'b was saying, instead, he was hopelessly glancing around the area. He then nodded. Raizen slowly and cautiously walked his way over to the kitchen, he took a seat and then remembered that he was very hungry. His stomach seemed to remember this too, seeing as it had just let out a loud, yet small growl. Raizen let out a small sigh and then he casually brushed off the feeling of hunger, knowing there were more important things to do.

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Ranmyaku hear Raizens stomach growl, although it had only been a brief one. Sighing in exasperation, he immediately grabs a plate and loads it up with some of everything on the table, then takes three glasses and fills one of them with milk, and two of them with orange juice. Once he had finished putting all of this together, he set it down in front of Raizen and said "Eat. You're no good to us on the field of battle if you are being distracted by a hungry stomach. Eat everything in front of you, or you're not leaving this room."

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Ze'borova's fist spun around and whizzed past Jenou's head with speed almost faster than she could see. He was still a little on edge from his battle and reacted on instinct. His brain had already started making a plan on how to kill the person behind him before he'd remebered that he was with friends. He caught himself at the ladt split second and chuclked. My bad. I haven't Met you. The name is Ze'borova Preyn, but call me Ze'b." His voice turned more serious as he turned to Raizen and spoke. "Raizen we have a year. The Arrancar have 1 day. Chill out, we can get your hollow under control AND you can get some food."


Valyenciarn was with Heart as he got the hint as she eased over to him. Then an idea struck him. He grabbed her up with vigor and dragged her to a training room. He smiled as he was close to her. He then grabbed her tightly as he pressed her down to the floor with some roughness. "My dear Heart, it is lovely what you being here with me and us having so much time together." He kissed her and then placed his head by her ears as he whispered playfully, "But what oh what are you planning for my brother? Hmm it wouldn't involve Jenou would it because that would not be hmmm appropriate for him. Now would it?" He smiled as he kissed her once more.

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"Your gona have to beat it outa me!" Heart says sudenly puting her gun to his head and

Fireing, with a smile, she got up and brushed her self off, she looked at his body on the ground

and said, "Oh please that dident hurt you that much."


Abby wondered, "We have to find some one to gain power, Hopefuly when Ze'b is done with his buisness we can Train my Berzerker."


Sudenly Ze'b felt a kiss on his cheek, then from the other side, "Ha Ha Dont wory You dident scare me." She Bosted.

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Ranmyaku was bored and decided that he would be better of doing more training. He walks over to the training room, thinking that he would do some simple forms, as he had done some major training earlier. He walks over to the training grounds and walks inside, seeing Heart with a gun in her hand and Valyenciarn on the ground. It's situations like this that make me glad I'm single. Ranmyaku folds his arms and sighs, disappointed that he wouldn't be able to train there in peace. Sometimes, these people can be really annoying. Ranmyaku leaves the training room, going bacj to his room to do some quiet meditation before he becomes irritated to the point of wanting to break something...or someone.


Leo stretches as he wakes up from his cat nap yawning widely as he does so. He turns his head to the side to look at Abby before wrapping his arms around her and giving her a long kiss. "Hello you."

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Ze'borova ignored the kiss on the outside bu ton the inside he could barely recognize it for what it was. Instead he was already gone carrying the two girls off to a training room. He wasn't surprised to see Heart and Valyenciarn on the ground. He passed Shadou on his way there. "Ranmyaku! Gather up everyone. We will be training," he said as he walked in.He saw Valyenciarn's unfazed face as he went up to him and picked him up. "Since you all wish to do something we will be training nonstop for two days. If you get tired or something then the training stops and we will resume again in12-20 hours. This will be training to bulk up your strength as I will show little mercy on you. You have teams. My team will consist of myself, Valyenciarn, and possibly Alvaro and Xerar. Everyone else will fight on the other team. With this I show no mercy. Begin." Valyenciarn smiled as his Zanpaktou was ready to fight, having him been in Shikai this entire time.


"Heart, babe this is for you!" His gunblade Zanpaktou glowed as a shimmering wave erupted from it. A massive quake occurred as a crater appeared underneath the girls. The attack didn't hit them but knocked them back as Ze'borova grabbed Jenou and threw her to wall and proceeded to kick Heart. He didn't have his blade so as of now hand-to-hand was going to do. Valyenciarn followed up the attacks with white beams of incredibly powerful energy erupted from his Zanpaktou headed for each person.

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Ranmyaku had become so annoyed by this point that he no longer cared if anyone got hurt. Fine, I'll join in the training. They better not expect me to show any mercy though. Ranmyaku walked into the training room just as Ze'Borova had finished explaining how their training would work. He used his Chaos Control and fed enough extra energy into it just to have enough time to activate his first and second states of Bankai, and to also use his secret technique a few times so that he was fully healed, and brimming with power. Once the Chaos Control ended, the battle had begun, and Ranmyaku was not going to hold back on anyone at all. Six disks that were attached to his back and stuck out to the sides at head, waist, and hip height detached themselves from him and positioned themselves so that they were each targeting a person before firing. As they started firing at his four opponents, he changed forms and headed straight for Ze'Borova, ready for some no holds barred death fights.


[spoiler=ooc:these are my second state Bankai's two main forms. there are others, but i am not going to go looking for them all now. i shall post them as needed.]




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"Where am I?" asked Nathan as he arrived in BleachVerse. "From what I can figure out by these tracks is that Valyen, Heart, and Haro are here as well. It'll be great to see them again." As Nathan walked forward a lightning bolt stuck him. He then fainted. "Where am I?" he asked when he woke up an hour later. "Just then with a blink a near-by rock turned into a small dagger. "I guess that lightning bolt gave me some kind of power or something."

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Jenou chuckled, "I'm not going to fight you child, Alvaro is my only task!" Jenou said, throwing Alvaro to a corner of the room, she shadow phases to him, alvaro had yet to know her true form


Heart got up from the kick, she then sluged Val and knocked him to a far off corner for them to fight alone and dashed off twards him and says, "You won't live long if you hold back!"

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The Daemon Prince that S.H.A.D.O.W. had chosen for his target was quite surprised to suddenly be stricken from behind. In fact he hadn't even had enough time to respond before it's great, horned head had been torn clean off.

"Too ea-"

S.H.A.D.O.W. was cut off as he was thrown to the ground by a psychic burst to the back. Flipping back onto his feet he spin around to see a figure he was not surprised in the least to see. A massive, humanoid form stood before him. Well, humanoid would technically be a lie, considering that it resembled a massive bird. It's feet were those of a vulture and each toe bore a massive talon. It's head was also that of a vulture and it's body leaned rather sharply forwards about the middle of it's spine. It carried a great black staff in it's right hand, which was surprisingly human despite it's claws, and great purple-feathered wings emerged from it's back. What skin was not covered by the white robe of sorts that it wore was distinguishable as bright pink. The beast was a greater Daemon of Tzeentch, known as a Lord of Change. The creature turned it's head slightly, clicking it's beak together before it spoke to him.

"My my my, what an odd little entity you are..."

"Oh shut your mouth!"

At that, S.H.A.D.O.W. turned the palm of his hand towards the beast's head and unleashed a massive bolt of chaotic energies. However, it was stopped as the creature brought up a psychic barrier around itself. It then unleashed yet another psychic burst at S.H.A.D.O.W., who quickly matched it with his own. He then warped behind the beast, bringing his blade around in an arc to strike directly at it's legs. However, the beast managed to just barely parry the strike with it's stave. The stave, made only of simple wood, was splintered and broken by the strike but it did it's job. The blow was stopped mere inches before the creature's skin. The two combatants then unleashed bursts of chaotic energies from their free hands at the same time, the two meeting in mid-air and producing an explosion which hurled the Lord of Change away, but left S.H.A.D.O.W. standing where he was. In another warp he was behind the beast, his left hand directly upon the back of it's skull. Rather than simply kill it, S.H.A.D.O.W. unleashed chaotic energies directly into it's body, before draining the chaos within it into himself. He then dropped the creature, it's body blowing away as dust. He had drained the last of the energies which sustained it and left nothing. He then turned to the corpse of the Daemon Prince and drained it as well, the corpse blowing away as dust.

"What next?"

He chuckled quietly as he now sensed a new presence, a greater Daemon of the Blood God. The beast was a tower of strength and would be perfect for the sort of training S.H.A.D.O.W. was performing. He simply turned towards it and began to walk, slowly gathering the chaotic energies already in the air around him and absorbing them to strengthen himself.

"Perhaps a lesser god after this one..."

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Once Nathan got his powers someone popped up behind him. "So you must be the one who owns The Hole of Fate?" asked Nathan as he got up from the ground.


"I am," replied Ceruwae. "You've made a grave mistake coming in here. Now you must die."


"Calm down. My old enemy Marsoon pushed me into here. I only came into the Hole of Fate to see the light I saw in Valyen's house."


"So you are a friend of Valyen. Tell me, what is your name?"


"My name is Nathan."


"Ah, Valyen had told me you were coming. He didn't say you were coming this quick."


"Well, Marsoon changed all our plans. May I ask something."


"You may."


"What was that lightning strike and how did I get these powers?"


That lightning strike was a normal one, and your powers were with you from the begining. That lightning strike must of released your dormant powers."


"Is that so. So, I can only use my powers when I get stuck by lightning."


"That and when someone uses an artificial lightning strike by their powers to strike you as well. Those are the only ways for you to use your powers."


Supprised by the information Nathan got he left without saying another word.

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"That boy is suposed to be here. However his powers consists of two parts. His natural powers which deal with the Manipulation of ground. But the fact that coupled with electricty he can temporarily make technology is...amazing. He should be careful not to abuse it though. He's one to watch out for," Ceruwae concluded. "I was wrong though he does belong here."


As Nathan walked outside a voice and hands grabbed him up. "Well HELLO THERE!!!" it said in a demented fashion. "What do we have here? A new arrival. Well I will just be having to take you down now won't I? Ha! No...I have a better plan in store for you." It was Kluns. His disembodied hand fired off a Cero to the back of Nathan's head and he was knocked unconcious. He then carted him off to a prison beneath the new Las Noches. Things had just become interesting.




Valyenciarn looked at Heart seeing as how she ignored the attack. His Zanpaktou glowed once more as he sent out beams of light at his friends. "Take this sweetie!" he said as he Shun'poed over to Heart and briefly kissed her as he there was a near lethal pillar of white energy enclosing in on her. Ze'borova sighed as he went over and told the two stop flirting and fired off a Cero at them both. It made contact as Rage nodded and began to aim a powerful beam at his attackers. Ze'borova bought him sometime as he began to attack everyone else, grabbing them up by their hai and flinging them into a wall at high speeds.

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"WHERE ARE YOU LOOKING?!" Ranmyaku slams his blade into Ze'Borovas back, sending him flying away from Valyenciarn and Heart as as eh held his other hand at chest height, Crimson and pitch black energy coursing over it. "DRAGON SLAYER!" He fires it directly at Ze'Borova, a blast of crimson and and black chaotic energies slamming into Ze'Borova and exploding outwards, covering the entire field in the blast.

Leo had not officially joined the fight as of yet, and it turned out that that had been a good thing. When Ranmyaku had fired off his Dragon Slayer, the resulting explosive outward blast would have surely killed some of the weaker fighters. "sheet!!!" He quickly raises a Rashirudo frmo the ground and hits it continuously with Zaguruzemu blasts. Somehow, the shield is able to just barely hold up against the onslaught and protect him and everyone else until the blast subsides. Dammit, just what is that idiot thinking?!

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The blade struck down as Ze'borova released Heart and Abby and he barely had enough time to strenthen his reistu enough so that the blade did minimal damage. "Finally, your starting to get serious good! Now can you keep this up for two days without food or rest!" As the area exploded that was Ze'borova's voice was heard saying. He could not be seen as he was using his natural ability and had become invisbile. His reitsu was gone to. A Blue Cero appeared in front of Ranmyaku as it released at point blank range. He did however, expect Ranyau to dodge his attack so he prepared himself by moving still unable to be seen. Hoever much to their surprise, Rage kicked Ranmyaku into the Cero as it was released giving the pair an adavantage.

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"I agree completely," Alvaro's clone said, as he contemplated the actions he could take that would make everyone the strongest. "And I think I have an idea," he said, as an idea popped into his head. "It just might work." He turned to Xerar. "Unfortunately there's no time to explain. I'm going to go prepare the room. Gather up everyone, and meet me at training room 6." Alvaro began to melt into the ground. "It shouldn't be too hard to find," he said.


Meanwhile, the real Alvaro felt the effects of being thrown into the wall. He jumped to his feet, and said calmly, "You can't beat me. I thought you would have learned that by now. There's more important things to do than to fight." However, as he said this he drew his word. "But if you want to fight so bad, no problem." He jumped at her, aiming a slash at her neck. However, at the last second he reversed the direction of the sword, and drove it toward her heart. He did it so fast, that it left an after image of his sword going through her neck. 'She can't dodge this' Alvaro thought.

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Ranmyaku was kicked into the Cero that was fired at him, and so then did something very unexpected. He stopped the Cero with one hand, although it was a bit of a strain for him. Quickly surrounding it with his own chaotic energies, he swings it behind him as he turns and down at the ground as he rises, then punches it over into Valyenciarn. He then uses a Chaos Warp to appear above Ze'Borova, Back in his Red joker form. "Twin Finalization: Crimson Destroyer! Black secret Technique: PRISM OF CHAOS!!!" Ranmyaku disappears in a sphere of blackest energies laced with brightest gold and appears from within it in black and red armor lined with gold, it's appearance a combination of Red Joker and Black Ace. He then holds his arms at his sides a little forwards and out to the left and right of him. he then clenches his fist and bends his arms so that they form an L shape at the elbow as he throws his head back in a scream with his legs taking a wider stance. The outlines of his image become blurred and seems to move outwards to the sides as two clones move from where he is now standing in the center. This process repeats several times with a new clone moving out to the left and right side each time. Once Ranmyaku is finished, he and all of his clones take a deep breath, exhale, then half of them charge Valyenciarn while the rest of them charge Ze'Borova. The battle had finally begun in earnest.

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"AHAHahahaha! You know How I feal when you under estimate me right!?" Heart said, she

sudenly grabs her Byfriend by the back of the head and smashes him in to the ground!

"Get sirious! Of all here you know youll have the most problems with me!"


"Great Raging Dragon get ready, for you know what My Shikai does!" She says with a psychodic smile!


((Chaos..... Coffwhitejokerblacktrickcoff What?))

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As Heart smashes him into the ground he knows he's not holding back for her but because he does not want to reveal his Zanpaktou's true annihilative qualites, but eh..he didn't want to have Ze'borova pissy at him so it didn't matter. "Renzozuken, Technique, 7, Pillage and Destroy!" Several white pillars emerged from the ceilings as the spots where they made contact with were completely eviscerated. The attack headed for Ranmyaku and Heart as the pilars ngulfed them sending the lethal Annhilation energies to them. He knew thatit would not kill them because he hand no intentions of doing such. But it did however, tear there clothes to tatters and left the two of them with heavy scars on their body.

"HOWL IN ARMAGEDDON, Raikou!!" A peal of white light erupted into the room as Ze'borobva's Zanpaktou emerged into his hands. A collection of lightning began to fill the room as Xerar walked in. He didn't waste his time asking who was with who but simply joined in with his brother and Ze'borova anyways. The giant Chaos creature appeared as he released his Shikai. The lightning floodded Ze'borova's hands as the three stood next to each other with either energy sapping frmo their hands and a massive crater beneath them. Ze'boorva let out massive streams of lightning as they headed for the allies.

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"Ahahahahahhaahha!" Heart Began to laugh psychoicly, as she steped out of the pillar, her eye was torn out, she was half naked, and she and several gashes and cuts, and you could see a rib, in a very disgusting way she began to regenerate, she walked twards him and gave him a kiss as her eye poped back in, "I warned you..."


Heart laughed and raised her black gun out of the holster to fast for him to react Hear shot him in the head, he flew back but there was no damage. when sudenly his shint started to turn black, "Remember how I originaly had a virus in my guns that would kill zombies instantly and anything else in a mater of mintes!, you have five minutes" She syas flash steps back to avoid a suposedly leathal cut.

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Once the blast from Ranmyakus previous attack had subsided, Leo allowed the Rashirudo to dissipate, and his eyes started to glow a bright white-blue color. He jumped into the air and yelled "Strike down from the heavens, Denkoumaru!" Leos Zanpukuto gained a golden color and was wreathed in lightning the air around him crackling and sparking. Leo raised his Zanpukuto over his head and swung it downwards causing a giant dragon of lightning with horns and a crest on its head to appear and charge straight at Ze'Borova, Valyenciarn, and Xerar right when Ranmyaku and his clones were attacking.


Once of Ranmyakus clones had gotten caught in the blast from Valyenciarns previous attack and was almost overwhelmed by it. The one thing that saved him was the Life Aura that surrounded him and took the hit, leaving him completely unharmed. Meanwhile, the other Ranmyaku clones surrounded the area around Valyenciarn, Xerar, and Ze'Borova, raining down a continuous stream of Chaos Nightmares on them while the one above charged an enormous amount of chaotic energies into his palms, preparing to fire when the time was right.

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After Nathan was kidnapped he woke up. "Why do I always have to get kidnapped!" he screamed. "Even in my early dayds of a Private I got captured. Well, I've always known the best ways of escaping trouble. First I need to see if anything here can be used as a weapon." He looked around his cell for pontental weapons. "Wow, these guys are good. They didn't leave me anything to work with. I guess my reputation preceeds me. Now I have to find a weak spot in the wall." Nathan walked around the room to find a weak spot in any of the walls. "I found a weak spot, but it's stronger than the other spots I've found over the years. I guess now I have to resort to the step I never go to... I have to find a way to signal for some back-up." Nathan found a piece of wood and a candle near-by. "Well, looks like I'll be using a torch. It's still sunny out. I better wait until nightfall before I light my torch." So Nathan waited until nightfall.

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S.H.A.D.O.W. was now engaged in combat with a gargantuan beast that was everything the stereotype of a demon was. It had massive curved horns jutting from it's skull, was blood red, wore heavy black armor, had hoofs instead of feet along with a pair of blood red bat wings, and carried a battle axe the size of a small van. This beast was known as a Bloodthirster and was a Greater Daemon of the blood god Khorne. The two were engaged in direct physical combat, trading blow after blow with each other. Despite the size difference, the two seemed evenly matched and the Bloodthirster's axe was showing a few dozen chips along it's edges where Niger Nex had cut into it. S.H.A.D.O.W. was losing ground with every strike, but taking back just as much each time he struck a blow himself.

"Well, this isn't going anywhere..."

In response to this, the Bloodthirster now brought it's axe around in a side-swipe, making to bash S.H.A.D.O.W. with the flat of it. Though he was able to stop much of the force of the impact, S.H.A.D.O.W. was still forced several meters back from his opponent, giving the Daemon an opening through which it now lashed out at S.H.A.D.O.W. with a heavy kick of it's right hoof to his torso. Being off-balance from the previous strike, S.H.A.D.O.W. took the full force of the blow and was sent hurtling into a tall rise of stone jutting from the ground. The beast now rushed forwards to take advantage of S.H.A.D.O.W.' predicament, but did so without knowing that it's opponent could warp. Doing exactly that, S.H.A.D.O.W. now appeared behind the Bloodthirster in the air level with it's neck. From there he lashed out with his blade, sending the edge sailing through the Daemon's neck and decapitating it. However, due to his weapon's Shikai ability, there wasn't really anything left of it's corpse soon. The Daemon's body was torn apart by the explosion which sent blood and bone flying into the air in a twisted fireworks display. S.H.A.D.O.W. had landed firmly on the ground before this happened and had already finished draining the chaos released from the creature upon it's death. He was growing stronger already, and was only slightly surprised when he turned around to see something that appeared exactly like him, with one exception. The being's skin was bone white and it's eyes were bright yellow. It also wielded a weapon identical to that of S.H.A.D.O.W.'s, both being in their Shikai state.

"So, The Warp has allowed you to come out of my body, has it?"

"You don't miss anything, do you? Except perhaps who I am. I-"

"I already know that you're my Inner Hollow, strange that you exist outside of that realm though. Likely because I came here from there, and therefore so did you."

That was the end of their speaking. The Inner Hollow now launched itself into the air and dove down at S.H.A.D.O.W., only to have it's strike parried. The two were now caught in a sword lock, which was quickly ended as S.H.A.D.O.W. unleashed a burst of psychic power directly into the Hollow, sending it flying back a good distance. The Hollow responded by unleashing a focused shock wave of chaotic energies straight at S.H.A.D.O.W. One thing was on the being's mind Finally a real challenge!

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Leo raised his Zanpukuto over his head and swung it downwards causing a giant dragon of lightning with horns and a crest=FOOLISH

Once of Ranmyakus clones had gotten caught in the blast from Valyenciarns previous attack and was almost overwhelmed by it. The one thing that saved him was the Life Aura that surrounded him and took the hit' date=' leaving him completely unharmed[/b']. That's godmodding; there are non life Auras in Bleach only reistu and Shileds that you create through your Zanpaktou. Anything else just PM. IT IS NOT A BAD THING TO TAKE A HIT PEOPLE Don't do this.


Ze'borova sighed at the lightning Dragon. No matter whon it came from Lightnign was his element so he told Xerar and Valyenciarn to ignore the attack while he handled it. Xerar's beastly creature to the Chaos nightmares and absorbed them converting them into Dark Chaotic eneergy. Daikaron would not be so easily toyed with. The creature became amass aof balack energies as it latched onto Shadou and easily removed a good portion of his energies. He then proceed to slam him into the ground, while Xerar stated,"Don't be so cocky! Only I can do that." This statement briefly shocked Ranmyaku but he smiled at him as tentacle stabbed him through the chest. While this was going on, Xerar took some of the energies that he had taken and used them to heal his brother's current ailment.

"Thanks bro!"

"No prob.! Now start to hit her some more eh?"

The thing is I am," Valyenciarn said as he fired off several white beams from his Zanpaktou. The energy was gaining and he had enough reistsu availiable to perform a Cero, however, he decided against it. The beams homed in on Heart and Ranmyaku as now, seeing as how they or there energies had come into contact with his last attack, he now had the ability to home in perfectly on them. He smiled as the attacks landed and hit them with precision.


Ze'borova grabbed the electric dragon in one hand as he tossed it away. Out of his hands a hundred Douken spheres surrounded the electric dragon, trapping it. He smiled as he put in enough energy in the spheres to overload the dragon. The resulting explosion sent Ze'borova and Leo back in a wave of concussive lightning. Ze'borova was able to with stand it so he used the energy, before it disspated to create a massive Wolf-Hydra of pure lightning. The beast roared as it stood at Ze'b's command waiting for someone to attack.

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Leo Smirked as he raised his Zanpukuto skywards. You're a fool if you think I can only use lightning. Leo thinks to himself as he causes the ground to rise upwards and form the same shape as the Lightning dragon he had summoned before. The Earth Dragon Raised above the lightning Hydra and crashes through it before starting to sink into the ground again, the metallic elements absorbing and grounding the lightning Hydra into the ground where it is dissipated and spread out in a diffuse manner. "Your lightning may be stronger, but there is no Lightning that cannot be 'grounded'. Any other tricks you would care to share Ze'Borova?"


Ranmyaku easily sidesteps the blast from Valyenciarn and charges straight into him, causing two blades to appear in his hand which he slams into the ground in a forward motion, unleashing a shock wave of chaotic energies While another Shadou clone appears on the other side of Valyenciarn and fires crimson beams of energy from the six disks that would usually be attached to him, The twin black swords from his Black Ace form in each hand ready to be used if Valyenciarn would try to go for melee combat. At the same time, three more of the Shadou clones surround themselves with Chaotic Energies, temporarily dispersing the auras that would normally surround them and charging straight into the shadow creature that was Xerars Bankai. There was still a fair amount of chaotic energies left, but not enough to control the beast, and so two of the Shadou clones stopped moving and exploded outwards in a burst of chaotic energies that the third used to halt the beast and convert the rest of the chaotic energies that the beast ghad been converting to dark chaotic energies which had been gained from the attacks back into the chaotic energies that they had been before. Using this and the limited amount of shadow manipulation that his second state Bankai afforded him, the Shadou clone takes control of the shadowy beast and uses it to form a high reaching wall that completely encircles Xerar. When this was finished, the Shadou clone that had been charging his attack from straight above Xerar fired it downwards in a destructive beam of chaotic energies that eplodes upwards from the ground and is contained with the circular tower-esque wall that had been created by using the shadow beast that was Xerars Bankai as a medium for focusing the attack within a specific area.


[spoiler=ooc: Yiou really, really really need to read this and please not argue with me about it Whamo-kun.]

Whamo-kun, two things. Firstly, Baou Zakeruga is one of my charactes ultimate spells, so it makes perfect sense that it would be Leos Shikai, since I am loosely basing at least my zanpukutos form off of Hyourinmaru.

Secondly, What I did with Ranmyaku Shadou is not god-modding. I had already explained this to you several pages ago, or at least through pm, that the aura of which surrounds Ranmyaku can protect him from most attacks. However, if a powerful enough attack hits him, the aura will fade for a while, but it will still completely protect him from the attack that made it disappear unless it is a prolonged attack, which Valyenciarns attack clearly was not. So, What I did in my last post was not God-Modding, And Ranmyaku Shadou side-stepping this next attack from Valyenciarn is also not God-Modding. This is the truth, and if you don't like it, then I'm sorry, but there's really nothing you can do about it without seeming like a bit of a nazi. Also, unless Ranmyaku or any of his clones are directly fighting someone stronger then him (Valyenciarn, Ze'Borova, and Alvaro Kono'tce) then he has a pretty fair chance of dodging, okay?

Also, I will remind you that there are several Shadou clones and not just one Shadou due to his first dark secret texchnique Prism of Chaos. A description of how it is invoked can be found in a previous post, although Twin Finalization is not actually necessary for it. Please keep all of this in mind and stop ignoring any part of it, or I will have to get very upset with you.



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((Zero Your stupid.... Take a hit....))

"Now now, is it realy nesisary? Why dont you try? If you dont do something soon, that Virus will give You a nasty rash!" Heart says sarcasticly, as he emerges from the Pillar of light, her arm and Leg mangled, and half her face torn off, as she slowly begins to regenerate, in an odly mehanical voice, "Bankai!, Machina Guardian EX"


Sudenly, Heart apears in her original form with her pistols, sudenly a giant Robot, aperes behind her, but its difrent than before its red, and has many asorted spikes covering it, Sudenly heart begins to generate a mass of nanobots, around her hand,, sudely she flashsteps, "Love you!" She says sticking her toung out and winks, she slugs him in the mouth with the nano bot hand sending hin in to a wall, sudenly the tint from his skin was gone,

"Do you honestly think I would be yours with you so much more poweful than me? I am not as far from you as you think!"

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