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Pokemon: Anthro Region [started/accepting] (PG-13) - OOC

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Well, a few legends, Dailgia, Palkia, Suicune, and Articuno, had all met, discussed the emerging Dark-Anthros, and Dialgia gave the Legends a stone that can be used to contact him. In a place closer to you, Viena offered to show Arron a way to the river that he was looking for, but on their way they heard a cry back the way they came. It sounded like Breon, so they rushed back to make sure that you and Breon were okay. By the time we got back, we only heard the part about the serlling the dilouted Mystic Water. Both Viena and Arron were taken aback at this, and reverted to their pokemon forms. They didn't believe that it was the correct method of solving the warlord problems. Viena suggested that, as Anthros, we should be able to take down the Warlords with relative ease. Breon then reveiled that the Warlords were Anthros, and powerful ones at that. Arron went into the type advantages him and Viena would have against the Warlords. Viena continued by saying that the Warlords may have a tough time when they aren't the only Anthros in the area, and that the villagers would be more likely to follow us then the Warlords. Breon then stated that she had been hired by some rebels down in the valley, and they would have a new form of government. However the pokemon were a Houndoom, Sneasel, and Gengar, and she realized that she had been duped. The latest posts have been Arron and Viena trying to get Breon to trust them. Arron mentioned that he may be able to wipe the minds of her employers clean, if he can get close enough to them. Since then, Arron had his mind probed by Eveon, who he had blocked, and only showed a few parts of his past to. Then, a new Dark Anthro has entered the picture, but he hasn't been seen yet.


That's a basic summery.

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Guest TheFinalFan
Name: Afeon
Anthro Species: Leafeon
Type: Grass
Gender: Male
Anthro picture/link: http://browse.deviantart.com/?q=Anthro Leafeon&order=9&offset=0#/d2cshdt
Normal picture/link: http://archives.bulbagarden.net/media/upload/f/f5/470Leafeon.png
Bio: Afeon is the older brother and third cousin to Breon and Eveon. He acts first, and talks later. His definition of strategy involves beating anything in his path senseless. He doesn't use his own type's moves, but prefers physical attacks.
Personality: Outgoing and energetic, he doesn't have two brain cells between him. He has a weakness for pretty women, such as his one second cousin.

Name: Aceon
Anthro Species: Glaceon
Type: Ice
Gender: Female
Anthro picture/link: http://browse.deviantart.com/?qh=§ion=&q=Anthro+Glaceon#/dwv761
Normal picture/link: http://archives.bulbagarden.net/media/upload/2/23/471Glaceon.png
Bio: Aceon is the younger sister of Afeon, and a third cousin of both Eveon and Breon. She decided that combat training wasn't for her, so she took up reading. She became very bright, but is still easily pushed around by Breon, who asked the two of them to join her as mercenaries. Aceon now works as the brains of the group.
Personality: Shy and reserved, she doesn't like to be around her coniving cousin Breon and her outgoing older brother Afeon, but she has a slight crush on Eveon. She is very intelligent, but she rarely speaks her mind.
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Ummm FinalFan.....ONE appli. per person UNLESS I let you be a legendary OR I let you have an DarkAnthro because we need them. As of now the only ones that have more then appli are: Spartan/Dark Mark/ANBU_Leader/Master Fury and me.

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Okay.. Give me a moment, and I'll edit this post or make a new one with the info.


EDIT: There you go.


Okay, a few legends, Dailga, Palkia, Articuno, Suicune, Groudon, and Kyoger apparently. Went to the forest where the our Anthro's were at, and believe it or not, the Currupted Arceus and Girantina were too. A short battle took place, and all of the normal anthro's are at New Moon Island I believe. Oh yeah, Arron made Groudon mad, Glane learned that he may not be the only Dark Anthro now, everyone is introducing them selves to the Legends, and we learn that Shado is a Dark Anthro. That's about it so far.

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