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Demensia:Traveling through RPs of YCM (Accepting)Currently- Verdiniai~Verada


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((Deept and I will be sharing charcters to keep this moving))


"MWUAHAHA! Kill you...yes Shinigami I am hee to kill you. After all, you are standing in his way of ruling this world. You shinigami think that you will be the ones to save us but we shall usher in the Era of the Arrancar. And as yo tou two, Jason and Meagan, you are in the new Las Noches De Los Muertos! Three opponents! I haven't been so lucky in a while! You know your friend Ze'borova went crazy. I didn't know he was so strong. In fact, he could have easly killed me. And IT PISSES ME OFF TO BE TOYED WITH!...Eh-hem excuse me. Now we will fight." Vibrado blurred out of vision as his speed was incredible enough do so, and then waves appeared all over the ground. They slammed into the three of them and he began his onslught with a simple attack. He was content to destroy them.

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Alvaro and Stark were a blur of movement, continually attempting to cut each other with their blades, but neither managing to do so. They both stopped, panting slightly, 20 feet away from each other.


"I won't lie. I'm impressed that you can keep up with my Segunda. Obviously you've been training. Lilynette's doing I would guess."


"Huh," Stark began. "Of course, I had no choice."


"By the way, where is Lilynette. Haven't heart anything from her in awhile."


"She is here. She is always here. It seems like you've finally discovered the secret." Stark began as he lowered his sword and blade. "My Segunda Ressurecction is different form my first. Lilynette no longer unlocks my powers; she is my powers. We are perfectly Synched now, two souls inhabiting one body. I am neither Lilynette Gingerback, or Coyote Stark. I am the perfect combination of both. I am complete."


Alvaro vanished, reappearing behind Stark and kicking him in the back. "Next time, why don't you spend less time telling your story?"


"You fool. I can now do things I could never do in my Resurecction. Do you remember my Stark hounds? Well, I can do worse." With that, Stark began to gather his reiatsu until his image became blurry. Six Starks melted out of the real Stark and formed a circle around Stark. His reiatsu spike again, and 100 wolved melted into existance behind each of the Starks. "This is my pack now," the real Stark said. "You cannot hope to beat us."


"We'll see," Alvaro said, before vanishing. When he reappeared ten of the wolves had been cut in half. However, the blast was larger than Alvaro anticipated, and he was throw forward slightly. At the last minute, he managed to avoid the blade that one of the Starks had thrust out at him. He then had to jump up to avoid two more wolves, and roll to the left to avoid another blade.


Two of the Starks held their guns up at him. "Cero Metralleta" They yelled, sending 100 Cero's at Alvaro that all combined into a huge Cero.


"Sombra Cero!" Alvaro shouted, sending a large Shadow Cero hurtling at the ginat cero. The Shadow Cero split off, and then came at the giant Cero from both sides. Just before it hit though, the Giant Cero changed direction, causing the two halves of the Shadow Cero to collide. Now Alvaro was shocked. He can control it? Impossible But he did not have very much time to reflect. The Cero was heading toward him, quick. "Sombra Redirecto!" Alvaro shouted, conjuring a large mass of Shadows. They gathered in the air in front of Alvaro, catching the Cero, and crushing it to the smallest size possible, before relasing the highle concentrated ball of reiatsu at speeds that would rival Ze'borova's. The real Stark defltly cut through it, and it exploded behind him.


"This is going to take awhile," Alvaro groaned, as he jumped back into the fray.



"I hope you didn't think it would be that easy," Aizen said as Jenou appeared in front of him, her face ashen with shock. "I'm not quite done with you, or your friend yet. Oh thats right, she died didn't she?"


Enraged, Jenou charged at Azien, and he effortlessly knowcked her blade away. "With the Hogokyou, you cannot hope to defeat me." He said as he backhanded her across the face, sending her flying.


"I'll kill you," she shouted, before Aizen appeared at her side, hand on her shoulder.


"Too late," Aizen said, as he pushed her back 10 feet. His sword had already been drawn. "You've already lost this fight. Shatter, Kyōka Suigetsu."

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In the moment that Aizen had gone to unleash his Shikai, Leo noticed that Jenou seemed to be elsewhere. Undoubtedly her opponent had somehow found a way to keep her captive after they had made their contract. Not wasting a moment, He faded into the shadows and instantly appeared behind Jenou, grateful that he was able to move so quickly when needed. I suppose it's something like merging with the darkness, or the light. Disappear from one spot, instantly appear at another. I wonder what, it's limits are though? As he thought this, he caught Jenou and saw that Aizen was unleashing his Shikai. Closing his eyes, he faded into the shadows again, just before the release of Aizens Shikai could be completed. Well thank goodness for that, at least we won't be affected by it. Leo thought as he appeared with Jenou in a place that he had created, a diamond ruby red and sapphire blue floor and stars visible in every direction from it with three statues.

As Leo landed on the floor, Jenou tore away from him and landed on the floor several feet away. She closed her eyes and then opened them again in shock, realizing that she was somehow unable to leave this place that she had been brought to. "Let me out, NOW!!!" she says, practically screaming the last word at the top of her lungs. Leo simply folded his arms and calmly said no. Enraged, Jenou launches herself at him, yelling about how Aizen had said the things he had said about Abby, and how Leo had no feelings whatsoever.


(two things. First, Aizen cannot break into here Leo and Jenou is, and second, I'll post The rest of the thing concerning him in the next thing. I'm currently to tired to think of anything.)

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When Haro regained conciousness, he had a brief moment of panic, not knowing whether or not Yammy was alive. When he realized he succeeded in killing him he stood up and wiped some blood away from his mouth. "I hope the others are ok..." He said under his breath as he picked up his sword. He stood there for a moment thinking of what to do next, not knowing who was in the room beyond his, and whether his friends were still alive.


((What should I do next?))

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S.H.A.D.O.W. had, of course, vanished from the sight of everyone. There was one exception to this though. S.H.A.D.O.W. reappeared inside of Nnoitra's chamber, roughly directly across from the Espada. The young man's face was turned towards the ground and his eyes were closed. The Espada was sitting in a simple chair on the opposite end of the rectangular and otherwise featureless room. He sneered at S.H.A.D.O.W. as he stood up from his chair, looking across at him.


"You're back for more, you little sheet?"


"And it's nice to see you again as well, Nnoitra."


"Enough of your bullshit, you're here to fight so why don't you just cut the cra-"


Nnoitra was cut off as S.H.A.D.O.W. warped across behind him, the pure white Katana in his hand. He swung it wildly in an attempt to strike the Espada in the back. However his blade was quickly stopped by Nnoitra's weapon. The Espada had spun around to catch blade against blade and now the two weapons had been locked in place. Nnoitra grimaced across the weapons at S.H.A.D.O.W. only to see an emotionless expression. The bright red glow of his eyes prevented any emotion being read within them, as always. With a single flick of their weapons, the two combatants sent each other flying across the room. Nnoitra hurled his weapon across at S.H.A.D.O.W. only to have it deflected with a single stroke of S.H.A.D.O.W.'s weapon. The chaotic being then responded by unleashing a bolt of pure chaotic Reiatsu from his palm across at Nnoitra. The Espada was struck and sent flying into the wall behind him. Shaking himself off and moving out of the substantial break that had been made in the wall, Nnoitra responded with his own blast of Reiatsu, this one in the form of a Cero. S.H.A.D.O.W. was struck squarely in the torso and sent flying. Nnoitra quickly Sonidoed behind the stricken young man and sent him flying across the room with a strike from his weapon. He then proceeded to repeat this move several times, sending him at last into the wall.


"This is just pathetic, it's almost like you've gotten weaker."


"Let me see them burst, Niger Nex!"


In an explosion of Chaotic Reiatsu, S.H.A.D.O.W. calmly stepped out of the broken wall, the Katana gone and a pitch black longsword with the daemonic eye in it's hilt guard having replaced it. He chuckled quietly and looked across at Nnoitra. He then warped to come immediately in front of the Espada and drove his blade fast and hard into the Espada's shoulder. Caught off guard, Nnoitra was only able to barely deflect the strike. Rather than amputating his arm, the resulting explosion tore into Nnoitra's flesh and sent him flying HARD into a nearby wall. S.H.A.D.O.W. calmly turned to look at Nnoitra, only to have the weapon thrown at him. He deflected it, but Nnoitra tried now to slam it into S.H.A.D.O.W. from above using the chain. S.H.A.D.O.W. sent the weapon flying off to the side, looking straight back at Nnoitra as the Espada retrieved his weapon. Nnoitra growled, before practically shouting out.




Clearly, this fight was just getting started.

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Leo stayed still and silent, allowing Jenou to rant and thinking that she might eventually run out of steam. However, after several minutes it became painfully apparent to him that Jenou had enough pent up anger to continue on like this for several millennia, part of which was due to the connection that had been formed between them along with their contract. Knowing that time was of the essence, he did walked over to Jenou and did something that he had never done before. He raised his hand and slapped her across the face, hard. The force of the blow and the resulting shock was enough for Jenou to fall sideways onto the ground, and after a few seconds raised a hand and gently touched the spot where she had been hit, wincing painfully as her fingers brushed against the quickly bruising skin of her cheek. Leo glowered at her before turning away and saying "You're pathetic. You let yourself get riled this easily by him? I thought you were stronger then that. Listen well Shadow Queen, our foe is used to using other peoples emotions against them. He did the exact same thing with the captain of squad ten of who's Bankai mine is so similar in appearance. Or...did you forget that little fact?" Leo remained silent for a whole minute, apparently expecting some form of answer. Receiving none, he clasped his hands behind his back as he continued. "You are apparently unable to hold your emotions in check at the present. Therefore, you shall take all that rage and anger you feel, and use it to fuel your powers. I shall use your powers and be as the eye of a storm. However, do not think that I don't feel as you do." As Leo finished that last sentence, he turns his head so that he can see Jenou, and she can see the expression on his face, a face that lesser gods and any sane mortal would be scared to see. "Sousuke Aizen shall feel the sting of our wrath, I promise you that." Leo turns his face forward once again, Jenou standing up behind him with a feral grin on her face. She was going to enjoy watching Aizen squirm.


Meanwhile, all Aizen had seen was Leo catching Jenou and being enveloped by an expanding shroud of shadows that writhed before reforming to show Leo standing with his hands at his sides and his zanpukuto sealed and sheathed. "It is not wise to speak ill of the dead Sousuke Aizen, especially one who is so near and dear to both our hearts." Leo raised his hand and opened it up so that his fingers so that his fingers were spread wide, the flat of his palm facing directly towards Aizen as the look he had shown Jenou reformed upon his face. "For this crime, you shall feel the sting of our wrath...GURABIREI!!!"


In that same moment, Ranmyaku had been trading blows with Gin for the last several seconds. He was however, beginning to grow tired of the stalemate that seemed to have occured, even though he wasn't really trying yet. Enough of this, I have business elsewhere first, then I can kill him at my leisure. Jumping back, Ranmyaku landed upright on his feet and thrust his arms first into the sky as a giant circle of shadow appeared, emanating from around him, then forward. No less then twenty tentacles that were complete round and ended in giant barbed tips at the end shot out of the ground where the shadow surrounding Ranmyaku was, all of them simultaneously shooting forward as the started to glow a bright white with other colors mixing in and growing brighter along with the white light. After the tentacles had slammed into Gin, no doubt blocked by him, the raised straight up and became level, looking like some type of columns. Ranmyaku had his arms folded, an unreadable expression on his face. Then suddenly, the tentacles started jabbing straight upwards, although they disappeared into a wavy light a full ten feet before they would have been at their movement limit. As this happened with each of them, they each reappeared directly in front of Gin, slamming into him before disappearing and reappearing in a quick and rapid succession. While this happened, Ranmyaku entered the room that Xerar and Saikou was in, having used his Prism of Chaos technique to create a single clone to fight in his place, and said "Why is it that you are not fighting, Xerar Fyurien? Don't tell me you're scared."


(Whamo-kun, please use this when referencing Leo's spells. {Remember, he is descended from Brago as well}.)

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Xerar smiled at Ranmyaku. "No I'm not scared, I just don't want him to get anything from me. I will take care of him myself. Go finish Gin. He should be getting three tails," as Xerar said this there was a burst of Reistu and Gin obliterated a hole in the floor. Aizen came in the room as well moving heavily as he was baiting Leo to follow him, smiling at there three of them. Four if he counted Jenou, but she couldn't really count could she, seeing as she was no longer physical but bonded with Leo. "Lets go. Saikou, I shall be your opponent."

The Quatra Espada smiled. "Finally an opponent. Yes, my abilities are ready. Let us begin." Saikou's reistu charged the air and suddenly invisible tendrils swatted at them. They were made of pure air. "Let me show you what this floor is, surrounded by nature, perfect for what I can do!"

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Matthew hesitated as the espada remained silent. "What?" He tilted his head to the side. "Aren't you going to threaten me, insult me, then launch an attack with a blunt instument that will be easily dodged or delflected?" Leo grinned at his version of an insult. "Thou art a comman-kissing milk-livered joithead! You dankish idle-headed footlicker!" Matthew continued to trash-talk with the silent arrancar, in shakespeare's way.

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Ranmyaku chuckled dryly, wondering if Xerar would have even considered starting his fight with Saikou if he had not been prodded into doing so by someone else. He then turns his attention to Aizen and frowns, thinking to himself that something felt out of place, or that there seemed to be something there that he had not noticed before. In that moment, he recognizes the feeling that he had felt upon entering this dimension, the feeling that told him that a Requiem Gem was near. It can't be. A second Requiem Gem, here in Los Noches de los Muertos? And yet Ranmyaku knew that his sense were not lying to him. What's more, he knew exactly where it was. The Requiem Gem was with Aizen.

Completely disregarding everyone else in the room, he walks directly up to Aizen, knocking away any stray attacks that came his way as he did so, and delivers a powerful upward kick to his chin that sends him flying into the air. As he brings his leg down again, he says "I believe that you have something which belongs to me.


As Aizen was sent flying into the air, Leo Shunpo'd into the room and saw what had been done. Perfect, now I can try using the new element that I have gained as one of my spells. Leo knew that what he was about to try was going to be a little tricky, but he had practiced using it before entering into battle when he was on his own, and so was confident that he could pull off what he was about to try. Looking up at Aizen, he opens his mouth and calmly says "Baou Shadouruga." A shadow seems to emanate from him, quickly shooting through the floor, up the walls, and over the ceiling. As Aizen reached the peak of his flight upwards into the air, a shadowy version of Baou appeared and struck him directly in the back, a Baou that was that was summoned using the shadow element. Finally, my training is starting to pay off. Now I can start using my spells in elements other then lightning.

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((I thought you already had one. Or is it the same in every dimension? Besides that's not supposed to be it YET. Don't worry, you'll have a reward as we leave))


Saikou’s reistu spiked a bit. Suddenly, there was a invisible block between Leo’s Attack and Aizen. Xerar stopped and was shocked, remembering what Aizen had been able to do with his abilities. Damn, I can’t look at him for a second. Not least until, I can figure out how the Espada are immune to it. “Ranmyaku! Leo! Avert your eyes! Fight him blind for now! Don’t even use avatars! We need to figure out what makes the Espada above him like Saikou immune to his Shikai.” Xerar closed his eyes and Daikaron began to stir. “Saikou, I don’t know what you just did but I have a feeling it involved your reistu. If this is the case well, we shall have fun! Black Shades!” A pair of black discs covered Xerar’s eyes, preventing him from seeing. However, they gave him the ability of targets. His head immediately snapped in the direction of Saikou, guided by the discs. Xerar sped over in that direction and from his hands a black reistu-like substance emitted from his hands as he erupted it to him. They formed a sort of poisonous cloud around him.


“Thanks. I’ve never been able to control Chaos before,” Saikou said calmly as his a green block of reistu formed and blocked & dissipated along with Xerar’s attack. However the shock of the blow sent Saikou plummeting towards the ground. His reistu became veiled in a shadow-earth-chaos covering as he rose up from a crater and smiled. “Now, how do you like sanity?” Saikou exclaimed before plummeting Xerar with his reistu. With each blow it pummeled him like a barrage of life-seeping boulders. Xerar couldn’t see the movements to stop them so he did as best he could to divert the attacks. But with Saikou using his reistu as an elemental weapon it’d be hard to stop him; it also made Xerar wonder what his Resurreccion was if he could wield this incredible power without it.


Aizen smiled as the blow stopped was stopped and he drew his blade; the Hogyoku began to transform his body. Only he knew his blades ability and he began to send waves of gray slashes forward out. He knew they would be countered but he was hoping on them to be dispersed, it would be a very mundane fight other wise. He wanted to use his Bankai, for he hadn’t had to in a while.


Gin’s third tail was forming as he began to decide attack Ranmyaku not wishin to be ignored. His third tail could lessen the power of reistu based attack as well as physical. But if he reached the fourth tail, no blade would hurt him and touching him would set someone ablaze. Gin grabbed Ranmyaku by the back of his head and pummeled his face into the ground. “Ran-ran-san! You have to focus! Aizen-sama built that Hogyoku himself, before you were even around. Come now, lets move on. I can control how fast and when my tails will appear. If you wish to make it, you’d better recognize them & my blade!” Gin’s Zanpaktou sped out and stabbed through Ranmyaku’s left shoulder and in to the back of Leo’s left abdomen before recoiling. Gin then proceeded to slice Xerar across his back. The boy realized that he might need to target all three of them if they wanted to win. He also knew they would need to be defeated soon if things were to go well, but that would require a good portion of energy. Hopefully, Xerar wouldn’t have to use his Bankai.

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Ranmyaku noted that he had been stabbed through the shoulder, but wasn'ty overly concerned. By now, his clone that he had created should have found someplace secret to use the prism of chaos technique. Sure enough, immediately after Gin had struck, no less then three hundred forty nine of his clones stormed into the room from all directions. they separated into three large groups. One took positions up on the ground, each summoning twenty tendrils that immediately started to glow with a multicolored light before striking upwards and disappearing into a wavy light. The ends of the tendrils then reappeared in unpredictable places around Saikou and Gin, knocking them around easily enough and causing damage with each blow. The second group took up positions in the areas that Aizen was sending attacks to. They rebounded each and every one of his attacks back at him, while at the same time they built up their reiatsu and used an attack that caused fist shaped energy attacks composed of shadow based energies to be unleashed upon Aizen. The third group stood nearby, waiting for the perfect moment to strike.


Leo was only just barely able to see Gin's attack coming in time to change the targeted area to pure shadow based energies so that it would pass through him, leaving him unharmed. That was close. If I had been but a little later, I would have been in some serious trouble. As he thought this, he looked up towards Aizen in time to see that his Baou had been blocked. Unfortunately for Aizen, it didn't matter how many times Baou was blocked in its shadow form. The only difference was that it would reform and continue attacking with a slightly weaker effect. However, Leo knew the perfect way to counter this. He appeared above in front of Aizen, with his Baou Shadouruga reforming behind him. "You know, it really doesn't matter how often you try to block this attack, it won't stop it. Especially if I do this." Leo raised a hand above his head to where his Baou was reforming and starting it's charge towards Aizen and said "Kumoruzemu!" causing several shadow based energy attacks to strike Baou Shadouruga, making it more then twice as strong with each hit. And I'm the only one that knows how to get rid of this spell. Leo thought to himself, although he knew that anyone who would have the time to think of it would figure out how to do it themselves. He wasn't going to allow that though.

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((I'm going to ban that move^^!Prism of Chaos lol))


Xerar smiled or was smiling. Saikou had placed him at an even match and well no matter how much he warned the two, it seemed as though they didn't listen to him. Suddenly a mass of shadows appeared in front of Xerar. The problem was he did not know they were there because well he had blinded himself so as to prevent him to being vulnerable to Aizen. However, he realized what was happening. Aizen was already manipulating Leo & Ranmyaku. "Guys Wa---," he was about to say as Gin sliced him across the back. This was annoying. Saikou's reistu struck at him with a shadow-like tendril as he made signs with his hands. "Dou:Meiji-Boukan!" Warriors molded and given life through Saikou's reistu took form, countering all of Ranmyaku's clones. It was a stalemate between them. Saikou had already came in contact with the reistu from Xerar's chaos and Leo's shadows, absorbed the earth manipulated the air and taken the offensive. Aizen's gray slashes stopped and made a brilliant explosion. Xerar could almost see what was going on, but barely. The clones that were near Aizen turned and faced their masters and began to attack, working alongside the warriors made by Saikou. In the midst of all this Gin was repeatedly slashing at Xerar, Ranmyaku, and Leo, landing blows here and there, enough to piss off even Xerar who was normally the calm one. Now it seemed as if he was fighting 5 vs 1 or 4 vs 1.5 since Ranmyaku wasn't coming to kill him completely. However, they stilol were under Aizen's control and they didn't recognize it. ((Yeah Aizen has gotten you, but don't worry just continue on fighting, and DO NOT REALIZE IT.))

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S.H.A.D.O.W. was soon involved in a head-on fight with Nnoitra in his Ressureccion. Dodging and parrying as quickly as he could, the Chaotic Being could only defend against so much. The rapidly striking six-armed Espada was keeping him firmly on the defensive. To keep up with the strikes, S.H.A.D.O.W. transformed his free left arm into the familiar form of a power sword. Now, able to parry at a much greater speed, S.H.A.D.O.W. had time to think over his situation and how to best get out of it. There really is only one way out of this. S.H.A.D.O.W. then began building up chaotic Reiatsu within his body, gradually increasing his reaction speed. He soon was easily matching Nnoitra's speed and was therefore able to knock the Espada back a few feet, all the opening he needed. Returning his left arm to normal, S.H.A.D.O.W. brought the longsword that was his shikai in front of his face, looking Nnoitra straight in the eyes.




Chaotic Reiatsu erupted out from S.H.A.D.O.W.'s body as the longsword dissolved and the Daemonic eye within it's hilt-guard levitated away from it and embedded itself within his forehead. A massive black crescent blade formed behind his back, a great handle running it's length. From either end of that handle, two great chains extended and connected to the twin four-foot Katanas that formed in his hands. He glared across at Nnoitra with all three of his eyes.


"Valde Niger Nex!"


The Combatants rushed each other and soon the space between them was a tangle of blades. Despite having four more arms than S.H.A.D.O.W., Nnoitra seemed to be on the defensive. For every strike Nnoitra tried to send at S.H.A.D.O.W. there was one coming at him. Nnoitra wasn't ready for what happened when S.H.A.D.O.W. sent a strike away from the Espada and into the ground. An explosion rocked the chamber and sent the Espada flying towards a wall. S.H.A.D.O.W. was then behind the Espada, and he delivered a simultaneous upward strike with both Katanas. the blades sailed easily through Nnoitra's shoulders, producing six massive explosions as the arms were completely torn apart. The armless Espada was now sent flying in the direction opposite S.H.A.D.O.W. who let out a sickening laugh of satisfaction.


"Well, how do you like that you weakling Daemon?"




"Is that all you have to sa-"




Nnoitra opened his mouth and let a great beam of yellow Reiatsu fly forth at S.H.A.D.O.W. who was soon engulfed in the blast. Thinking he had won, Nnoitra slowly stood up, starting to regenerate his arms. A moment later, the blast from the Cero was completely gone, sent flying away by a wave of what could only be called pure chaos. This was soon gone and left there was S.H.A.D.O.W. wielding his Bankai. However, his face was covered by a scowling Hollow mask, in the forehead of which was a spot for his third eye. All three eyes could only be seen as glowing red orbs in the mask. A moment later he was directly in front of Nnoitra, who looked like he had just soiled himself.


"Care to know the difference between us, Daemon? The difference between us, is that today I will live...and you will die."


With that, S.H.A.D.O.W. took hold of the handle of the gigantic crescent blade on his back, lifting it high into the air. Nnoitra crossed two of his regenerated arms above his head for protection and drove the remaining four forwards to impale S.H.A.D.O.W. as the crescent blade was brought down. An explosion rocked the chamber and the tower it was within The room filled with smoke stained red by blood. The smoke slowly began to settle, revealing a massive bloodstain upon the ground and the wall nearby. A familiar chaotic being appearing in the form of a Shinigami was calmly walking away from it, a pure white Katana in his right hand which he was flicking a small amount of blood off. The mask was gone from his face and the eye had returned to his blade. In a moment he sheathed the weapon and closed his eyes as he continued walking.

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Haro stumbled on until he came across Leo fighting Gin and Aizen. Haro paused and quickly tried to remember what he tried to learn about Gin and Aizen. "LEEEEEEOOOOO!!!" Haro shouted at the top of his lungs as he ran over and unsheathed his sword. He put his hand on Leos shoulder and smiled. "You remember me?" Haro had a pulse of pain from his last battle. "These guys are the top dogs, right? Dammit, I shoulda moved on to someone weaker."

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"You should stop worrying about that." Leo said as he dodged an attack that was sent his way by Gin and unsheathed his zanpukuto. "Strike down from the heavens. RAIKOUMARU!" Leo brought his zanpukuto behind him as the air surrounding him and Haro crackled with electricity, then swung it up and over his head before ending in a downwatrd stroke, causing Baou to appear and follow the swords movement before it turned to head off toweards Gin. "Now, Shadouruga!" At his words, the appearance of his sanpukutos Shikai state changed. Now it had the form of Baou Shadouruga of which continued heading towards Aizen, except that this one had lightning coursing through it.


Ranmyaku's clones continued their assault, and althought what he saw was Aizen being assulted by a myriad of attacks, in realitym his clones had thought that Aizen was standing where Xerar was facing Saikou, and so directed all of their attacks at him. Neither Ranmyaku nor his clones knew the truth of what was happening, affected as they were by Aizens Shikai. As such, they continued their assault on Xerar as Ranmyaku himself weas attacked by several of the clones that Saikou had summoned. "Think your tough eh? You're not even close to my level." Ranmyaku made several punching motions at the clones that Saikou had summoned, even though they were still out of his reach by a considerable distance. With each punching motion that he made, the chaotic reiatsu surrounding him extended and stabbed through one of the clones before retracting again in a rapid motion, leaving some of Ranmyakus reiatsu behind as they did so. After he had finished making his punching motions and implanting his own reiatsu inside of them, he snapped his fingers and caused a small explosion to take place within them, feeding off of the reiatsu of their hosts and creating a spherical blast of chaotic reiatsu that was ten feet in diameter with a ring surrounding it as it exploded outwards and faded. When the explosions faded, the clones were gone, and Ranmyaku found himself being charged at by more then twice the same number of clones as before. Geez, these guys just won't give up! He thinks to himself as he makes the same punching motions again.

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"Guess I cant hold back...damn..." Haro's sword started glow red as he shouted, "100 Pheonix Integration!" Once again, teh markings covered his body, but with one less. Haro flexed his musceles and was content with teh power this move gave him. "Leo! This move of mine, I know that it isnt near close to being able to beat them, but it can help. I can weaken them, but after the pheonix's are gone, I'll die." Tentacles of fire flew out of teh palms of Haro's hands and flew at Gin. "Pheonix Chainwhip!" 5 more of the pheonixs disapeared from Haro's body.

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Leo saw what Haro was doing and appreciated the help, but he did not like the thought of allowing someone else to kill themselves just to defeat an enemy. Stepping forward, Leo went into his Bankai state, and then entered his Shadow Form. He then encased Haro in earth infused with shadow energy to keep him from attacking. "Don't be a fool. You would fight using your Soul Fire as a weapon and recklessly put your life in danger? You have a long way to go, Haro. Part of becoming a warrior is knowing when to use your secret techniques. But more importantly, it's about knowing when not to use them. This is neither the time, nor the place. Leo flipped his zanpukuto so that it was pointing down towards the ground in front of him. "Just try not to break free, I don't need you getting yourself killed." As he finished speaking with Haro, he was suddenly encased in shadow energy that shot upwards from around him, creating a column of shadow energy that completely surrounded him. When it finally cleared away, his shakuhiko was replaced by a black outfit, and there was a dark mass of shadow energy surrounding him. To his left, Jenou had taken physical form once more and wore an identical outfit. "Finally, a chance to really start fighting. But what about Aizen?" Leo didn't even turn to look at Jenou as he said "Ranmyaku shall make sure that our vengeance is exacted. We have to stop Gin from getting to powerful." As one, Jenou and Leo moved and suddenly disappeared before reappearing in front of Gin and blasting him into the wall behind him. With the release of his Bankais second state, he had gained an ally to fight with, as well as gaining a considerable amount of power. "Lets get this started." Leo said as he raised his hands upward. Jenou imitated his movements and as one, they threw their hands forward, causing a massive amount of shadow energy to form behind them and shoot out a rapid stream of attacks in quick succession.

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Haro let the marks disapear off of his body, releasing his move. "Leo! Don't be an idiot! Listen, I've lived my life well, I've repented for my sins, and now, I know, that I must die the right way. I would gladly die helping a friend. I have an ace up my sleeve. There is one move of mine that could possibly kill Gin, there's no guarentee, but at the very least I can injure him. I need you to trust me, I want to help." Haro sheathed his sword and closed his eyes. "Leo. Let me do what I have to. Please."

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Xerar looked at Haro. What the Hell is he Doing??!!!! No F**king way am I gunna let him fall. We need him. We already lost Bossin & Abby, We are not losing another. Xerar took a black collection of energy and transferred the out going energy that was coming to him from Saikou's clones to Haro. About a hundred of the clones fell to the ground. Saikou was not pleased as he came to Xerar and started to attcak him blow for blow. The fight was getting more and more intense as Sakou's reistu expanded and allowed him to make more reitsu clones. "I will release my resuurecion in 5 secionds. Can you defeat me by then?"

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"Damn you Aizen." Ranmyaku appeared in front of Xerar, thinking him to be Aizen due to being affected by Kyoka Suigetsu. "I took you to lightly. I had no idea that you were able to destroy and absorb my clones like that." As he spoke, Ranmyaku's reiatsu suddenly spiked. "That is a mistake that I will not make again." Ranmyaku raised his hand into the air and caused all of his other clones that he had created to decompose back into the reiatsu that they each held within and absorbed it all into himself. "Now, you will see my true power." Ranmyaku's reiatsu spiked once again before suddenly exploding out and upwards. "FINALIZE: BLACK ACE!!!" After his transformation was complete, his reiatsu suddenly exploded outwards, causing s strong wind to blow outwards from where he was in the center. He then seems to suddenly disappear and reappear behind Xerar, his speed, strength, and power all greatly increased. "Die, Aizen!!!" he yells as he takes his sword that manifested in his hand and swings it down upon Xerar, whom Ranmyaku thought to be Aizen due to being influenced by Kyoka Suigetsu.

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Xerar was privy to some degree of what was happening but he could not figure out how the Espada where able to get past his illusionary techniques. It was annoying. And now, Ranmyaku was fighting him. In his Bankai. Xerar was not having it. He first set his sights on Saikou. He may have my power but that doesn’t mean he knows how to use it. Xerar thought to himself. “You realize that that isn’t going to help you by much do you? Nigli Underveil!” Xerar’s Zanpaktou and hands glowed as a blanket of Darkness overcame Aizen who was busy putting Ranmyaku’s clones to sleep. The attack caught him off guard and began to leech of his reitsu.


“Fufufufu. Boy, you are smart for that but how will you handle the others. And I will escape from this.” Aizen’s reistu spike a bit but Saikou felt odd. Then Xerar murmured something and from inside the blanket several poles of black flames erupted incinerating Aizen. He was not dead only weakened as his reitsu was dwindling. He huffed. Saikou was aware of what was going on but continued on for his brief lapses. He smiled absorbed his reitsu creatures not nearly at the extent of his current form. He did however, want to obliterate these nuisances as they stood in his way of becoming stronger for master. Suddenly there was a surge from his power as he fell drowsy from what was now Aizen’s gray chord affecting him.


“How in the hell is this happening? Saikou said with calm shock. Xerar smiled as he had used his technique to drain Aizen of his reitsu. Unfortunately, the Hyogyoku’s protective nature was starting to kick in as the veil surrounding dissipated in a gray flash that knocked a section of 20 clones to sleep before they were absorbed by Ranmyaku. He repeated this with about halve or 130 of Saikou’s creations. Xerar looked over to his surprise and saw that the clones were dissipating and turning into other creatures. Neither Hollow, Hount, Shinigami or Arrancar. In fact they looked like miniature Versions of Aizen with the Hyogyoku, except they had claws and bloodshot eyes and the hood aried for each one. Some of them were red and others were white, others were a blue-yellow mix, a few were purple and the rest were black. “Welcome Dragsilions. This is your dream. Terrorize Blue. Cringe Purple. Annihilate Red. Bleaken White. Vorligex Black. Or let me say it in the language they can understand, Vortex Black. This is the power of my Shikai; their dreams & to place you in one. You will just catch a glimpse of the Nightmare God for now. MWMUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!” The creatures howled a sound that was reminiscent of bawling wood and screeching glass. They attacked as Xerar saw Ranmyaku coming at him. He knew that he was under Aizen’s control but that didn’t mean he would like to fight him. He would have to reveal his new Slaysin Techniques.


Xerar dodged an attack from Saikou, slicing him to the ground and kicked him aside as Daikaron wrapped itself Ranmyaku absorbing a good chunck of his chaotic reistu. Saikou smiled glad that Xerar had foolishly pushed himself away from him. “Absord, ReishiiRyu!” The battlegroundwas not finished tipping yet. Gin’s fourth tail appeared, as he struck Leo down with incredible force brining down a section of the tower. He was still inrange of Aizen’s attack but the result of the last 15 seconds were clear. The battleground was indeed tipping in the Espada’s favor.

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"This is getting troublesome," Alvaro said as he cut through another of the Stark hounds. He Sonido'ed out of the way before the blast could affect him, and punched another Stark in the face as he reappeared. He jumped up, over two of the Stark Hounds, and deflected the blade of another of the Starks. He jumped up higher into the air, and 20 Stark Hounds followed him. He held his hands down at the ground. "Shadow Pressure!" he shouted, before a black wave of energy spread out from where his hand was. It caught all of the Stark Hounds, and they were frozen. He quickly dispatched them. He had to quickly hop back though, to avoid getting cut across the chest by the Stark who had just materialized in front of him. Another 20 Stark Hounds came up at his, and he held his hands out in front of him. From his arms erupted his blades, and they cut through ten of the Hounds. The other ten however, were too fast, and managed to avoid the blades. Alvaro opened his palms, before generating a mass of shadows that quickly covered the remaining hounds heading toward him. He closed them. "Shadow Compression," he said, and the ball of shadows was crushed to the size of a pebble, before dissipating completely. Alvaro's victory was short lived however, and he was kicked in the back by one of the Starks. He was sent flying into the fist of another one of the Starks. He managed to right himself in time, just to see 100 Cero's headed toward him. 'Crap' he thought, before increasing his reiatsu output to his Shadow Armor, just before the Cero's hit. When the smoke from the explosion cleared, Alvaro was standing, singing and panting, but relatively unharmed.


"You can't beat me," Stark said, surrounded by his six clones, and 1000 Stark Hounds. "You are strong, but numbers win every time," he said, before rushing at Alvaro. Alvaro stood there, too tired to move, until Stark was inches away from him. Alvaro suddenly smirked, before opening his hand and thrusting a compressed Shadow Cero at Starks chest. The Cero implanted itself, and Alvaro smirked again, before the Cero exploded with tremendous force, enough to blow Alvaro back 10 feet. He turned to the clones. "Sorry guys, but you should be dissipating in about ten seconds with the original dead," Alvaro said.


"IS that so?" A voice called from behind him, and whipped around to see the original Stark looking unharmed, and surrounded by 3 more Starks. There were now ten in total.


"Like I said, you can't defeat me," Stark said. "I am the original, but these Starks are not clones. They are me; they are part of my soul. If you want to kill me, you have to kill all of us," Stark said, before holding out both his guns at Alvaro.


"Very well," Alvaro said, but before he could move, one of the Stark appeared in front of him, and thrust an orb at his chest. No, it can't be Alvaro thought before he was hit, kicking up a large explosion.


"Yes," Stark said. "It is a Caja Negacion. While I'm sure that it won't keep you trapped for long, all I need is a few seconds." He held up his guns, and the other Starks followed suit. All of the Stark Hounds opened their mouths and began gathering energy. "Ressurecction Dance- Segunda Etpa: Obcure Grand Cero: Ultimate Onslaught." All of the Starks fired 10,000 Obscure/Grand Rey Fusion Cero's at Alvaro, followed by 1000 Grand Rey Cero's from the Stark Hounds. Alvaro's world became a mass of Red and Black, and all he could do was close his eyes before he was hit.


The explosion from the blast was enormous. 100 feet away, the highest tower in Las Noches was obliterated by the force of the blast, and Hueco Mundo began shaking as the very core of the realm was rocked by the attack. All of the Starks covered their eyes with their hands.


"Is it over," Stark asked, when the blast died down, and all that was left was smoke. "I think it is but..." He waited for a minute, then two minutes, then three minutes. Nothing happened. "Ha. It seem's that I won," he said.


As soon as the words left his mouth, a wave of black reiatsu exploded out of the smoke, nailing a Stark Hound.


"I...don’t...think so," Alvaro said, panting as the Shadows covering him dissipated. "That... attack was strong," he began. "I didn't think I would be able to get it into the portal quickly enough. Even with that, I only managed to siphon off 63 percent of the attack." He stopped and grasped his chest. "It's my own fault really. I know I shouldn't play around, but I do. Well, not this time," he said. "Now, I end it." With that he held out his sword. "Shadow Dance," he shouted, before vanishing. 100 Stark Hounds exploded as they were cut through, but they had not been Alvaro’s target. No, his target was as high as he could get, directly in front of the sun. "It ends here," he said, as his reiatsu spiked. "I was waiting fort this time, when the sun is highest in the sky, and I am at my most powerful. Witness the ultimate technique," He shouted, to an awed Stark. Once Stark however jumped up at Alvaro, before being grabbed by a Shadow Tendril and thrown to the ground.


Alvaro held his hand out, and his Zanpaktou materialized there. "Cosechar de Sombra, Reaper of Shadows, heed my call. Blacken the Night and Strike fear into the enemy’s hearts. With light as our ally, and with Darkness as our Strength, I can't lose. Resurrección: Cosechar de Sombra: El Secreto Sombra de Eclipse: Lluvia de Meteoritos." (Release: Reaper of Shadows: Secret Shadow Eclipse: Meteor Rain)


He began gathering a massive amount of shadows on his blade, which formed a large ball, which began moving slowly toward the sun, cutting off the light from it. A larged bolt of black energy flew from from the sky and impaled one of the Stark hounds. It exploded, crying feebly. Everything was silent for a second, and then...All hell broke loose."


From the sky, a meteor shower of Shadow energy began falling. Hundreds of thousands of these shadow balls began falling from the air, exploding on contact and demolishing anything in their path. The explosions were so great, that eveything was obscured by the smoke. For a full minute, shadow meteors rained down on Las Noches, obliterating everything, before it finally stopped and the smoke cleared. Alvaro glanced down. Las Noches had been reduced to a pile of rubble, and Stark was lying on the ground, his sword broken, his body beyond repair. Alvaor flew down to him.


"Guess...guess I was wrong," Stark said, before coughing slightly, closing his eyes, and crumbling into dust that was scattered with the wind.


Alvaro however did not have time for rest. "The real battle begins soon," he said to himself as he concentrated, searching for a specific reaitsu. "Found it," he said before he bgan rushing over, towards Ze'borova's battle.

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Leo blocked with the Ragna blade as he was slammed downwards. As he did a back flip to land on the ground safely, he summoned a Baou Shadouruga to slam down upon Gin from above. The normal rules seem to no longer apply. Either that, or I have grown more powerful then I had anticipated. To think that I would be able to use other spells, and my own without naming them first. As the Baou Shadouruga crashed down on Gin from above, Jenou appeared behind him and began using the Ganreizu Shadouruga spell. At the same time, Leo aimed his hand at the area directly beneath Gin and used his first Teo spell since losing almost all of his spell casting abilities. "Teo Kumoru!" speaking the name of the spell as he cast it, black lightning shot up from the ground and shot through and over Gin, more then twice as powerful then if it had been used without being named. In that moment, there was a Giant explosion as Alvaro's attack began smashing into the ground everywhere on the battlefield. While continuing his attack, he summoned a large amount of Shadow based reiatsu to form a shield all around him and protect him from Alvaro's attack, not worried in the least about Jenoun since she could easily use Gin as a shield against Alvaro's attack.


Ranmyaku swung at Xerar just as he disappeared and launched an attack at Saikou. This didn't make any sense to him, or at least wouldn't if he hadn't remembered what Aizens Shikai was capable of. Realizing that the one that he was attacking was not Aizen, he noticed that Aizen had summoned his Dragsilions. Before he could move to attack them, one of them latched onto him. What a fool. Does it really think that it stands a chance? Ranmyaku didn't know what the Dragsilion that was latched onto him was capable of, but he wasn't about to wait to find out. He stabbed it with the blade that he had summoned and unleashed a small amount of his own chaotic reiatsu into the creature. As a result, it started disappearing from the inside out, and within a single instant, was gone as if it had never existed. Not willing to allow him to fall prey to another Dragsilion, he began teleporting around and destroying all of the Dragsilions within reach. Each time he teleported, there was an afterimage that slowly faded away as energy and didn't completely disappear until his fourth teleportation afterwards. Each time he teleported, he slashed a Dragsilion and then left and allowed his reiatsu to do the work for him. It may not work on the more powerful enemies as immediately, but this hidden technique of mine is very useful indeed. Ranmyaku gave a feral grin as he continued destroying one Dragsilion after another. He was enjoying the opportunity of destroying these peons of the weak. Suddenly, there was a massive explosion as all hell broke loose and Alvaro was assaulted by meteors from the Sky. Knowing that it would be almost impossible to avoid Alvaro's attack, he poured his own energy into the Life Aura that was surrounding him and turned it into a weapon. He then flew into one of the Dragsilions and completely destroyed it just by touching it with the energy infused Life aura. With the destruction of one of them, Ranmyaku modified the energy in his Life Aura so that it would recognize and automatically seek out those who had similar energies and destroy them. In this way, he destroyed more then half of the Dragsilions before the dust finally cleared, and continued assaulting them in the same manner even though he was now able to see again, a feral grin on his face the whole time. What a bunch of pathetic weaklings.

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Haro closed his eyes and mumbled under his breath. "Brother. I shall repay my debt to you. I will keep my word and not let my friends die." Haro opened his eyes, and 94 Pheonix marks appeared on his body. "I'm sorry Leo, but I gotta keep a promise I made a long time ago." Haro smiled and ignited his arm in flames, causing 2 Pheonix marks to disapear. He punched the barrier holding him back hard enough to cause an opening. Haro squezed out and walked forward. "I'm not going to sit back. Leo. Let me help you."

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"Oh ho Ho," Aizen said dodging the attacks headed for Ranymaku. "Your the one Gin Told me about. Well I do want the events of this fight to be intrguing so, lets show some real power. Bankai," Aizen said as his face turned into a sadistic smile. "Welcome to your nightmare. Here is a glimpse of my power. Granui," a gray beam came as Saikou began to make giant creatures of stand. They were massive beasts like apes and Absol-like creatures. They were composed entirely of stone. Azen's attak hit Ranmykau straight in his face and he began to get drowsy. "Since you are already subject to my Shikai, your are a pawn for my Bankai. Your movements are no longer your own Ranmyaku Shadou. I control your body. I control what ever you do and, because of my attack drift into your nightmare. You may think you are strong but this will weaken you mentally and physically as well as mentally. And It is permanent. But I'm not done." he creatures Saikou had just created fell down in a sleep as they became possesd by Dragosilions. Then Aizen made the henchman appear from niothing. He created thenm. He was the master of the Nughtmares and he would turn them into his reality. "All I need to do is simply needed to put you to sleep and you would be under his control as long as I live. I can make the nightmares plague you at any time and you will be my slave. Such is the power of My Kyuko Suigetsu Zasu Kiwaminaki Naitomea." Xerar didn't witness any of it but he knew that they would have to overcome it.


Dammit! Aizen has to die first! I know its somethingconcrening his reistu But what?!! It's like he's intent on being a god.Think Xerr, think.....Sh*T Saikou!" Xerar thought. The Espada charged forward sending a chaotic blast, complete chaos, at Xerar and Leo in the midst of his generation of creatures. He dropped a bit of reistu but by doing so he managde to give the creatures there own reistu independent of his. They ran forward beings of Chaos, Lightning, Shadows, Earth, Air, and now from the change in scenerary, Fire. Xerar took the choas blast outright to the face and it covered him utterly. Then something happened that hocked everyone. Xerar ate the chaos energy that was just shot at him. "Chaos won't work on me, any more. Lets fight." The creatures roared as the fightintensified.

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