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Field Spell contest [Finished]


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TL;DR: This will almost entirely be played as "Blow something up every time I synch". There aren't many Synchro engines that can work reliably with the RFG, but running DD Survivor or Scout Planes would no doubt become somewhat viable. I see this as powerful, an maybe making some other synchro engines more viable, but it overall feels like it would mostly be just as helpful as not, and most people would rather avoid the chance of clogging and probably side this at best.


It can see play, but I doubt it'd really make much impact. 35/50 since that gives me space to rate cards above or below this, and it's not terrible or perfect enough that I'd expect it to hit either end of the scale.





The first part means that you'd probably only want to use this in a desperate spot. That means you're losing, and might not have time to get many counters. I personally wouldn't want to limit myself from making any attack, and you'd be very lucky to get 1000 ATK from this, which I'd rather get with Solidarity, which lets me make the push quicker. Stall in this form will never be effective, and the ATK boost isn't worth it. I don't see this getting much use. 20/50.



Usable outside of Barriers, makes Barriers much more playable since they can hardly swarm, yet need multiple monsters. I see this as highly viable, very nice. 40/50.



I have to assume the last bit means negate. So the effect is:

Pyro ATK+500. Pyro =/= destroyed by effects.

Seems to be unbelievably effective, but only Volcanics, Lavals and Neo-Flamvells are Pyro-heavy Decks (and terrible lolburn things). None of those would become remotely overpowered with this. In fact, Volcanics would still be better as an engine, and probably wouldn't use it, Lavals... well, Lavals suck since I'm pretty sure Konami's only half way through releasing them. Neo-Flams could use it, but without built-in protection, return if it's destroyed, or an effect to quickly get advantage, I'm unsure if it would see heavy play. Either way, it's somewhat viable there. I'll give it a solid mid-range 25/50.


Blaze Pyro:

I'd prefer Solidarity for the ATK boost, even if this is less restrictive, but that might just be me. The last effect looks mostly useless, but I'll assume it's not just for that turn, which means it could allow the monster to be run over next turn. Both effects are decent, and together it might see some play, but Hopeless runs enough high-levels that I doubt they'd want to risk the inconsistency. 23/50. Possible tech, but the main Dragon Deck would probably question including a Field Spell at all.

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Resonating Lust:

Lightning Vortex makes this a two-card OTK. Broken beyond belief. 0/50.



Banned, cannot claim prize



Solid Warriors get +400 ATK and can search back Stratos or something later. Having run most Solid Warrior builds, I have to say that I probably wouldn't use it, especially since the 'opponent' clause stops a lot of the fun from Geartown. I'm going to say that this is kinda runnable, and might go over a Solidarity in some builds, but even if it did, it wouldn't change much. 27/50.


Klavier Gavin:

Considering that Cores are generally formiddable enough already when splashed I worry about what taking away all their effects, then making them not lose any advantage when destroyed, would do. With this, I could easily see some sort of Koa'ki meta. As powerful as it is though... well, I'd really rather test this before I say anything, but I really think that with also including the self-protection, anything not drawing Caius is going to have some trouble with this, and even then, Guardian and all the other Koa'ki jank would probably stop him. Insane consistency and other things besides... I'm going to have to label it broken. I just can't see an archtype based around having hard conditions being balanced with those removed, then constant +1s in a self-protecting form added. 18/50



Nothing uses Mystic Plasma/ect. While Zombies are above attribute-Decks, at least most of the time, and lack ATK, I think they'd rather be synching more than use this. Six well-known fields evidence that this would see no play. 5/50.



All of it is nice, and the first effect is nice, but the last effect is the important one here. For those who can't see why:




Not just that, but Christia and the Heralds would all no doubt love the constant returning. Skipping your draw does make it a more fair +0. I'm not sure where this would see most play. Perfect Herald, the top Fairy-Deck, tends to avoid running many spell/traps and I doubt it'd go for a field. Counter Fairies might like it, and I'd use it there, but I don't see the impact as dominating. 'The old fairy meta', by which I assume you mean the Agent of Planets and LP gaining, would certainly benefit somewhat, but I doubt enough to really see play since they're a bit weak overall. I guess that this card helps Fairies and the old meta without changing enough to be broken. If someone made those Decks, this would definately see play. A solid 35/50 seems deserved.

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Cimmerian Coruscation:





These seem to have left YCM.




First effect, protection good.

Hand RFG: mostly useless

Monster Summon: Works with Sangan and a couple others... not very useful

Destroy 1 card: This is very nice... but it lacks any other effect to make this worthwhile


Possibly some play in Decks that can use monsters on their opponent's turn... but I don't see much use in this at all. 10/50.


Final results:

2 Reps to Frex, 1 to Seph and Were-Vasto.

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