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The most evil thing you can do with machines is



Future Fusion (EVERY MACHINE YOU HAVE LEFT IN YOUR DECK (1 must be cyber dragon)


Overload Fusion (Remove every fusion monster that you sent by future fusion from play)


summon the big beast probably 15 monsters at least



12000Atk can attack 15 times

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I like Spellcasters because they seem to have hidden wisdom, and I love using some of their many combos to scare the crap out of my opponent.


And I really love using Fairys because no one ever expects them to be a threat, so when I pull out my Archlord (or Neo-Parshath, depending on the deck) and see the astonished look on their face as I destroy every monster they control, (or summon a +5000 Atk monster) it makes me very happy XD

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