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Wow. I haven't felt this out of place since...


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...I don't think I've ever felt this out of place.


I guess I should introduce myself/explain some stuff.


My name is Rhianna, I got the nickname Rhiannaers from Sean Kennedy (lead singer for Tickle Me Pink). I am twenty years old and not in university. I duel with a deck that is primarily cute monsters (e.g., Watapon, Kuriboh, Rescue Cat) and it's a surprisingly decent deck.

I'm a bass guitarist who is not currently in a band, but is looking for one. I'm also bisexual, a vegetarian, and in a relationship.


I got into YGOTCG because of an old friend (who's beaten me nearly every time we've played, and I'm determined to make a deck that will smash him every time) and recently (after watching the entirety of YGO:TAS) I've started playing more and more, as opposed to hardly ever. Anyway, that's all I got to say about how long I've been playing (which is about five years, I'm still not sure about the real rules of this game either...).


Before I made this topic I was browsing the other threads, and I keep seeing terms like "ebi" and I have NO idea what they mean. Translation please?

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Hello and welcome to the Yugiohcardmaker (or YCM) forums. We hope that you enjoy your stay here. Just take a moment to read the rules in order to avoid problems in the future. Don't forget to take your complimentary gift basket filled with assorted fruits and cheeses. If you have any questions whatsoever, do not hesitate to ask me or another user for help.


(shoots robot)


Man, always with the lame monotone robots. Anyway, glad to have you aboard. We should get along fine (since you like cute monsters).

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Welcome to Der Riese YCM.


Do not touch my Red Kool Aidz.


Do not touch my banana nut muffins.


Do not activate the Die Glocke.


Do not touch my adopted son.


Do not touch my wife Bridget.


Do not troll or I'll torture you, and force you to kill your family, then commit incest with their dead mutilated bodies.


Do not spam or I'll force your own hand down your fat throat.


Do not create another account or I'll sow your hands together.


Do not flame or I'll burn your most beloved to death.


Do not adbot or I'll shove a sock full of quarters down your throat.


Do not act like a idiot in the TCG or I'll skull f*** your dumb ass.


Enjoy your stay at Auschwitz YCM and do not cross me.

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