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Club Nerd: Nerds Reborn! Rise from the Ashes!

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How can you pass out in a nerdy way? Ps. Did you really pass out? BTW, this hasnt really been reported ya'know.


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Hey strat! I'm gonna find u a lot of pics, and make a booster pack for them, and then I'm gonna make it so if you click on the booster pack, it goes to a page with all of the pics! I like doing everything in a fun way. :D

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*Raises hand*


Tae Kwon Doe' date=' actually. In fact, I just got home from a class



What belt are you? I was only white-yellow stripe, but then came over here, and was really close to pure yellow, but they suck at teaching over here, so I quit. I'm thinking about joining mix martial arts. Also, how dare you call urself a nerd! You mispelled taikwando! It's one word, not three, and you completely spelled it wrong!

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[spoiler=Our newest recruit!]



If you look closely' date=' you can tell it's actually a baby with a fake beard, a hat, and glasses! Still, he would make a great nerd, given the proper training.



Who votes I add this picture to 'Nerd Spy'?

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Lol. I spelled it wrong too!

I did! I figured out what it stands for! I just dont remember... BTW, purple is like the 4th belt, right? The way we did it back at waldport, was first, we had white. Then, we got white yellow stripe. Then we got yellow. Then we got yellow blue stripe. Then we got blue. And so on...

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Guest Dementuo

My belt system is White, Yellow, Orange, Purple, Purple-Blue, Blue, Blue-Green, Green, Green-Red, Red, Red-Brown, Brown, Brown-Black, Student Black (Black-White), then Black.

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Lol, I feel left out. I don't take taekwondo. You guys were both wrong. It has an I at the beginning like strat said, but doesn't have an e at the end. Lol. I looked it up. Oh, and even though I don't take Taekwondo, or other forms of fighting, I could still kick your guys' butts. I have sheer brains, and brains beat brawns every time. For example, we had been fighting japan forever in world war 2. We had rifles, bombs, machine guns, swat teams, and much more, and we still couldn't win! Then, Einstein came along, and defeated them without even lifting a finger. He invented the atomic bomb, which the president used to bomb japan twice. Then they surrendered, and russia, not constantly being attacked by japan, could finally gather enough troops to attack germany, and defeat them as well. Then, from the idea of the atomic bomb, we came up with the idea of the nuculear ones. If not for that, we wouldn't be the strongest country in the world, except for the nerd one that is. And, it was all because of einstein, who did it with only the knowledge he had, and the things he could learn. Oh, and by the way, Einstein wasn't even a weapon specialist. He worked with things like how the sun worked, and dark matter. So, as I said, brains beats brawns every time.

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Mine is:













And we're nerds. We know that brains beats brawns. We all do. So just because you have brains, doesn't mean you can kick the butts of the rest of our brains.


Einstien was a nerd. Totally a nerd.

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Guest Dementuo

We use the Camouflage for the Summer Camps:










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Who cares about the spelling?! I care so little, I didnt even bother to read the last 9 lines!


Here's my belt system.













Then I'm pretty sure it keeps going like elite black, or black 2nd degree, or something like that.

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